Glitter bottles, taken with Iphone
“The main thing that ever helped mothers was other people mothering them; a chain of mothering that keeps the whole shebang afloat.”
– Anne Lamott
I want to share something that my pal Jena Strong sent out this morning. It says it all so beautifully… Thank you Jena! and happy Mother’s Day to all of you!
Whether or not a baby has ever miraculously come out of your body, you are a mother. You have helped mother me, or your sister, or your girlfriend, or your cousin, or your neighbor, or a stranger. You have wiped a tear or a bottom. You have given counsel. You have talked someone you love off a ledge. You have nurtured and natured and gently nudged her to keep going when she was sure she couldn’t. You have read a storybook, shoveled a walk, waved across the parking lot, not even realizing you were saving someone’s life.
This is so beautifully written. I think I’m going to have to make a copy and put it in my journal. Thank you for sharing such lovely words.
absolutely wonderful photo.
(and quotes!)
I agree! Mothering is such an important role we can play in each others’ lives. To me it means supporting one another, helping each other along, and being that friend when no one else will listen. Happy Mother’s Day to you!
I love this. Love it so much.
Look at us all here on this planet – giving birth to ideas and dreams and new ways of being and then mothering them – in ourselves and each other – to maturity.
So beautiful.
This is AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing!!! I think Mother’s Day should be more a celebration of women everywhere, and I feel like these words express exactly why. Thank you.
So beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear today. Happy Mother’s Day to us all!
Both of those quotes are so full and beautiful. Thank you.
a wonderful quote for “the rest of us”. thank you.
and hope you enjoyed a beautiful mother’s day, yourself.
Sigh. Thank you.
Finding out I was pregnant has had me stressing about how I was going to handle being a single mother. Thank you! These words are exactly what I needed to instill some calmness in me today.
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I could not agree more. The act of nurturing another person or simply offering a little compassion is the very thing that makes us human. Compassion for others is the secret to true and in depth happiness.
I love the quote from Anne Lamott~ is it part of an essay? I’m a postpartum doula and I’d love to find it. 🙂
I appreciate so so much that second quote after walking through yesterday feeling ashamed and sad to be a childless, single woman. That quote validated and made me feel I belonged and was not a useless, worthless being because I’m not a mother by my age. Thank you!
so true and beautifully written!
Oh yes! It’s such a tribute to our families of choice (in addition to our families of origin). Yes, yes, yes!
thank you for this 🙂