39 weeks today


Nope, no baby yet! and no castor oil omelets yet either, but I’m feeling ready. Bring it on baby boy!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. f

    yes, come on boy

  2. Caroline

    Any time now! I know you want him out now but it would be kinda cool if he came right on his due date… kinda, lol 🙂

  3. Keri

    28th is my guess. Good luck!

  4. Jennifer

    I’m thinking of you these last few days…good luck!!

  5. vivienne

    i love their lil’ note! such a sweet way to ask for an update!
    i’ll be thinking of you lots in these coming days!

  6. kerry

    A Halloween baby boy….what a cool birthday – Oct 31st……Hang in there….lovie….

  7. Mary

    Ohhh good luck. I think of you often and sending all sorts of everything positive your way.

  8. emily

    All the best to you in the coming days. You look great. (In last post’s photo)
    Now to go through all the “what to pack for the hospital” posts, as I’ll be throwing one of those bags together myself soon.

  9. Puanani

    Yeehee! Come on, Baby!!!!

  10. Leah

    I’ve heard of taking castor oil to induce labor but in an omelet? I’m sure it won’t be necessary to resort to that (my “last meal” was pizza and root beer … mmmm).

  11. Carrie S.

    I think that’s one of the things I miss most about city living (we’re out in the country now): having neighbors be able to just swing on by and leave you a message. I love that it’s in chalk.

  12. Victoria Winters

    Good luck Andrea!!!!
    And remember when I asked you about having a 2nd a few months ago??? I’m expecting #2 in May! 😉
    Can’t wait to see your new baby!!!!

  13. Dreaming Bear

    So exciting! Sending you lots of hugs!

  14. Ami

    Hey there. Just popping in.
    My first was born at 36 weeks and 3 days, but I had to evict my second after his due date came and went — he was over 9 lbs, and I was walking around 6+ cm dialated for over two weeks. I had been opposed to inducing, but I’m glad we did in the end b/c I’m afraid he would have fallen out if I had waited until my body finally kicked him out! Good luck. Can’t wait to see your newest family member!!

  15. jmbh

    Oh, Andrea. . .don’t do the castor oil. At 42 weeks I did. . .I was about to be induced. It works, but your body just doesn’t work as fast as the castor oil and it led to a VERY long labor!
    Good luck and blessings on baby number 2. He’ll come when he’s ready!

  16. Puanani

    Just checking in to see if you have a wee babe in your arms yet…

  17. Michelle Shopped

    i’m feeling for you sister! he must totally love it in there and funny thing is, they come when they’re good and ready…keep the faith! love and hugs…

  18. mamie

    hi andrea…. i was just thinking about you, baby boy and ben and matt. sending super good birthing vibes to you and the family. my sister in law is just a week behind you and waiting on her first, a little girl. all this new baby energy is making me giddy. hope all is well and cannot wait to see the next shining face added to your family. xo a

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