really good things*


Some really good things:

Maggie’s post celebrating what she’s learned from Oprah. Check out the comments too… so much wisdom in there!

If you somehow missed this, you won’t be sorry you gave a listen. It is one of the SWEETEST things I have heard in a long time.

If you ever wanted to invest in Danielle LaPorte’s Firestarter Kit (now called the Spark Kit), today is the day! It’s her birthday and it’s a pay-what-you-can special! Happy Birthday Danielle!

On Sunday I went to a FABULOUS wedding. It started out innocently enough, in a small Greek Orthodox church in the Mission in San Francisco. But afterwards, we were all invited to participate in a 3- hour bicycle procession through the streets of San Francisco to the Cliff House for the reception. The groom was Gary Fisher who you might know if you have ever owned a mountain bike. (He is one of the inventors of the mountain bike) There was a wide range of options for every generation that attended the wedding– pedicabs, electric bikes and regular bicycles and let me tell you, there is nothing better than bicycling through the city with a hundred new friends in the sunshine wearing tuxes and fancy dresses! One of the highlights of my life for sure. I beamed the whole way and kept shouting, “This is the best day ever!!”

pedicab.jpg gary_alex.jpg

And speaking of weddings + good things, Matt and I were married 8 years ago today in Santa Barbara. I know I was saying the same thing that day as well, “This is the best day EVER!” There were no bicycles but there was a parade just the same. We had our guests play/bang on musical instruments in a kind of raucous and joyous cacophany of sound as they strolled up to the ceremony site. I’ll never forget it. Maybe for our ten year anniversary we’ll get on bikes! Happy Anniversary Matt! There’s no one better for me than you.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. jen v

    happy anniversary to you! the love the two of you share is so evident. enjoy your day!

  2. Catherine Just Seiner

    Happy Anniversary!!!!! SO wonderful and so happy for you!
    hey – I went to buy the Fire starter series but it didn’t say Pay what you can – or anything like that. Is there something I’m missing? I’d LOVE to purchase it!
    Your life feels and looks so wonderful from here! Sending you much love and hugs!

  3. playcrane

    What a good day!

  4. cjm

    Happy anniversary! Love the picture of the two of you. You’re looking fantastic post-baby and your husband cracks me up. And I love the idea of bicycling in finery. 🙂

  5. Megan

    What an amazing wedding! And happy 8 years to you and your love!
    I also wanted to buy the Firestarter kit on special, but it’s not working. If Danielle is checking these comments, happy birthday and please help 😉

  6. Jennifer

    Makes me realize that I’ve been reading your blog since your wedding! Congratulations to you both! I went back through some of your archived posts because I remembered that you’d posted photos somewhere – found ’em. You look like you’re having as much fun now as you did then. I’m sure it’s hard, of course, but the point I think I’m trying to make is that when you’re happy for yourselves and are surrounded by people that are happy for you then it’s all good…

  7. melissa

    happy anniversary…wishing you both many more love-soaked years. xo

  8. Megan

    Andrea, happy anniversary! You look gorgeous and radiant! Also, HOLY GOD is your husband HOT. Shewwwwwwwwwwt!

  9. Shani

    Holy cow! We saw you guys! We were at the skate park at 6th/Fulton and we all cheered for you. Awesome.

  10. Shani

    Holy cow! We saw you guys! We were at the skate park at 6th/Fulton and we all cheered for you. Awesome. Happy Anniverary!

  11. Jennifer

    oh my gosh I love this! What a fun day.
    Happy anniversary to you and Matt. xoxo

  12. Megan

    Just wanted to report back that the Fire Starter Kit is working now!

  13. Sunny

    What a great day! I bet it was quite a sight.
    Happy Anniversary! For some reason, I had it down in my calendar as the 26th. I must have screwed up one year when I transfer from calendar to calendar. We hope you had a wonderful day!

  14. Christine @ Coffees & Commutes

    That sounds so very incredible! What a fabulous way to celebrate.
    As an aside Andrea, I’ve been wanting to send you a message to thank you (and Jen, who I will also send a message to) for the amazing things that are happening to me post Mondo Beyondo. So much I could say, but I won’t snafu your comments.

  15. Christine @ Coffees & Commutes

    That sounds so very incredible! What a fabulous way to celebrate.
    As an aside Andrea, I’ve been wanting to send you a message to thank you (and Jen, who I will also send a message to) for the amazing things that are happening to me post Mondo Beyondo. So much I could say, but I won’t snafu your comments.

  16. pippin

    I use to ride Gary Fisher’s bikes when I raced mountain bikes in college. It was bright green with no suspension. Looks like the wedding season is upon us, less than I a month away I say ‘I do’.

  17. Mariella

    How fun!! Gave me the chills imagining the thrill of that ride! And, Happy Anniversary!! My hubby and I were married in Cambria 10yrs ago this Sept….gotta think of a special way to celebrate!

  18. Puanani Leal

    I just saw that you will be at The World Domination Summit! Please come for tea while you are here….Xoxo.

  19. Michelle Shopped

    i have one of his bikes — it musta been fun!

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