poppies at the magic hour

poppies at the magic hour, Berkeley, CA, Canon Digital Rebel XSi

If I am quiet these days, it is only because I am working hard on creating THE MOST AWESOME class for you guys. Seriously, it’s going to be amazing! To get in the mood I have been taking walks every night at the magic hour. Even fifteen minutes of strolling around my neighborhood with my camera is bringing me so much joy. I came across these poppies on my walk the other night and I must have shot them at least a hundred different ways. I couldn’t stop.

I love how this course is bringing me back to myself in a really profound way. I am touching into a playful, soulful and deeply creative place that hasn’t been nourished lately. It feels so good. Wishing for the same for you! That this summer you find deep joy, magic and the awakening of a part of you that hasn’t been tended. Sometimes we don’t even realize what’s missing until we’re being filled up again.

The designer is working on the classroom and home page now. THANK YOU to all of you who have already signed up! SO freaking excited.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Sam

    It’s so exciting – I can’t wait!!!!

  2. elizabeth

    I love this photo! And I’m so excited to be joining you this summer- it’s going to be great.

  3. Nicole Riseley Ketchum

    Hi Andrea, moving funds around to hopefully take this class. I feel such a kindred spirit with you! I am utterly obsessed with poppies. I am doing a textile surface pattern design with them now.And I have several photos of poppies I am selling. Oh yeah, love lotus pods as well. Holy cow amazing!
    Looking forward to taking this class “with you”!

  4. Kat

    This took my breath away, Andrea! You sound just like your old self.
    I had been a bit ambivalent about taking the course — not because it doesn’t sound fantastic, because it DOES — but because I’ll be away for the first couple of weeks and also because I am a bit low on funds and on energy.
    But then, when I saw that old spark reigniting in your images and in your words (from just fifteen minutes of magical exploration), I just knew that THAT is what I wanted for myself.
    I’m in. I’m in!
    And I can’t wait.

  5. melissa

    i feel your joy in my body….thank you.

  6. Melissa

    I feel a little like I’m coming out of the woods – after the most intense two years ever where the anxiety has got so bad at times that I’ve literally forgotten to breathe.
    But the end of this hibernation is nigh, and although this ending is unexpected, it is most hugely welcomed and embraced, for it has taught me how much I needed my life back. And it has allowed me to start to remove the packed layers of…stuff…that have been slowly stifling my creative spirit. Your course could not be coming at a better time and…I. Am. So. Damn. Excited. :oD Thank you Andrea for so much. x

  7. Mary

    I love love love this photo. Do you ever have photos that speak to you? This one does for me.

  8. Shawna

    I saw you walking down the street a couple of days ago pushing the stroller. You looked so happy that I didn’t want to disturb your walk to say hi. Still weirds me out seeing you around town – guess I’m still a bit starstruck! LOL

  9. Molly

    That’s the best anwser of all time! JMHO

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