Tight jeans and black coffee

Cafe, Nikon Coolpix 4500

I did something daring today.

I bought the tightest jeans in the universe. I have been admiring the buttocks of many a gal strutting around San Francisco in the ever famous “Seven” jeans, but always thought, “I’m too… old, big arsed, poor, to wear those.”

Until today. Because yesterday I had a revelation.

My friend Maggie and I were discussing the following incredible irony: That we don’t realize until NOW (30 something years old) that we looked HOT when we were in high school. Our butts were NOT as big as we thought, our legs were NOT thundering across the hallways, and NO ONE was even thinking about it as much as we were.

What a waste of time! All of those diets and lowfat chips and diet coke and barfing in the bathroom and wearing baggy clothes and tying a sweatshirt around the waist to conceal the arse. (Or maybe that was just me?)

We look at our photos from that time and think, “Wow. I really was okay. In fact, I was more than okay. I was BEAUTIFUL and I never enjoyed it. My friend Rob says something brilliant on this subject:
“Love your body. Everyone else does!”

So in the spirit of that, in the spirit of the best thing Maggie’s mom ever told her, “You’ll never look as good as you do right at this moment!” I bought myself a pair of the tightest jeans I could find. These jeans are so tight that if I’m not careful, I will be displaying a generous amount of butt cleavage on the BART train.

Brittany Spears would be proud.

And so would my 17-year-old self. Because, dammit. I’ll never look as good as I do right at this moment.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Kate

    Old Navy makes these low-rise jeans that are made with this material that is both stretchy and denim, so they are tight AND pretty comfortable. Cheapy, too–$32. I highly reccomend.
    I know what you mean about looking back at old pictures and realizing that you looked just fine…now I’m trying to stop looking at current pictures and obsessing.

  2. doodle

    Execellent to find that someone is having the same revalations that I have had lately!
    I feel so much better about my body & the way it looks in certain clothes now at 34 than I ever did in high school, or even in college for that matter.
    Let’s all make up for lost time!!
    Thank you!

  3. virginia

    as someone who used to be severly overweight, I totally live by the rule that I look awsome TODAY. and this is not a suck-up to you Andrea, but honestly, nothing makes me feel as pretty, as trendy or as powerful as my Superher necklace, bracelet and earings!
    They have been getting me through a really rough few days lately, and you just inspired me to go buy me some sexy tight jeans!!!! OF course, only if they look nice with my jewelry!

  4. Maggie

    Awesome! Tight jeans are liberating, no? Call me when you walk past your first construction site.

  5. brixton

    do whatever you must to feel fabulous. for me, that means vinyl. yum.

  6. Stef

    You Go GIRL! I totally agree “you will never look as good as you do right at this moment! It’s so true and it’s been coming up so much lately – LIVE RIGHT NOW!!!!
    It’s so awesome – enjoy!

  7. Julia

    Way to go Andrea!!! You work it girl!! I love your new found attitude. I too thought I was “unpretty” in my high school days. I look back at old yearbook photos and such, and see that I really did look ok. (considering it was the late 70’s) What didn’t look good about me in those days was that I had no self confidence. And it showed through what ever make-up or cool outfits I had on. I dieted and developed an eating disorder, and really treated myself crappy until one day I just decided this wasn’t working, and I needed to be nice to myself. So I told myself good things about me, and fed my body better,and to make a long story short…. I learned to really love ME!!!!! Now when I run into people from the old days, they always tell me I look great, or seem happy, or the best compliment, that I “radiate an inner peace” (I love hearing that one) Nevermind that I’m heavier than I used to be, or that my once thick hair isn’t as lush as it used to be. I feel good. I feel confident and sexy, and that feeling is worth my weight in gold!! So strut your stuff you fabulous girl…and let those(tight)jeans do you proud!!!

  8. Allison

    Hooray!!!! Yay for you!!!

  9. amy

    I know, and you’re right and I learn something new everyday. THANK YOU, I love the, “You never look as good as you do right now”. thats gonna be a new mantra for me……uohmmmm
    xoxoxoxo….p.s. baby needs a new and tight pair of jeans. 🙂

  10. radmila

    You are so fucking right about that!

  11. moon goddess

    Andrea, you are a beautiful soul and that’s a lot harder to come by than a perky petite bum (by the way your ass is fine and I say that as in “hot” not “Ok”). Most women don’t compliment other women on how succulent they look, instead they’re too busy checking chicks up and down and comparing themselves. We should all be proud of the bodies we live in, it’s all one big masterpiece.

  12. pixie

    i had a mullet when i was in junior high. although proud of it then, i hate looking at those pictures! coupled with no butt and no boobs, i had somewhat the opposite problem of most of my girlfriends. in fact, until about 1992, i couldn’t find any jeans that would fit! well, things are different now, and i have a bit of booty back there and a push up bra. viva la push up!
    congrats andrea, i will look for your bum cleavage when i’m on the bart! 🙂 love it! love me! love you!

  13. Julie

    Andrea – you are my hero of the day. I wish I’d known when I was 15 that I had a great ass…all I knew was that my breasts were barely large enough to justify a bra. Hooray for tight pants!

  14. Gina Mia

    I was checkin’ out your site again today since it makes me smile when I read and see the REAL stuff on it (Thank You!)! Almost 38, I’m lamenting the ease of what happens to the body as each year passes (and I will fight it every step of the way!). But the Tight Jeans part flooded my head with memories: my Nonna (Italian grandmother) nicknamed me “culorina,” or cute butt; guy friends teased me that a “GB” insignia on my pants in junior high meant “great butt;” and I also just bought a pair of pants that make my butt look pretty damn good. So there! 🙂 And let’s not even go NEAR high school – I’m happy to say I live 3,000+ miles away from my HS and its 20th reunion in 2 weeks! My butt & the rest of me are much better/happier/more beautiful than during those days!!! Andrea, Thanks again for the great site and spirit behind it all.

  15. Erika

    Yay for tight jeans! Did any teenager actually know how beautiful they were before they looked back as an adult?
    I hated the way I looked as a teenager – bad skin, too skinny, frizzy hair…. or at least that’s what I saw. My boyfriend looks at photos from when I was a teen and says “boy, you were cute – I wish I’d known you back then so I could have told you how beautiful you were!” What a gift it would be to see yourself just for a moment through the eyes of a friend….

  16. Tony

    I am a guy. I hate the way slim girls look in tight jeans. But I love the way that full sized WOMEN that means at least 35, look in tight Jeans.
    PS if you want a black guy like me worry about how big your butt is in your tight jeans, not how little it is.

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