Photo Friday – Woman

belly, Canon Eos

Photo Friday

When I was 10 years old I fulfilled my fashion photographer fantasy. For my birthday, I invited all of my friends over for a photo shoot. I set up a portrait studio in the bathroom, styled their hair and face and encouraged them to look at me with their most vixen-like pouty stare (that of course I learned about in every fashion magazine I could get my hands on).

I loved it. I would have an “assistant” blow dry their hair to give that windy effect, and tell them to look sad or worried or surprised. I wasn’t a bossy kid, but I was very comfortable in this director’s role and so joyous that they trusted me to be in charge.

I see so much beauty in every face, in the lines of each hand, in the curve of a pregnant woman’s belly… and I want to capture it, give the gift of the beauty I see. I’m probably obsessed with capturing it.

If I had to do it all again, I might be a fashion photographer. And maybe one day I will be, but for now I relish in the intimacy of taking portraits of friends and folks who hire me, and still feel that familiar joy when people trust me to do this.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. erika

    Ooo, I love your picture for the woman theme. Sassy 😉 I’m still racking my brain on what to do for it. I’m almost off work though so I can experiment soon!!!

  2. Michele

    Beautiful picture! Beautiful belly!

  3. Mandy

    What a gorgeous picture!! She’s beautiful.

  4. mabelle

    Oh! I see that gorgeous photo and it reminded me how much I wished I had taken studio photos of my tummy while pregnant…Totally beautiful!

  5. Julia

    What a wonderful picture…so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  6. annette

    That sounds so much like me – only my dream was National Geographic! I bought my first camera at a garage sale for $1.00 and have been taking pictures ever since.
    I am still doing pictures of friends and family – although I did have two people see my work and request a shoot with me. One day………….

  7. sheryl

    That’s just beautiful. When my sister was pregnant for the first time I took her picture frequently. When I was in art school we had a model in sculpture, for a long pose. I kept reforming her abdomen as the baby grew and shifted.
    By the way, your photographs are very nice indeed. My favorite so far is the bird butts.

  8. jenn

    this picture is amazing. I love your photographs of women’s bellies, they are so sweet.

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