My apologies if I offended anyone by posting the link on the “zinnias” entry. I found the link interesting and thought you would too, but it’s possible that I have offended some of you with this posting. This was certainly not my intention.
I simply wanted to share one of the more interesting pit stops I have made on the internet lately.
I certainly wasn’t offended by the zinnias entry. I thought the link was interesting and very entertaining. For anyone that’s offended by the views of others in this, an election year, needs to remember that the United States was founded in part for freedome of speech.
I’ll grant you that Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock and the others didn’t envision the directions the U.S. has moved in or the development of the technologies at our disposal.
While I’m not a fan of the current president or his policies I would defend to the death his supporters right to express their opinions just as I would defend to the death Michael Moore’s right to express his.
Please don’t censor yourself or what you decide to share in your journal.
In all honesty, I did not get much farther than clicking the link – partly because I have a crappy dial-up connection at the moment and partly because (to me) it seemed like the political equivalent to PETA (perhaps well-intentioned, but a little tilted & narrow-sighted). However had my crappy dial-up not been an issue, I doubt I would have been offended. 🙂
I find it very hard to believe someone would base your entire merit as a jewelry-maker & beautiful superhero extraordinaire by one link that you posted.
Andrea, this is YOUR site, to post whatever you choose to post.
One of my all-time favorite bloggers is a woman that I disagree vehemently with politically.
If someone doesn’t want to be here because you choose to express yourself on the site *you* pay for,” then that’s their issue to work out.
Keep on.
Your jewels are fabulous-I someday hope to have a necklace in every yummy color family. But the thing that brings me back to this site every night is the wonderful journal. I’m always refreshed to know that I will come here and be moved, and perhaps challenged by your creative and honest posts. People can read too much into your motives for posting the link in ‘zinnias’, but the simple truth is that it’s just there to provoke thought. We’re here because we support creativity—while everyone doesn’t support the specific polical views presented in the clips, we can at least support the creative vision and expression behind the message.
I thought the link was great. I am always excited to see what your latest entry is. You give us opportunities to feel. Don’t stop!
Please, please don’t apologize. Be proud of your interests and beliefs. And, really, I don’t know why everyone is so afraid of having strong convictions. The right does and they are bulldozing over the country with a scary agenda of removing women’s rights, gay rights, state’s rights, etc. Anyway, go!
It’s spooky to see how censorship and right wing politics go so effortlessly together. Andrea, if you suppress what you want to say, they will have already won. Let ’em wear pearls, I say.
The very act of making art in itself is a political act. The two things are not and cannot be seperate.
It is BEACAUSE Andrea has opinions, ideas, beliefs that we respond to her work. If it was just about buying a piece of jewelery we could go to Wallmart and be done with it. Her work represents a feeling, an attitude, a way of viewing the world that is challenges us, (and challenges the world at large.) When we buy work by an artist we too are making a statement.
Don’t apologize! I loved the link and you have every right to publish it.
Hi Andrea, yes, the people above are right. It is your blog, your opinion, your decision to post whatever you want. Keep on doing what you do, because you do it great! :o)
Andrea, it was a great link. Please don’t change or censor your site. You are a unique and wonderful individual and it would be a shame to change that.
Looking at all this support, it makes me wonder…
Each one of us has so much power to use for good or for evil. Our words have power to hurt or to liberate and celebrate, to raise, or to level. I really think we need to learn how to use it as I see it being used here and now. This power I’m talking about is showing in intelligence…I am so blown away…
And sometimes, we feel powerless… Our power is strongest when we are selfless and support each other when it’s of direst need! Isn’t that about the only time we should even wield our power, anyway?
Superpower within!
Yes, don’t wonder. I am nuts!
Andrea…don’t you dare apologize for posting that link. You did nothing that was offensive. Thank you for creating such a wonderful site that I can visit each day. It makes my work day go a little faster 🙂
I think that people who would be critical of you for posting what you choose on “your own” website and in “your own” blog, have WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands!! I personally found the link you are refering too, quite interesting. I also think,(and hope) that most of us are intelligent, enlightened people, who can look at the viewpoints of others, and make our own decisions, without finding fault or being offended. You should never feel the need to appologize for all the insightful, inspiring, creative and even controversial things you share with us all. We should all celebrate diversity and differences of opinion without fear of feeling the need to censor our words, feelings and opinions. That’s one of the many reasons why we still call the U.S. a “Free” country. Keep on doing what you’re doing Andrea….you are an inspiration, a breath of fresh air, and a real treasure.
Line 8, section 3.28 on page 921 of the blogging rulebook plainly states “never apologize in a current post for a previous post”. You are in clear violation, down and give me twenty!
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