Michael LaFauge, Digital Rebel!
I spent the day walking around the city with my new beloved camera draped around my neck. I was a hunter today, a hunter for the beautiful and forgotten. The peeling paint, the cool juxtapositions of color, the graffiti on the cement under your feet that says, “How alive are you willing to be?” with a ballerina spray-painted next to it.
Michael was playing a song from The Sound of Music when I walked past. “The hills are alive with the sound of…” then he grinned at me, “Oh, you have a camera.”
I promised him copies of the photos which I am very excited about. He doesn’t have an address so I will have to go hunting again, this time for the pied piper.
Wow! what great color and clarity the photo taken with your new camera has! Micheal has such an interesting face…so full of character. What a wonderful subject he makes. I can’t wait to see more of your photos taken with your new digital rebel…. Happy hunting to you. 🙂
Wow… it sure paid off. And to think you struggled with the idea of buying the thing. This particular photo is worth it all! Awesome! I hope you find him and are able to give him a copy. He is art!
Beautiful photo! Hard to explain how it makes me feel sand & happy at the same time.
Happy: because the photo is absolutely beautiful!
Love Michael’s expression – and his eyes, not to mention the power on his fingers (like poetry in motion!
Sad: because I wonder about the uncertain future of Michael!
Great photo – awesome camera by the way!
Oh yay! Digital Rebel will make you a rebel against those evil voices of opression!
Brilliant portrait! There’s no more to say about it.
But btw: Came here googling for the nikon cp 4500 (i own one myself and i just love it). I came to this entry: http://www.superherodesigns.com/journal/archives/2003_07.html which deeply reminded me to a shot i took several years ago on a trip to sweden with my kids, this one is a macro shot made with the 4500 from the old b/w negative…
It even got an entry at photo friday’s noteworthy-archive under the subject “childhood”: http://www.dmai.de/blog-archiv/2003_12_12_gewesen#
Greetingz from Germania
Enjoy your new camera!!
What kind of camera did you get? Your photos (and red striped skirt) are beautiful.
Wow! What a striking and gorgeous photograph. You’re so talented to find such interesting subjects so regularly. And you must have your life organized so perfectly to find the time to go hunting so regularly. I’m fighting off a touch of envy right now.
Keep hunting and creating. You make a lot of people happy.
check out the camera diaries – lots of “assignments” for you and your new camera there:
congrats on the purchase!
ah, but is it the camera or the Andrea?
must ditto: “brilliant photo!”
Niiice picture.
The guy, however, looks like a mix between a bald James Taylor with a beard, and James Carville.
Wow. That is just gorgeous. Such vibrant colors. Such an interesting face!
I love the way you write, miss Andrea. It inspires me and makes me feel like the world is a glorious place.