My friend Michael Bernard Loggins created a series of posters in collaboration with Harrell Fletcher a few years ago. This is one of my favorites.
On the subject of the fierce energy we discussed this week, I thought of Michael and what he does on days like this. He makes a sign and posts it up on his desk. It says, “I’m minding my own business today” and he refuses to talk to anyone. He then gets out his Sharpie and writes and writes and writes.
Sometimes he makes lists of all of his fears. You can view them here.
On a completely different note, I found this handy guide where you can choose the safest fish to eat. It seems all of the fish I have been enjoying lately are chock full of mercury and overfished to oblivion. Very scary.
i should get that poster for my therapist! once i was so pissed at her that she told me to walk home. i did and by the time i got home i felt better — 4.5 miles later!
and another reason not to eat the no fishes is that many of them are over-farmed.
thanks for that. I had no idea it was that bad. I stick to salmon and catfish.
Oh, good fishy link, thank you! I’m happy to report that I can continue eating my crab and wild salmon. Yummy!
Sadly, no more shrimp 🙁
You always have the most interesting (and inspirational) things on your blog! Do you happen to know if there is a Creativity Explored affiliate in the Los Angeles area? I’ll search online but was just wondering if you knew off the top of your head.
Thanks for posting the fish info. yikes!
Thanks for posting the fishy guide. Here’s the ultimate link for all fish-to-eat info, as an alternative: