I forgot to mention that Moe did not faint while we were there.
But, he did so many other cute things, we didn’t begrudge him a faint. He even came along on our hay ride in the tractor and sat with us for hours on the side of the road while we waited for our favorite cyclists to go by.
Our very scientific study resulted in this finding: Do not ride 200 miles in one day by yourself! We were stationed at approximately mile 162, and the people that were still smiling were in groups; most of the cyclists that were riding solo scowled in pain or wouldn’t look at us as we cheered and clapped. Do NOT attempt one of these races alone. That is the moral of the story.
Ha, I know I would be scowling regardless. Matt, Jeff & Mike have my utmost respect for doing what they did. I cannot imagine how difficult & painful such an event would be. I’m sure it will be an experience they will never forget.
I really enjoyed reading Jeff’s description of the ride. Oh, and Baby Moe is adorable. 🙂
Mmm, someone is drinking my favorite beer.
200 miles, yikes!