2 Do

pink, Canon Digital Rebel

I just found a fantastic site this morning called 2 Do Before I Die. It is a place where people record their lists of things they want to do before they die and true stories from people who have done things on their lists.

This story about Benjamin Wagner meeting Mr. Rogers is my current favorite.

And on a similar subject, I’ve heard great things about this book: A Year to Live by Stephen Levine. Has anyone read it? Some friends of mine used to meet up regularly to work on it together. I think the title always scared me but I am drawn to this book just the same.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Kandy

    I’ve read A Year to Live, and I remember it being a really good read. But I digress, I need to read it again to motivate myself.
    Your photos are wonderful and love stopping by to see what you post next.

  2. Marilyn

    Couldn’t get the link to 2 Do Before I Die to work, but I did glance at the site after I Googled it. Similar idea at http://www.43things.com...(a place I’ve enjoyed spending some time recently).

  3. Julia

    A Year To Live is a great read. Really puts things in perspective… I highly reccommend it.

  4. sara

    my eighth grade english teacher, ms. christiansen, had us make such a list. mine is… somewhere. i made another one in high school, and i was pleasantly surprised at how many of the things i’ve already done…
    i still haven’t ridden in a 1-horse open sleigh, played the part of Eponine on Broadway (oh please!), or ridden a cow, but i have been to italy, taught someone to crochet, and walked down the champs elysees singing “OOOOOOHH champs elysees!”

  5. Donavan

    What a beautiful post, both the picture and the contents moved me greatly.
    “A Year To Live” is a lovely book, highly recommended for all humans being.
    The Mr. Rogers story made my day!
    Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.

  6. jenn

    what a gorgeous picture. simple but very pretty.
    i just love the 2 do link what inspirational stories. i too loved the Mr. Rogers story, so sweet and lovely.
    and a good friend of mine has been reading a year to live for about six months but keeps telling me it’s a must read for everyone.

  7. bluepoppy

    I adore this photo— it is sublime.

  8. ali

    Thanks for always bringing new things into my life Andrea 🙂

  9. tine

    This is soo creepy that you write about things to do before one dies…because my husband and I just went to our solicitor on Monday and made our wills. It’s not the kinda thing I ever thought about but we had to do it because we bought our house (which we will move in end of next week) and it is necessary.
    We sat around joking here and there so it was not an emotional and serious event but it still makes you think, now that that is sort of done (still some things to figure out). I was thinking to make a list of things I want to do before I die, but I won’t.
    I’m not a list person for several reasons, but i will keep thinking, that’s for sure.
    Beautifully intimate shot of the magnolia. Well captured.

  10. sarah

    I have always been attracted to the concept of being prepared to die. It seems like such a freeing thing…to let yourself live so much more deeply! yes death scares me, but being 40 years old I feel more and more compelled to make my life rich.
    after my mom died 16 years ago..the overwhelming surprising thing about it was that it wasn’t all bad. I mean there is grief, but one of my biggest lessons was to realise that I don’t serve her or her life by being sad all the time. Ya gotta see the whole picture.

  11. Lani

    Wonderful post and the story about Mr. Rogers… I’m going to go for simple and deep forever more!!
    Thank you and yes “A year to live” is very good, especially with a group reading it and processing it for a year. It changed my life completely.

  12. Carrie

    You are so insightful and inspiring! Thank you, Andrea! Love ya –

  13. Steph

    Mr. Rogers is my hero. I once read a story about how a few years before he died, his Oldsmobile was stolen by a couple of teenagers. But when they found out who’s car it was they had taken, they were mortified and returned it with an apology. Now who else would they have done that for?

  14. Leonie

    2 do before i die is a gorgeous website ~ i giggled relentlessly through “sleep with three women in one day”
    tee hee hee 😉
    and what a divinely beautiful photo of the flower ~ like a flash of heaven on a wintery day.
    love and laughter,

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