
Stef and Tim, Canon Digital Rebel

A huge congratulations to Stef & Tim who just had their baby girl, Kadison Violet on Monday! I so look forward to meeting her. {You may remember Stef and Tim from the lurking belly shot only a few weeks ago!}


Thank you for letting me know about the problem in the comments. All fixed now! My site went completely Zen yesterday and didn’t want us to “do” anymore, just be.

Also, thank you for all of your questions. I have some great stuff to think about now and will answer them in bits throughout the coming weeks. I appreciate the inspiration.

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”
– Jack Kornfield

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Leonie

    Welcome to this beautiful world, Kadison Violet.

  2. Witzy

    Kadison Violet! What a beautiful name!

  3. tine

    Congratulations Stef & Tim!!
    Welcome little Kadison Violet to this world that is full of wonders and miracles!! 🙂
    Good to hear that you fixed the “do”, it kept me from commenting earlier…
    Can’t wait to see what other colours you are playing with glass beadwise these days… 😉

  4. DragonGirl

    Speaking of comments…(:
    Wanted to let you know that the sabrina ward harrison link in your resources page is broken! It needs a period between sabrinawardharrison and com.
    And, thank you for your magical, succulent, beautious, stupendous, supercalifragilisticexpialadotious words and thoughts and pictures. I am always refreshed and my soul is healed when I visit.

  5. Kymberlee

    Welcome to the world, little one! May your life be blessed beyond your wildest imagination!
    I thought the comment filter was very funny. I love that you said it was Zen. 🙂

  6. beastmomma

    I love the tenderness of the photograph. Congratulations to them indeed.

  7. joy madison

    LOVE the name!!! I love names that are nouns! my last daughter’s name is Journey Meira.

  8. jack

    congrats to the happy couple. love the photo!
    btw, the lurking belly link wasn’t working.

  9. Valisa

    amazing! Congrats you two!!! I love love LOVE babies!!!
    And what a lovely name. What does Kadison mean?

  10. Lu

    Great quote and great photo.

  11. Dawn

    Congratulations to your friends. I look forward to watching Kadison Violet blossom and bloom through your lens. New babies, new blessings and gifts. May they sprinkle all over you too, Andrea!

  12. hada

    This was posed in the previous comments, but it wasn’t yet answered… What is that lovely shade of red lipstick donned by Marcia with the kiwi necklace?
    It’s wonderful.

  13. stef

    Thank you Andrea!
    Kadison is doing wonderfully and we couldn’t of asked for anyone more perfect!
    we are truly blessed.

  14. jane

    hey there,
    i was googling “land camera, film” and found your january 2004 post saying it’s easy to find 3000-speed polaroid film. i’m wondering where you purchase film for it since i’m having trouble finding it on ebay and such.
    hope to hear from you soon. thanks!

  15. Mary Beth

    Kadison Violet is such a neat name. How did they think of it? The picture of them is so romantic. I love couples that you can see the love between!

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