Marcia wearing kiwi necklace, Canon Digital Rebel
I’m cooking up some new colors over here for spring and summer. This is a sparkly little kiwi number.
I am without words these days. Strangely content. Funny how I have more to say when my head is full of drama!
Since I am not clear on what to write about, I wanted to put the question out to you. Is there anything you’d like to see me/us talk about here? What is going through your heads?
P.S. I am currently tortured by the fact that Bono came to Glide {the very eclectic and wonderful church I go to every Sunday} and sang! The one day I wasn’t there…
Hi Andrea ~
Funny that you ask us for questions b/c I have one rolling around up here…
Being that you are a business owner and artist, I was wondering if you could shed some light on what resources are available to those who wish to be a creative business owner and market their work? I have been trying to find some grants out there and I am overwhelmed with all of the information….just thought you may know of a few?!
Also, as a lover of quotes and personal philosophies — I think it would be nice to hear what your readers favorite’s are. There is such a nice group of creative minds that visit this sight — I think it would be inpiring = )
Your blog is one of my favorites because your entries are positive and your photographs are stunning. I am an amateur photographer, just getting started building a portfolio, and I love when you post those gorgeous photos and talk about photography.
Thanks for asking!
~~ Chris
As far as favorite quotes go- I think They Might be Giants have had me hooked on this one for the past 15 years….
So true- if only we would just give in to it!!
Well, I love what you did yesterday…gave us a question to think about. I had fun remembering childhood play all day and I loved reading other readers comments. I filled three pages in my journal just thinking about your question (and my resistance to your question.) I also love it when you talk about some of your favorites finds and love when you offer us links to other fabulous websites. It opens my small conservative, west Texas world up to all kinds of new possibilites. I love discovering new creative minds out there. It inspires me.
How HOW how could you miss that????
Mhhh…Kiwi, yummy!
So nice and beautifully sparkly. Just gorgeous looking on Marcia!!
Well, since you are asking… I’ve always been curious about what your home looks like…and your studio space.
I’m in the process of buying my first house so I have house/home thoughts on my mind. I think it’s very interesting to see what people like to surround themselves with and how they think about the concept of “home”.
Sigh. Why did you have to tell me about Bono? Why? Now I am heartbroken. I feel like I was busy arguing with my mother about unimportant things while magic was happening.
Oh, well, life goes on. I love Glide, by the way. Have you ever been to Chochmat HaLev, across the bay?
Hmm, Bono?
No, I’d rather see you sing at Glide, with your choir robe on again, or Bjork.
I too would like to see your workspace. I have home thoughts on my mind too. For the first time I will have enough actual space to have it set aside for writing…and jewelry making…and whatever! and I am very excited about that.
So…. what is it that you surround yourself with, to motivate you?
i love you to write a list of all the things you love and inspire you. i always love it when people write these lists, they are beautiful.
I haven’t been able to post all day – which has made me think – maybe I ought to be silent and thoughtful and not two-cents-kate today.
Hooray. It worked.
What I have been trying to say is:
BONO! How cool and amazing! Someday I am just going to bump into him on the street, provided he’s ever wandering around Austin.
I love the kiwi green! Suggestions? Maybe some bright oranges, vivid reds, delicious yellows, and limey greens – like a roll of Lifesavers around your neck.
Okay, my question: what kicked your butt into beginning your wonderful creative life? How did you really start? What were you thinking? Was is a sort of “I’ll explode if I cannot express myself?” I am getting to that point, the butt-kicking point.
I’ve always loved it when you wrote about warm fuzzy memories, especially since you always have the best pictures to go along with them. So maybe every once in a while you could go through your old photos and if one sparks a nice thought or memory you could write about it? I’m not sure, first thing that came to mind.
You always come up with very inspirational posts, even when you’re going through a rough time. You must be a wonderful person to be around.
Ummm, not to be shallow in the face of a well intended question, but the only thing “in my head” right now is if any of your friends are single…you are all so damn beautiful…
Typical guy, I know.
oh i love kiwi, both the fruit and the necklace… i am so going to start saving to get a couple of pieces that i’ve had my eye on! you talented girl, you… oh and it’s the 13th day of good, happy baby thoughts to you and matt.
how could you miss Bono? The necklace is awesome! I think that Marcia is so beautiful….I love the look of those natural fun loving looking girls! I need to laugh more.
That necklace looks delicious! Marcia is so vibrant and lovely. I always appreciate the lighting in your photos.
As for the empty mind, that’s a beautiful thing. I believe you are getting ready for new life. Enjoy your quiet mind while you can (speaking as the mother of two wildly wonderful girls). Every morning, I wake up to the image of a baby in your womb in my mind’s eye and I smile.
I enjoy every picture I see and every word you write. As I am reading Anne Lamott right now, I would love to hear your ideas about faith. Faith and surrender both. How those things relate to your creative life as well as the whole of your life.
Can I say I love you here? [I d* know you know.]
Your filter is editing the word “d*” (sounds like due) as “questionable content”! It’s cracking me up!
I’d be pretty bummed too, if the 1 day I missed church, Bono showed up and sang. He is amazing. I love,love,love the kiwi necklace. Marcia looks all sparkly and summery wearing it. Your friends are all so darn pretty, and make such wonderful subjects for your photos.
I appreciate unabashed acknowledment of how hot my friends are!
thanks you …
On my mind…can someone truly ever forgive? Is it possible to really let go of a hurt or wrong?
i adored your blog on colour…. just post some pics of colour if you are without words… its raining and gray here in scotland I CRAVE COLOUR!!!
ps on the doing what you did as a child… anyone know of a singing in the bath class in Edinburgh Scotland?
I wasn’t able to post this yesterday, so I hope it goes today …
Oh yes … can you write about time (as in how you spend it)? How do you balance the jewelry piece (design, production, marketing, shipping, admin, website), with photography, frequent blogging, email, relationship, friends, self-care, etc. Do you have a set schedule to ensure you spend enough time on the income-generating piece, or do you just go with the flow and not worry about how much time you put into the ‘business’ end of things? I struggle with this … the day runs out before I’ve even made a dent in all that I want and need to do.
Also, perhaps this is in the archives, but can you talk about the early days? How you decided to start Superhero Designs and how you got it off the ground? Were there any turning points or synchronicities that told you you were on the right track?
Finally, there don’t seem to be any links to No Limits from Google. Is there a link you can share? I’d love to see if there’s a local group.
The comments filter would not let me post anything with “do” in it either, yesterday! Said it was “questionable content” — what an odd thing! Especially for this blog — I’d say DO is a great, big beautiful positive word!!
Okay, I’m done now.
Funny you should mention not having anything to write about and wondering what everyone’s interested in because I got to thinking that my blog hasn’t been much in the way of writing (mostly my art) and maybe I should add more personal stuff to spice it up. In answer to your question, I’d like to “talk about” the process in your art work. How a piece of jewelry or photo series gets developed. What inspired you, what problems did you have to resolve, that kind of thing.
Lately, the universe has been teaching me what it really means to love the unlovable parts of myself–which, of course, has nothing to do with liking them.
Right now, I’m working on loving the part of me that gets high off self-deprivation (I think this is rooted in the idea that if I can ‘prove’ that I don’t need X, then surely I don’t need Y, where X usually represents an aspect of self-care and Y represents a person or situation that has somehow wounded me).
(This all sounds more self-destructive than it actually is.)
I haven’t quite figured out how to love those parts of me into a place of healing, but I do love them for shining a light on what needs to be healed.
How do you, when examining an unlovable part of yourself, begin to ‘love it into healing’?
How to tell someone that you are upset with them? How to say no without being fearful or actually losing a friendship? How to stay motivated to acheiving goals? What do you think happens after we die? Where are the vacation destinations you have yet to see? what are your all time favorite books and authors?
I second Maria’s comments below. How do you schedule your time? I have a hard enough time getting the dishes, laundry, house cleaning done and then the day is shot. I can’t seem to create when everything else is out of whack, but everything else takes up time.
How do you do it? Thanks!
A couple more things spilled out of my head on my drive into the city this morning regarding yesterdays post.
I’d love to read more lists. List’s of everyone’s MONDO BEYONDO, things we are obsessed with, daily happenings of goodness, synchronicity stories, what inspires us as artists, favorite places and books, favorite smells….I could go on and on but i think you get the point.
I also think it would be fun to have your loyal fans send in some sort of photo journal or story in the ways in which this blog and your art inspires us…how it brings out the superhero in us….
yes, I think I’d love more of the mondo beyondo lists… my husband and I swore to each other that we would sit down and make our list in january. it never seemed to happened (life got in the way)… guess mondo beyond doesn’t have to be limited to new years. anyway, would love to see more mondo beyondo!
would also love to hear more about your photobooth project. I recently wrote on my obsession with photobooths (on my brand spankin new blog-ola) and posted a link to your project… how did that begin? is it still in process? if not, what did you take away from it…?
A question I’d love the answer to – not likely to generate much to write or talk about, but…
..who makes the red lipstick in today’s photo, and what’s the shade called?
I’m always on the lookout for true, old-fashioned reds…
i have been thinking a lot lately about lost friendships. the many i have lost recently, the ones i lost but should have kept, and the ones i kept, but should have lost years ago.
in some ways, loss is healing, and i pray to keep that thought close when i feel alone, until the time when i am able to reach out again.
I have to say- I’ve been thinking a lot over the past 24 hours about an entry you wrote quite a while ago. You were talking about how you were looking for an apartment, and you went to a fortune teller and she said, “Well, they don’t know what you want. You need to let them know.” I’m looking for a job – and more to the point- a job I like. And it occurred to me that I probably should make a list with things on it like, sunny office, honest encouraging boss, co-workers to chat with, etc. So… I’m thinking about our goals and dreams, and manifesting them. As well as figuring out what you want when your life is in flux a bit. I’m turning 25 on Monday- yay!- and I’m feeling very embroiled in the quarter life crisis, in that I’m trying to figure out what I want and need, and what I might be missing. It feels selfish to ask for what we want sometimes, but isn’t it often necessary? Hum.
Happy Spring!! I’m looking forward to new pretty jewels. I’m addicted to color this spring.
Glad the comments are working again!
no question, but just want to give a hug to a fellow Methodist! (Okay, maybe you’re not a Methodist but just go there but that’s enough for me.) What an AMAZING church!
Oh, I knew there was a reason I came to your site today!
Oh, Bono! I’ve got that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that we both missed it…I would have driven up from the OC! As my 5-yr-old son would say, “You’re killing me, Larry!” (from a mattress radio commercial, I think?) Not only is Bono and U2 fabuloso, but he has gotten SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME as he’s gotten older!!!!! [biting my closed fist!]
As for what I’d like to hear from you and the people who post…secret loves! (oooh, how scandalous!) Oh, I know, it’s not that deep or important, I suppose, but man, it can eat away at your soul! (Much like this Bono business…)
Also, someone on this day’s post or a recent previous one asked what kicked your butt into creative gear – well, I’ve got to say that you’re the one who kicked my butt into creative overdrive (and you probably didn’t even know…)
I took one look at your site, and I don’t even remember how I found it, but it was like a light bulb going on, and I thought, “Ohmygod! I can do this!” And I started my jewelry biz! And there have been trials and tribulations (as a matter of fact, I do believe that I just wept over that very same issue today!), but overall, it’s incredible to know that I am devoting at least some of my time to something that is entirely mine, and that swells my heart with joy! So, to you I say, thank you!
What a lovely comment about loss from Samantha, particularly as it applies to friendships. I was just reading Lynda Barry’s “100 Demons” (a graphic memoir) and there is a chapter titled “Magic” that directly addresses that issue. In fact, at the end she reaches out to a particular lost buddy with a poignant shout-out.
Therefore I, too, have been wracked with a certain nostalgia for long ago friends–people I never thought I’d lose … and I find myself pathetically googling them with empty hope, seeking reconnections.
Yes, friendships, time, the quick passage of youthful exuberance, the need to reclaim my bygone qualities of reckless abandon have all been on my mind.
P.S. Love the Kiwi necklace and the riveting spring-like fabric of the dress/halter top.
Hi Andrea,
I think you should have a project where artists paint one of your flower photos. You take photos the way I take photos?close up?s of flowers is my favorite subject. But I use them for reference when I paint. I?ve wanted to paint some of your photos before but haven?t gotten around to it. I think it would be interesting to see what people would come up with. Not really a contest but a creative challenge. And it doesn?t necessarily have to be paint, it could be collage, fabric, etc. I love your photography. It?s inspiring.
Like another commenter, I’m reading Anne Lamott’s new book and would be curious to hear your thoughts on faith. Were you raised in a household that practiced a particular religion? How did that affect you?
I’ve heard quite a lot about Glide. When my husband, who is a presbyterian minister, was working at a church in rural Kentucky, he took the church youth group on a mission trip to S.F. One of the things they did was work in Glide’s soup kitchen. ( I’d be feeling tortured over missing Bono, too!)
I’m stuck on the concept of Bono singing in ANY church…if anyone of his ilk came to our tiny, cozy, Episcopal hangout, I think half the old people would drop dead from apoplexy.
Well hello lovelies! I am so touched with the gracious compliments about yours truly–and on my next “fat day” I’ll be sure to come back and read your kindnesses and feel like a rock star again. It’s all Andrea, with her incredible knack for capturing people at their best. Especially when you have one of her sparkling necklaces on, I am convinced they emit beautification powers!
SO, the lipstick! Funny, because I am obsessed with lipstick, and especially red ones. The best lipstick I have ever had the pleasure to discover, and boy, it’s decadent but oh-so-worth-it, is Dior lipstick. This color is #874, “Rouge Abyss.” You’ll never want to wear another kind; this one is a gorgeous brick color. Lipstick should be glamorous, and decadent, and feel like a splurge. So get thee to Sephora for a treat! They have all kinds of dreamy shades. Viva la glamolution!
XOXO to you all.
Thanks, Marcia, for the lipstick revelation. Chanel did a “Rouge Magique” some years ago, too soon discontinued, and I’ve felt adrift ever since. Glamourous, decadent, a splurge: my sentiments exactly. I’m on my way to the Dior counter…
I hope I’m not too late to chime in. I read your recent post about your mother saying she was proud of you and the first thing I thought was, I hope this doesn’t sound strange, but I’d like to hear more about how your mother raised you. I have a four year old and I’m really trying to raise him the best I possibly can, as are all mothers. I want to raise a creative, caring soul. Mothers (or caregivers) have such an influence on their children and I’m always curious to know how truly creative people were raised. Is your mother creative too? In what way? Were you close? Did you do creative things together? What sort of things? Were you disciplined? How? Do you remember any specific events that may have influence you as a creative person? Stuff like that. I hope you’ll consider it.