time capsule

little sparklers, Canon Digital Rebel

The summer is approaching and I am reminded of a great exercise I read in a Rob Brezsny horoscope several years ago. He told the reader to write an essay from the future entitled, “What I did during the summer of 2005 that made me a better, smarter, happier person.”

(Well maybe it didn’t say 2005, but we will.) Then he asked you to mail it to him with a self-addressed stamped envelope and he promised mail the essay back to you at the end of the summer. It was like your very own transmission-to-the-future time capsule thingy.

It was so powerful for me to do this. When I received the letter back I was shocked that every single item on my list had come true. This shit is like magic people!

So let’s take it on. Mail me your essays with an SASE and I will mail them back to you in September. Go big! Go outrageous! This is your letter to the future!

Be sure to list the thing you think you cannot have. That’s where the juice is.

Andrea Scher
Attn: Time Capsule
P.O. Box 401174
SF, CA 94140-1174

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jill

    LOVE this idea, exactly the thing I have needed as I prepare to get out of school for the summer… stay tuned for my essay 🙂

  2. Michelle

    I’m really in a place of a lot of emotional transition right now. This is just what I need. I’ll be sending you my essay soon!!!

  3. Carrie

    Awesome idea!

  4. jenn

    WOW! I don’t even know what to say. This is such a great idea…. I can’t wait to send you my essay.

  5. meb

    My 8th grade Language Arts teacher asked her students to write a similar letter – only she mailed it back to us four years later as we graduated high school. Pretty amazing.

  6. Georgy

    You can have this experience every New Year’s.
    The Unity church does a “burning bowl” service – first you are invited to write down disappointments – things you’d like to let go – and you get to burn it up – (and say good-bye.)
    Then, you write that letter – it arrives back in your world half way through the following year.
    Love to You!

  7. Ali

    “This shit is like magic people.” My new favorite quote :). Cool idea Andrea!

  8. Beastmomma

    Wow– if only I had this game earlier. I would have already had two seemingly impossible things to put on the list.

  9. Jane

    wow. what a fabulous lifesaving idea. you rock.

  10. Donavan

    I’m in!
    Bring on the magic shit!
    Or, uh…something like that.

  11. Veronica

    Great idea! Looks like I have some writing to do.

  12. Carolyn

    Check out futureme.org. Similar idea, only it’s an email.

  13. Kelley

    Interesting idea…now the hard part is figuring out what I want this summer 🙂
    Beautiful photo, BTW!!

  14. Lisa

    I have not done something like this in 20 years. I will be sending you a letter.
    thank you for inspiring…

  15. Neil

    That’s the most inspiration “direct mail offer” I’ve ever heard. And your photo made me smile.
    So far, finding your site has made me a happier person this summer!

  16. susan@visual-voice.net

    this is SO cool! I love FreeWillAstrology… and I LOVE the face you’re doing this too!

  17. Pamela

    Love this, love the idea, I’M IN! 🙂
    I have finals all this week, but I’ll be sure to work on this next week.

  18. Alison

    We did a similar thing my senior year of high school in my English class, but our teacher was going to send our letters back after 4 years (when we were set to graduate college). It’s a good thing I didn’t do it then because after 4 years, I had dropped out of college and was kind of floundering – I think getting that letter would have only made me feel worse. Since I didn’t do it then, I’m TOTALLY doing it now 🙂 Awesome project.

  19. Marilyn

    Aren’t you brave…tackling your own snail mail version of futureme.org. 🙂 This post brought to mind a few moments of Wayne Dyer I caught on PBS the other day speaking abour his “Power of Intention” book. He gave a list of 12 things to summarize his talk (all of which I’d missed)…#1 was, “Wish more for others than you do for yourself.” I sense you’re doing this with that intention…and that’s why I hope that come September, YOUR biggest dreams will have come true, too…

  20. Anu

    letter is waiting to go out in today’s mail 🙂

  21. Steph

    I am more of a list maker than an essay writer, but I sent a letter out anyway. What a wonderful idea! I already feel inspired.

  22. jolene

    you are so wonderful. thank you! sending mine soon.

  23. Tracy

    oh cool. I totally want to do this 🙂 Will be thinking about it on my errands today. Thank you!

  24. Kate

    I LOVE Rob Brezny’s Free Will astrology. It’s the first thing I turn to every Thursday when a new Austin Chronicle is out on the stands. It is always DEAD-ON.
    I am taking this challenge. You’ll get your essay soon 🙂

  25. mikaelah

    Thank you for asking for us to realize our dreams and bring them into our lives. I will get my essay out to you! I am already sitting and sifting throught the list of what I have believed I could not have… I am grateful for this opportunity to realize more of who I am in the world.

  26. Marjorie

    This is a great idea. I do it with my students every September. They love it. They love it.

  27. Kristen

    I’d love to do this! I’m in Australia though so I don’t think the SASE thing would quite work (plus it’s not summer, but that’s a minor detail!). Maybe I’ll do it in my morning pages and try to remember to check back later!

  28. jack

    cool! i’m SO doing this. you’re so awesome. thanks!

  29. yasmin

    This is great- I’m sending mine as soon as I can find some U.S stamps for the SAE…And I will be doing the winter version as I am in Australia…anything to keep away those blues…

  30. Melissa

    I’m writing so expect it soon.

  31. mademoiselle a.

    at first I thought I’d participate, this really is a valuabe experience & exercise. but then…on another thought…the only wish I really have for september is so very important to me, I could never take to receive back my letter and find things are broken into pieces really.

  32. shannon

    I’m totally doing this.

  33. Julie

    Me too. This is a nice thing you are doing for others. Thanks for your creativity and your generous spirit. Peace and love and sunny days–

  34. Julie

    Me too. This is a nice thing you are doing for others. Thanks for your creativity and your generous spirit. Peace and love and sunny days–

  35. Julie

    Me too. This is a nice thing you are doing for others. Thanks for your creativity and your generous spirit. Peace and love and sunny days–

  36. Sherrie

    coolio-allison (andthatisthat.com) told me about this!

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