words of comfort

Caleb’s delicious foot, Canon Digital Rebel

“There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling rain & remember it is enough to be taken care of by myself.”
– Brian Andreas

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. *AGK*


  2. Shelly

    So sweet!

  3. dlouise

    …serendipity… i awoke today in this rare june rain (rain! 🙂 ) with that exact thought in my sphere of awareness, and now i also have some lovely words to accompany it.
    i love the X across the middle of (what will become) the ball of his foot.

  4. jenn

    i didn’t think i could love brian andreas anymore than I already do… but this quote is perfect. today on my site i said that i needed to just sit and be still and trust answers will come to me. this quote helps.
    thank you for sharing.

  5. Robin

    What a fantastic shot!! Congratulations on your adorable little nephew! From one new aunt to another, isn’t it amazing?

  6. Melanie

    Adorable. It makes me excited for the babies being born by my friends this August.
    Do you happen to have a rss feed?

  7. Cindy

    the 2 prints that most touch my soul….the quote you posted and “for a long time she flew only when she thought no one else was watching.”
    let us spread our wings and fly!! 🙂

  8. Michelle

    Wow! I love that quote. I thinks it’s neat that you called your nephew’s foot delicious. I like to press my face against my 2 year old son’s toes and tell him that they’re delicious!

  9. mindi

    okay, i’ve seen probably a thousand pictures of baby feet, but this is one of the BEST baby feet pictures I’ve ever seen! Great work!

  10. rachael

    little toes! One of our best friends just brought a new little one into this world yesterday… so tiny, and precious. I love the colors in this. 🙂
    Take care, Andrea.

  11. Jessica Kenenske

    I can’t even believe how beautiful your photographs are. I may even dare to say you are my favorite photographer. I check your site religiously and am always astonished.

  12. kalki

    Wow. Just wow.

  13. Jen Downer

    Delicious indeed! Positively SCRUMPTIOUS!
    I agree with the other poster that among the many photos of baby feet, this one ranks #1! I love the colors, and the shallow depth of focus.
    I studied photography in school, but since having kids I’ve just been using a point and shoot digital camera. I’m now aching to get more creative and play with phtographic stuff again, but have become addicted to digital. Do you love your Canon? Is it fairly easy to use?
    I hope your sister, Caleb and family are all blissfully adjusting to their new life!!!

  14. Sarah

    This is such a beautiful photo, Andrea! I’ve so enjoyed your site — I visit it daily, and find so much that is intersting, fun, soul-soothing, and inspiring.
    So, I’m writing to thank you, and also to share this Web site. (Is it odd that, having never met you, I found it and thought “I bet Andrea would get a kick out of this”? 🙂 It’s bzzzpeek.com; it features recordings of children from around the world imitating the sounds that different animals and vehicles make. Too fun!
    Enjoy, and I wish you a wonderful day,

  15. Jen

    Hey Andrea – You are such an amazing photographer. You always take the most amazing pictures. Such a treat!!

  16. Pamela

    I wonder if Caleb can ever know how much joy he has brought to strangers simply by the elegance of his new beauty? In the shadows of the photo he peacefully sleeps, foot thrust out with just a tad of arrogance … a way that sort of organically knows he’s loved.
    Sometimes on trying days like today, I visit you, and feel that I’ve had a perfect moment of namaste … thank for that today.

  17. Lisa

    I love your journal. I just found it about an hour ago. that quote by Brian Andreas was perfect for how I”ve been feeling. I have so many questions for you.I’ve gathered you’re married but no kids and that makes you sad. I never had any kids of my own. I’m 37, and my husband had 2 girls then his wife died back in 1985. So I never felt I lacked in the family way, but always felt like I missed something in not having one of my own. I finally decided one day that if this is the hand God dealt me, who am I to question why? But still…
    look forward to reading your ENTIRE journal someday soon. Thank you.

  18. kim

    oh how wonderfully I adore my son’s feet. I could and would have eaten them. I still (now that he is five) just love to hold them in my hands and kiss each toe. His feet ground me. Such sweetness. Lovely photo. Thank you.

  19. Julia

    Such sweet, beautiful, baby feet! I adore this photo. Wonderful quote from Brian. Nobody says it better than Brian Andreas and his “StoryPeople”. Thanks for such a great uplifting post. 🙂

  20. Milly

    Babies are the best. My sister just had her third daughter about 8 weeks ago. I’m love being an aunty.

  21. Beth

    Don’t do it! Caleb is for loving, not eating!

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