caterpillar, Canon Digital Rebel
This is maybe the most magical photo I’ve taken in a long time. I didn’t realize how extraordinary this little guy was until I got home and zoomed in on the image. He is simply dazzling!
People always celebrate the butterfly {and then he turned into a butterfly!} but I’ve always been a fan of the caterpillar. In between, in process, on his way to glory, and utterly beautiful.
May we all remember the beauty of the inbetween and to honor & celebrate the process.
P.S. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments, stories {and even poems!} this week. I am so moved by you. Your kindness and compassion filled me up and made me feel very lucky.
Very nice photo!
Of butterflies, Bengali writer Rabindranath Tagore wrote this:
The butterfly has not months but moments and has time enough.
(from the book, FIREFLIES).
“The butterfly has not months but moments yet has time enough.”
Do you put your pictures on flickr? There are some great groups that your catepillar would fit right into. Photosharing is so much fun.
I adore this photo!!! it IS magical!
thankyou andrea! 🙂
ever since i started visiting your site, your pictures and words have started trickling into my everyday life, starting little streams of change… i’m finding inspiration and energy in all sorts of new places and from all sorts of different people.
this caterpillar photo is brilliant! love it!
Dazzling is the perfect word for him (or maybe it’s a her :-), and breathtaking, too.
Thanks for this gorgeous photo and the reminder about the value of the in-between stage of transformation. Sometimes, when you’re in the thick of it, it’s easy to forget.
“The beauty of the in between…” Thanks for a great line, and for giving me something profound to think about today.
Fantastic photograph and post. They reminded me of an incredibly inspiring storybook for adults called “Hope for the Flowers” by Trina Paulus. It’s “a tale – partly about life partly about revolution and lots about hope for adults and others (including caterpillars who can read).” It’s WONDERFUL – I highly recommend you check it out – I’ve made everyone I know read it and they all loved it too. Under $10 on Amazon!
Woo. Fabulous photo! You are a remarkable person.
Girl – we are so on the same page! (That’s what I wrote about today too.) Well, actually I am trying to get on that page of enjoying the process and celebrating the in-between. Ha! I am so goal-oriented that it is hard to pause and enjoy the here and now. I really appreciate your continual encouragement to do just that.
And as always, fabulous photo!
what a magical, surprise!
You’ve got to tell me how you get that effect…special lense?
Longtime reader, newbie photographer: you’ve inspired me in many ways, the most recent being to pick up the camera as a way to look at things with a different, more creative eye.
he looks like one of those little licorice sticks (sold by the pound) I used to eat as a child. what are the pink spots? fascinating!
just last night, as i pulled into my garage after a draining evening with my family, it occurred to me that i am in a cocooning phase. and i felt comforted that i am finally learning that it’s okay to take care of myself, to wrap myself around myself and be patient in the knowledge that i am evolving.
i love this photo and know i will return to it several times in the next few weeks.
i think in a way, we are all going through phases of breaking out of cocoons, learning to fly, fluttering our wings, being caterpillars, and needing to cocoon again. life is really beautiful when you think of it that way, because it doesn’t matter so much if you break out of the cocoon to realize you are a moth or a butterfly. you just are, right now. and there is always more change.
so beautiful! your words match the photo in equality, as usual!
And interestingly enough that beautiful design is a hazard sign to predators not to mess with it.
such a breathtaking photo….
i love your words today, i have to remeber that while we are stretching we are living, and that is what it’s all about right!?
thank you for the lovely photo today.
Your photos are stunning!
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Such a stunner pic and post.
You’ve given me much to ponder and a lovely little picture for my desktop.
He’s gorgeous.
i needed to remember to love myself through the process and everything is as it should be.
Delightful photo! Though I love butterflies… I always kind of identifed more with the caterpillar. Thanks for such an inspiring post. 🙂
gorgeous photo and words.
i was overseas for most of the summer and missed out on many of your posts.
it’s a loss i’m glad i’ll be able to recover over time. you’re too good to miss, vacation and all.
Beautiful photo and post! So true about the transitional process…the ever present journey in the here and now is so special. Most of us keep striving and stretching toward tomorrow.
Really nice reminder
Love & Light
stunning shot. finding beauty in the in between is a fabulous thought. it is exactly what i needed to read today. thank you andrea.
Wow. I really like the comment about celebrating the in between. And the photo is gorgeous, as all of yours are. Thank you for another profound thought I can carry with me.
This is one of the most magical photographs I have seen in quite a while. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
What an AMAZING photo – WOW I’m just loving this one! 🙂