Why I Love My Husband

how can you not love this face?, Canon Digital Rebel

Last week they were putting a new roof on our house. For several days straight they banged mercilessly overhead from about 7am into the evening. Since I work from home I was going completely insane, my entire soul shaking with every thump.

On the third morning, I gave Matt a pathetic, here-they-go-again-I’m-going-to-rip-their-arms-off look, and he says, “Come on honey! Take advantage of it! We never get to be this loud!”

And he started banging on the kitchen island with both fists and shouting at the top of his lungs “AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!”

And I haven’t laughed that hard in a really long time.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Jen

    That made me chuckle too. I know he is all yours – but he is also pretty cute!! 🙂

  2. bohemiangirl

    OMG…that is hilarious. Your husband sounds like a gem. What a blessing to have a joyous and comical man in your life.
    That reminds me of a time a few months ago when my parents were visiting for two weeks. By the end of their trip…my husband and I were going a bit batty. You know how parents can be set in their ways and annoying at long lengths. Well, they had just left our place and my husband said…”We need to run around the house and get our frustrations out!”…so he ran up and down our loft with his hands flying in the air screaming…”aaaarrrrggghhhh!”. I almost pee’d my pants… 🙂 But it worked! Comic relief…

  3. Leonie

    you and bohemian girl’s husbos
    R O C K.

  4. chlamygirl

    bet that made the workers quieten down.

  5. wilsonian

    Do you take orders?
    I’d like one like him… 🙂

  6. Marilyn

    Um…that cross on the hill…and Matt’s goofy expression…I could only think that he was doing some insane one-man version of Monty Python’s “The Life of Brian”… 😉

  7. Chookooloonks

    FanTAStic. I have a husband like that as well. This weekend, as we were about to enter a home for a huge family get-together (one which was stressing me out), he pulled me aside and whispered:
    “Listen. If it gets too rough, there’s a flask of rum in the car. Say the word, and it’s yours.”
    I never did need to use it, but he earned at least a dozen more years of marriage for that sentence alone.
    Continue to be happy!

  8. espana

    WONDERFUL!!! 🙂

  9. bec

    a real keeper….

  10. G-Man

    That’s great and really funny! I spend my whole life keeping it down and being quiet, except in the car where I tend to scream at the top of my lungs!

  11. Lynn

    (*giggles*) He’s adorable!

  12. LB

    That’s precious. It’s great to have a partner in life that really looks at the bright side. 🙂

  13. Melissa

    LOL. Roofing companies should pay someone to come around with them and do just that–cheer up everyone driven crazy by the banging.
    That picture keeps making me laugh.

  14. susan@visual-voice.net

    the shot reminds me of a whimsical version of Edvard Munch’s Scream. Hee.

  15. AGK

    LOL! Good point and well taken. Love the pic, too!

  16. Carrie

    That’s awesome! Great perspective. 🙂

  17. Meg

    …so endearing.. really. so cute.

  18. adele

    what a lucky woman you are… 🙂

  19. Paige

    I want one of those (husbands that is)!

  20. beastlysum

    I love it! It’s not only seeing the silver lining in the cloud, but also pulling it out and wearing it as a cape–what a superhero!
    Just when I think I’m thinking outside the box…:)

  21. carrster

    I love it! I wish he would’ve stopped over when I had my roof done last year! It’s enough to drive you bonkers, isn’t it?!?

  22. Yvy

    aww…..so sweet n cute of him!!
    i can imagine how he looked like! lol =P

  23. kat

    ha! that’s awesome. 🙂

  24. danielle

    Don’t ya love ’em! Sounds just like my husband! They should meet! 🙂

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