bird butts Part 2

bird butts, Canon Digital Rebel

Another round of bird butts.


And some lyrics that have been resonating for me a lot lately:

“Don’t push so hard against the world
You can’t do it all alone
and if you could
would you really want to?
Even though you’re a big strong girl
come on, come on
lay it down
the best made plans
come on, come on
lay it down
are your open hands…”
Deb Talan, Big Strong Girl

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Katherine

    Hahaha! That made my day.

  2. Jason

    That is a pretty precarious angle from which to be shooting, Andrea!

  3. mina

    hiya, i really love the photos you have at your site! great job! i’m looking into buying a digital SLR, and was wondering if you could give me some pointers…i’m a teacher in egypt right now, considering a career in photojournalism – and just want an easy camera to get me started. i have a canon digital powershot now, but it doesn’t feel as authoritative for getting the shots i really want…which is all the beautful people…look forward to hearing from you!

  4. Julia

    Love those bird butts!! How brave are you to be getting under all those birds to get that shot?!! I also loved Deb Talan’s lyrics. Great post! 🙂

  5. rachel

    I love this one too, and think it will make me happy every time I look at it, so please let me buy a print of it, ok? xo/r

  6. Kate

    I love that…Big Strong Girl. I needed that. I have been feeling like if I want to eat the world (as Nabokov says all young people want to), I’ve got to do it myself. But I’ve been feeling so lost in the Big Apple and really wanting and hoping for people to join my parade.

  7. Ilsa

    Do you take requests? I have a thing for duck butts, when the ducks dive down into the water to get something but their behinds are so buoyant that they pop back up again and their legs peddle so furiously to keep them under water. Totally makes my day when I see that. 🙂

  8. Bohemiangirl

    those are beautiful lyrics and she’s right…would we really want to do it alone? our relationships are so essential to our paths. i was just listening to “Tell Your Story Walking…” by Deb Talan this morning on the way to work. she has a way of curling up inside your heart at just the right moment, doesn’t she? thank you for inspiring me to explore her music.

  9. Jenn

    so true… great lyrics. I think I needed to hear this today.

  10. Andrea

    “You can’t do it all alone
    and if you could
    would you really want to?”
    Boy, that sure hits hard, on soooo many levels.
    No, I don’t want to do it all alone, so why the hell am I?
    Time for Plan B. What’s Plan B, you ask? Not sure yet, but it’s time!
    Thanks, I needed that!
    (Remember that men’s shaving lotion – I think – commercial form the 70’s, where the guy gets slapped on the face, then says, “Thanks, I needed that.”)

  11. Lara

    I like it …
    *** kiss ***

  12. angela

    i could hardly believe it. reading this.
    i have had a cd, and a few songs on constant repeat on my stereo here in the office for days. possibly even weeks.
    just because i need it for it’s simplicity, and the reminder, and the words, the music.
    and literally, reading these words, track 6 and big strong girl were just playing her last few chords.
    andrea, there truely is something magically beautiful about you.

  13. Amy

    I noticed the other evening when I was walking my dog —
    That all of the birds that were sitting on telephone lines were facing west.
    It was like they had all paused in their day to watch the sunset.
    Has anyone else noticed that?

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