

These little guys were at a flea market near Mendocino. Apparently an old woman’s estate consisted of an enormous and colorful owl collection from the 60’s. There were owl piggy banks (above), owl spoon rests (we purchased) owl statues, owl trivets, owl stuffed animals and more. We call our spoon rest “owlie.”


I am loving this web site that excerpts police logs from small towns all over the country. They are totally hilarious and weird.

These pieces by Jessica Pezalla are making me very happy…

This site by Frida called Muse to Muse is rocking my world. Go visit now.

This hot cocoa called Xocolatl by Dagoba is INSANE and delicious. It is Aztec cocoa flavored with chilies and cinnamon.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. frida

    Frida and Georgia thank you!

  2. jenny vorwaller

    ohmigoodness! those owls are looking at me, speakin to my soul. whomever decided to put them in that shelf drawer cubby compartment had a great eye. they look so at home. what will yo do with the spoons?

  3. Marilyn

    Hoot loves ya, baby?! Dagoba…I’m a sucker for their dark chocolate bars with lavender…mmmm…will have to check out the cocoa. And I’ll definitely check out the police logs. When I go home (to WAY No. Calif.) my folks always save the “News of Record” in the local paper for me…you can’t make that stuff up. 🙂

  4. Sarah

    The owls in the cubbies put me in mind of Joseph Cornell. He did quite a bit of stuff with owls. Was really an amazing and interesting person.

  5. G-Man

    Beautiful photograph! Don’t you just love odd collections?
    What else do you collect? Every winter, i add one snowman to my collection.

  6. nina

    I’m definitely trying that cocoa. And I love reading police blotters. The funny thing is I used to live near Boerne, TX where a lot of those entries came from. I’m from a smaller town a few miles from there, where a big form of entertainment was reading the police blotters every week, mainly because whoever wrote them loved the thesauraus and most of our crimes were committed by “wrongdoers” and “miscreants” and “ne’er-do-wells”. Thanks for the memories!

  7. Julie in Sacramento

    Hi Andrea! It’s 8:30 am and I’m about to go sell at my first craft show! (I make crocheted hats). I just stopped by here before leaving because your journal makes me feel inspired and centered. I told my aunt about your site. She reads it too. I think you’re both very similar. Anyway, we found out about Feria Urbana through this journal. She applied and was accepted to the August show (fine art photographs,) and being there with her gave me the guts to apply for shows. So now I’m in this one today and at the December 17th Feria Urbana too! I think I commented to a post once a long time ago. I’m sorry I don’t do it more often. I just wanted to let you know what an impact you have on people. Thank you.

  8. Julia

    I’m lovin the “owlies” Reminds me of my mom’s owl collection when I was a child. (happy memories) Thanks too for the tip about the cocoa it sounds delicious. 🙂

  9. jenn

    I love these owls… My grandmother had over 1,500 cats of all shapes and sizes when she passed and I was amazed. I got to pick my favorites to take with me. When I look at them I can see each decade, it’s really wonderful.
    Thank you for the muse to muse site. I could read all day.
    ps… I would be caught in the street too if I knew the real princess was just down the way. Who wouldn’t!

  10. Carla

    Hello! I thought that you would be the perfect person to ask this question. I invest in a good camera, but I’m not sure which way to turn. I am just getting into photography and it would used mostly for my enjoyment. What should I look for? Any suggestions? Thanks so much! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    P.S. Those owls are ador-a-ble!

  11. Anamaria

    Great owlies! And–I just saw you in this month’s Sunset magazine! Congratulations!

  12. joy Madison

    oh my how I love owls! very good find!

  13. risa

    love the art by jessica. and the owls too.

  14. Saratee

    I opened up my Sunset Magazine today to page 50 and I said to myself “That sure looks like my favorite Superhero Andrea” and sure enough it was YOU- Kudos- I think that is pretty Kool! Good Luck selling your jewelry!!

  15. LB

    How cool that you are in Sunset! I am going to have to check that out. Congrats!
    This owl collection reminds me of my husband’s grandmother Mima. She is obsessed with seahorses. God only knows the extent of her collection!

  16. Jennifer

    If you haven’t seen the movie ‘Chocolat’, rent it. The lead character makes hot cocoa with chili peppers in it…

  17. jill

    My mom collected owls for years… To this day I regret not keeping more of them when we had her estate sale. I did keep just a few. It seems to me that there has just recently been a resurgence of the Owl. I am seeing them randomly all over.
    I wish I had liked them more, like this woman and my mom did. They are so wise. (Sorry, I had to say it…)
    Love this photograph!

  18. Curious Servant

    I had a lot of fun reading through these links. Especially the police stuff.

  19. amy b.

    you gotta love cocoa that is INSANE and delicious at the same time, my store was out of it, but i’m going back when the shelves are stocked post tanksgive for sure….I can’t wait to try it. owls are my animal, and i love those vintage banks!
    looking good in sunset andrea, I was proud to show some folks your picture, I shouted, “look, here is my superhero friend! that’s my necklace I have that you love so much” 🙂

  20. Travis

    Hey, thanks for the link to small town misfit!
    Love your site,

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