giving thanks

crystal, Canon Digital Rebel

I am off to Florida to spend the holidays but wanted to let you know that you can find me in the current issue of Sunset magazine! I was so delighted by this, and honestly had no idea that Sunset was a cool magazine until I got the issue. Sunset rules. Did you know that?

I am running at half capacity here, getting over the flu, but I hope to send transmissions from the road over the holiday when I am well fed and sunning myself by the pool.

And a tiny game for all of us to play during the holidays… Ask a family member one question about their life that you have never thought to ask. {ie. What do you remember most about the holidays as a kid? Who did you admire most growing up? What are you grateful for?}

Or, better yet, let a family member know one thing you are grateful for about them. {ie. I love your playfulness & humor, I am grateful for your incredible cooking, I appreciate your wisdom, I love how you take such care in putting the table together…}

“The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.”
– William James

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Anne

    Your games, a nice inducement to remember to take an interest in others…on, and beyond, Thanksgiving. Why not?
    Thanks, Andrea.

  2. gkgirl

    these are such great ideas that i am going to find some way to incorporate them even though our
    thanksgiving has gone past…
    but christmas is coming

  3. Laura

    Have a safe and wonderful holiday, Andrea!

  4. la vie en rose

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love the pic…beautiful simplicity.

  5. Cindy

    Have a happy, happy thanksgiving! Not sure if you will be seeing Jen, but if so, tell her she rocks and that someday I hope she can make herself as happy as she makes the rest of us 😉
    Love and hugs to you!

  6. Julia

    Andrea, Have a safe trip. And a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. 🙂

  7. thodarumm

    Love your blog, refreshingly different, refreshingly simple and resonates with me. Happy Thanksgiving! May I add that I am thankful to have found your blog!

  8. David

    Andrea… Thanks for always reminding me what child-like innocence and basic decency look like in the real world. Unlike thanksgiving, which comes but once a year, you give me almost daily reminders to seek out (and be thankful for) these gifts in unlikely places.
    Enjoy the trip and the holiday… and come back refreshed and healthy.

  9. Marilyn

    Yes, Sunset does rule…but our copy is still sitting unopened in the shrink wrap (I’m SO far behind on my magazines)…I’ll look for you! (I began subscribing when we were in the V.I….I was so missing the West…) Have a fabulous holiday in Florida!

  10. Wanda Tucker

    Are you in the online version of Sunset, too? I couldn’t find you if you are. Give me a hint…?
    Thanks for bringing your sweetness into my life. When I caught the first glimps of your photo today, I thought it was water droplets being poured. Wild…beautiful.
    Get well soon.

  11. Ellen

    You look awesome in the mag, so do the jewels! I’ve been enjoying you blog for the last month or so — felt like I was looking at a friend’s picture in Sunset. Fun! Congratulations — good is reflective. Happy Thanksgiving –happily giving thanks.

  12. Jennifer

    That quote could have been written about me…

  13. jenn

    Hope you got (or are still getting) lots of sun and laughter.

  14. G-Man

    Andrea…i know its a few days past the holidays, but i feel like i’m just getting back into the swing of things again…Happy thanksgiving to you are yours!

  15. G-Man

    Andrea….I know its a few days past the holiday, but i feel like i’m just getting back in the swing of things. I hope you and yours had a blessed Thankgiving!

  16. Lu

    Andrea: How wonderful to find out about Sunset. Congratulations.

  17. A.J.

    Congratulations on Sunset. Yes, it is cool, which surprises me to no end.

  18. jolene

    i checked sunset and found you! how cool is that! and yes: it’s an unexpectedly cool magazine.

  19. stef

    I finally checked out the Sunset magazine and YES, what a surprise how cool that is?!!!
    Very cool that you got in too!!

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