Christine Swirly Miller at Sunstone Winery, Canon Digital Rebel

So much to say about this magical weekend. So much that goes beyond words. There was a lot of laughter, a lot of deep sharing, a lot of appreciating each other’s journey, and a whole lot of dancing (on the ceiling) to Lionel Richie.

If there was a part of me that came alive this weekend, it was my inner 13-year-old, giggling at everything, dancing crazy, singing at the top of my lungs , and just generally being silly.

There was also a lot of getting to know these incredible women and appreciating their talent & beauty and magic. They are so talented and funny!

I felt lucky.
I felt young.
I felt giddy and alive.

And I fell in love with these amazing people I had mostly known online. What a treat to hold their hands, see their pretty eyes and hear their laughter. A big thank you to Christine Miller who organized the whole raucous event. It was truly a gift.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Sundries Sublime

    WOW! I’m so jealous!! Sounds like you all had such a fabulous time!!! I hope you will write more about the weekend!! 😀

  2. Sundries Sublime

    PS – First!!! Whoooo Hooooo!!! 😀

  3. Feisty

    What a gorgeous picture of Christine! Thanks for showing us your inner 13-year-old. We really liked her. 😉

  4. Christine

    Wow, to feel 13 again!! How wonderful it must have been to meet finally, such a group of powerful women!

  5. Kerstin

    This is very infectuous! I wasn’t there but I read about it on the various blogs beforehand and sensed the excitement of something big bubbling to the surface. And so it was. I love how you all portrait this weekend from your own, wonderful, perspectives. And that is a great photo of Christine, I don’t know her personally but it encaptures my image of her perfectly 🙂

  6. thodarumm

    So happy to see that you had a fantabulous time. But Andrea, how can you be so like me. And yet how can I not be creative at all? Oh well, I am enjoying my own child-like behavior and am not ashamed to display it when I am around a few select special people 🙂

  7. la vie en rose

    i saw swirly’s pics on her site. looks like an incredible time.

  8. Ali

    I think this is the coolest thing.

  9. Swirly

    You are MOST welcome. Thank YOU for making it as sparkly as possible.

  10. tonya

    what a fabulous gathering. sounds so life-giving.
    wish i could have partaken. hold onto those 13-year old feelings… lovely little sparks of giddyness.

  11. malaika

    it sounds like you all had a wonderful time. AND i am glad to know i’m not the only one that sings along to Lionel as loud as i can.

  12. LB

    I’ve heard a bit about this special event. I’m so happy you that time and that experience. You looked so happy and exuberant in the photos I saw on Swirly’s site.
    And… as my sister once texted me, “Anyone who doesn’t shake their ass to Lionel Richie’s ‘All Night Long’ has a serious problem!”
    Have a great Wednesday, Andrea.

  13. miles

    Really natural capture, nice one. Sounds like a fun experience!

  14. Jenn

    Again, I feel you have a way of showing a part of someone they hide normally. How wonderful this photo is.
    Your weekend sounds surreal and magical. What a great experience to cherish.

  15. Julia

    Your weekend retreat sounds like the “party of the year!!” (and it’s only January) So glad that you all had a wonderful, magical time. 🙂

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