Superhero Life Coaching

Andrea, Photo by Matthew PassmoreCanon Digital Rebel

So I have been holding out on you guys just a wee bit, but today I’m ready to come clean!

As many of you know from my newsletter, I have been in an incredible training program for the last year at CTI {Coaches Training Institute} and have been growing my life coaching practice. I have already had the pleasure of working with some of you!

What is life coaching?

Life coaching is a bit like having a personal trainer for your life. A coach is someone who helps you get clear about your visions, goals and desires and helps you reach those goals. Through coaching, you will become more skilled at choosing and creating what you truly want, leading to a more rich and satisfying life.

Do you want a job that fulfills you?
Do you have creative projects you want to complete?
Are you thinking about starting a new business?
Would you like to lose weight or focus on your health and fitness?
Would you like to find a partner or improve a current relationship?
Are you in a transition and feeling a bit lost?
Are you just feeling stuck?

These are all great places for coaching.

My experience with coaching

Part of my enthusiasm for coaching stems from my own experience working with a coach. I have always wanted to write a book, but had never been able to complete a book proposal. I had dozens of ideas over the years and somehow got stopped every time I thought about the proposal part. (Anyone relate with this?) My coach not only created a system of accountability for me, (so crucial for those projects we have that no one is waiting for) but even more importantly, coached me through the places that had stopped me over and over again. In six weeks I had completed the proposal and submit it to a publishing company. Whether the book gets published or not, this was an incredible victory for me.

Coaching is everything from writing that book you’ve always wanted to write to creating that relationship you’ve always wanted to have. In coaching, we look at your whole life, and aim for balance and fulfillment, aliveness and joy.

Sample Session

If you are interested in coaching and would like a sample session, please email me with your name and phone number and I will contact you to set up an appointment. Coaching is mostly done over the phone, so I can work with you wherever you are. (I have clients all over the country.)

I would love to work with each and every one of you!

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
– Goethe

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. españa

    This is so exciting Andrea! What an awesome thing to be able to do for people. Congratulations!

  2. Lu

    You are not! What a great thing you have going, A. I do wish you the most incredible luck with your venture.

  3. theo

    I can’t imagine a better person to be doing this. How wonderful for your clients. Congratulations Andrea.

  4. Anne

    Andrea, I’d be quite interested to learn more about what you’re offering as a “sample” for example, the sort of time frame entailed. Could you send me a brief email?
    For your consideration, I live in the UK, so the distance and time difference might make the idea unfeasible, really. Still: I’d be interested to learn more about your proposition.

  5. denise

    How fabulous for you!…and for us!
    You should add a space to your website to tell us more about it.
    example cases (anonymous, of course)
    Wow! And Good luck!

  6. wn

    Congratulations Andrea! What a great thing to do. I know that this will be a great fit for you and for the many others that you will help!

  7. Veronica

    Congratulations! Even one more reason for me to truly admire you. You are an inspiriation, Andrea.

  8. Lori

    Congrats Andrea! What a perfect calling for you.

  9. jolene

    high five, andrea! i definitely would consider this, as i trust that you would be a good guide.

  10. Care

    So excited for you, A!!! Hugs –

  11. Heather M.

    I love that you “came clean” with your coaching practice! Andrea, I feel very blessed to have you as a coach. One of things I love the most about you is that you hold my visions and dreams with infinite possibilities. My life is shifting in ways I hadn’t thought possible. Thank you! XO

  12. christine

    Hooray! The cat’s out of the bag! I can’t wait to see your new business blossom. It’s just a matter of time. xx c.

  13. celisa

    andrea you have been my couch for years now!!! i am so glad you are doing this. you have so much goodness to share with the world! lots of love!!

  14. celisa

    whoops! you have been my coach, not couch!! hehee. that makes me giggle.

  15. lindsey

    what an absolute perfect job for you, andrea! sometimes i feel like you’ve been doing this through your website for so long already. you certainly have helped me! congratulations on the new business.

  16. Kate

    You would be a dream life coach!

  17. Mel

    Top idea!
    I don’t need a coach at the moment, but if I did, I would definitely consider booking with you.
    It would be great if you could add a link to a dedicated website on your page.
    I am also from the UK so maybe it would be worth including overseas rates (as per Anne’s comments above)?

  18. sara

    I am excited for the whole entire world that you will be helping new, wonderful things to happen in it! love, s

  19. Shelley Noble

    Here’s the thing about you, Andrea. In your posts, and I’m sure in your work whether jewelry or coaching, you are clearly truthful. That’s what I respond to about you most. It isn’t just plain honesty or bluntness but a truthfulness that resonates as such with your readers/clients/fans. I’ve learned from you over the years of reading your blog that in order to be successful in any endeavor one must be absolutely unequivocally sincere.
    This quote found today reminds me of you;
    “If you’re to be heard out of all those thousands of
    voices, if your name is going to mean something out of
    all those thousands of names, it will only be because
    you’ve presented your own experience truthfully.”
    Best of luck with ALL of it! Shelley

  20. kristen

    so you got a career and you’ll get a book out of your coaching…THIS IS GREAT!!
    onward and upward!

  21. Mia

    That sounds great. I think I need one!

  22. rachael

    Wow. What an exciting new path for you, and you are so well suited for it! You have already been a life coach through this site for years.

  23. penelope

    Yay Andrea! 🙂

  24. Brian

    What a marvelous direction for you. You inspire and guide so many already with your site and your art.

  25. Sarah Hamburg

    In celebration, here is quote I came across today. Congrats!
    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
    We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
    Actually, who are you not to be?
    You are a child of God.
    Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
    There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
    We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
    It’s not just in some of us,
    it’s in everyone.
    And as we let our own light shine,
    we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
    As we are liberated from our own fear,
    our presence automatically liberates others.
    — Marianne Williamson, quoted by Nelson Mandela

  26. liz elayne

    i had some inklings about this from swirly’s blog and i am so glad to see you write about it today! this is wonderful.
    i can just imagine how amazing you are at this. inviting people to find the brave souls they have inside of them.

  27. bohemiangirl

    oh, yay…it’s out!
    you are such a natural at coaching. you know…you’ve always been a life coach to your dear friends and family and didn’t even realize it.
    but now you’re official. *smile*

  28. susan

    the eagle has landed.
    you are going to be so good at this.

  29. Mitali

    Can you coach over e-mail? I live in India.

  30. Tongue in Cheek

    I can see you will have the whole world in your hands, and what loving hands to carry the world into a better place!

  31. Nina

    This is very, very cool! When you made this career choice, did you sense thousands of doors opening? I know I did when I read your post. It just seems so right!

  32. erika

    yay! that is awesome!!

  33. Emily

    oooh sweet andrea, this sounds soooo cool!
    ive been going through a TON of life changes the past 3 months or so, and my friend has recently started working with a life coach, its an idea ive been batting back and forth for a while— who knows, you may be hearing from me soon!!!
    hope all is going well in your world!

  34. alison

    super fantastic!

  35. moki

    I’d love to concoct a problem in my life just to get a sample session! You are fabulous!

  36. Laura

    Congratulations on your new adventure, and on the submitting of the book proposal! What do you do if someone (okay, me) has too many things they want to accomplish? 🙂

  37. rachel

    Yay! If anyone can bring out the superhero in us it’s you!

  38. Marilyn

    The Big Reveal…good for you! Wait…what newsletter?! 🙂
    P.S. Didn’t see you at Glide on Sunday…hope I didn’t just miss you…but then I was sorta busy bawling my eyes out while Vincent was singing… 😉

  39. Jennifer

    Good for you Andrea. I know I’ve said this before but thank you for following your dreams. It helps me remember to follow mine (and I’m sure it helps others do the same). Jennifer

  40. Donavan

    I can think of nothing more perfect for you to do than to help others feel more alive and less alone.
    Like a compass, you will guide others into finding the secret that lies within them, and by doing so, you will give them the key to their self-imposed cages.
    You are a walking sunburst.

  41. Julie

    Congratulations, Andrea! This is very exciting news!

  42. Kris

    I too am interested but overseas! email/chat? or not possible?

  43. nadine

    Congratulations! I love it!

  44. Sonia

    Certainly this work would be a great sucess!
    Your words are so clear and so intelligent!

  45. kimberly

    A heart that desires to give is the one that succeeds.
    Sasha Azevedo
    shine, shine, shine!

  46. Helen

    I would love a sample session! I’ve always been curious about what a “life coach” looks like vs. psychotherapy. Thanks! Helen

  47. cindy

    your heart is so big, andrea. your clients will be lucky. how amazing you are.

  48. Cheryl Hadden

    I awakened at 5 am and found a message waiting from a friend. I replied and then started to return to bed. Instead I decided to check out the last web page I was looking at. I found “Sublime Stitching”. Got curious and checked out the site and the links page. And there I found you.
    In less than 20 minutes I’d gotten more inspiration, more insight, more clarity into my own life than I’ve had in the last 5 years.
    I was stuck but didn’t know why or how or what to do about it. It seemed I had a zillion choices and couldn’t choose at all. But last night I asked for some clarity, some way to find myself, my path again and move on. There I was, with the dawn peeking in, clicking links, looking at photos, reading your journal, feeling that all this was made just for me.
    My alarm just went off, time to go.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. May you be blessed always.
    Cheryl Hadden

  49. thodarumm

    Congratulations and so very happy for you. I cannot but help copy the same sentiments that another person posted..
    shine, shine, shine… well, you are already a shining star in my eyes. Just thrilled for you. I know you will make a huge difference in many peoples lives.

  50. kristine

    I am excited for you! You are incredible!

  51. Jill

    I would love to talk with you — am looking for a Life Coach these days and would love to change my perspective so I realize that, as you say, I am my very own superhero. Have been reading your blog for a while now (yes, lurking) and really could use a taste of your worldview. Wanna help? (Can’t find your email address on the blog just now, so I hope you read this and reply to my email so we can get this worked out!)

  52. tali

    Congrats to you! How awesome! How much do you charge for coaching? I’m trying to figure out what it is that I want to do with my life…what career path I want to take, and I don’t know where to start.

  53. DeAnna Daniels

    I would certainly love a sample of what a life coach does. I think I have a few areas in my life that need some attention. Please contact me.

  54. sarah

    just wondering if you were accepting any new clients?

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