The Tablehopper

Marcia, Union Square in her sunglasses,Olympus Epic

This is my friend Marcia with Union Square in her sunglasses. As a food writer, she is the person I go to for advice about San Francisco restaurants and food. Now you can too! Check out her latest project, Tablehopper. It is a weekly newsletter and web site about restaurants in San Francisco, reviews, recommendations for where to go for that hot date (or when your parents visit) And if you are planning to visit San Francisco, she will give you some ideas about where the locals go. Her style is quirky, sassy and smart, so even if you don’t normally read restaurant reviews, you will likely find yourself immersed in gourmand reverie. Have no fear! Tablehopper is here!

Some other fun links:
– A new issue of Blue Eyes Magazine is here.
– My friend Wendy, very sweetly, knit me a pink, fluffy, angora uterus as a gift. I found this hilarious and touching all at the same time. Turns out you can also knit an entire digestive system.
– And my new obsession: Pandora. Enter your favorite band/artist and a radio station is instantly created for you!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. M

    Love love love Pandora! Share some of your favorite lists if you get a chance! I put in the Weepies and got some great stuff. As well as KT Tunstall. Also love reading your blog!

  2. Justyna

    I love Pandora. Unfortunately the fascist regime (aka IT Info Security) blocked it and all streaming radio. Now I must contend with actually paying attention while I work. Sigh.
    I wonder what else one could knit? The knot at the pit of my stomach that I can feel when I contemplate a new project? I wish.

  3. Yaron

    Oh my, how do I order a knitted uterus (perhaps with ovaries) for my office? Is that what my patients mean when they say their insides are all tied up in knots?

  4. nina

    lovinglovinglove pandora. i, too, received a knit uterus as a gift back when i started my doula studies.

  5. alison

    My, what a soft and pretty gall bladder you have. And the yellow pancreas, most becoming!
    Andrea, your pictures are always so joyful!

  6. Margaret

    I’m so loving these latest portraits. I have to know, where did you find these super cute borders you’ve been using?!

  7. Christine

    dear andrea,
    i stumbled upon the book “when bad things happen to good people” by harold s. kushner and thought, if you haven’t read it yet, it would definitely be another good read. take care!

  8. Laura

    Can we see a photo of the gifty uterus? 🙂
    Also, check out more of the digestive system site — squidy hat vs. GI system is probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time.

  9. Mia

    As usual loving your blog and your photos. I also love the fact that someone has knitted you a uterus. That is so endearing and lovely and humourous and those are all the things which keep us going eh?
    Love Pandora too!

  10. wn

    Tablehopper is a great link! Thanks for the tip. My husband and I are cautiously planning to spend Christmas in San Francisco this year…we’re looking into flights bought with airmiles and have noted a few hotels. I would love some feedback sometime (when you have a few minutes, obviously) concerning what is a must see/must do…and where YOU would stay if you were a tourist with a bit of a budget but not LOADS of cash.

  11. Caroline

    How cool is Marcia?! I wanna see that uterus!

  12. Christine

    I don’t post often but I must say that I love your site! I always leave your site feeling inspired and empowered.
    Thank you thank you thank you for introducing me to pandora! I’m now obsessed!

  13. Victoria E

    I made sure to register for the email list on Tablehopper – it looks fantastic! Also, it is always wonderful to meet yet another writer in the Bay Area.

  14. pixie

    that wendy. what a fracken good idea. she kills me. your friend is a hottie!!! thinking of you, my dear. xoxoxoxo p

  15. amanda

    Whata great photo.
    Lovely as always, Andrea.

  16. bohemiangirl

    a knitted uterus? okay…i just smiled bigger than i have in a long while. that is the best giftie ever!
    off to check out your cute friend’s gig, Tablehopper…;)
    love! miss! smooch!

  17. Jason

    Marcia looks great!

  18. cathy

    The knitted digestive system was hilarious! And oh so nicely done. I’ve sent the link off to a homeschooling friend. It’s the perfect craft project — educational and fun on so many levels!

  19. Annie

    I contacted Marcia for help with finding a perfect spot for our 5-year anniversary tomorrow, and she was great. She gave me lots of thoughtful suggestions and we’re all set with a reservation at Bix tomorrow. I’ll definitely be using Tablehopper again since i’m not really in the know about restaurants. My husband is such a great cook that we only go out for special occasions!
    Thanks Andrea!

  20. a.

    Thank you for the tablehopper – just yesterday a friend was asking for tips for a SF stay in May!

  21. Sarah Pezdek-Smith

    LOL. How funny is that knitted digestive system! Pandora is awesome, my hubs discovered it a while back, and i have been totally addicted. As always, love your links you post up…you always find the most interesting places on the tangled world wide web 🙂

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