
clouds at sunset, San Diego, Canon Digital Rebel

“She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.”
– Brian Andreas

Off to a wedding this weekend at the ocean…

If you are looking for something to do, Little Miss Sunshine is the best movie I’ve seen all year. Enjoy!

me at Sea World with Purina, San Diego, Canon Digital Rebel

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Lori

    I *love* Brian Andreas. I have two of his Story People drawings, and I’ve given others to friends. Oh, and Al gave me a vase/planter Andreas made out of found materials for Christmas.
    I got my first drawing about 12 years ago, when I was very, very single and, for the most part, very happy about it. It said, “I was never good at hide and seek because I’d always make enough noise so my friends would be sure to find me. I don’t have anyone to play those games with any more, but now and then I make enough noise just in case someone is still looking and hasn’t found me yet.” Al found me 6 years later.

  2. natalucci

    My husband and I watched Little Miss Sunshine last night – it is such a dear, wacky little movie! We thought it was great how all through the movie you’re feeling like the grandpa really might not be as bad as he seemed at first, and then at the end you realize he really is just an old perv. Haha, we thought that was great. I love your site, you are such an inspiration!

  3. la vie en rose

    i’m planning on seeing a matinee tomorrow. i think you’re the 4th blogger whose recommended it.

  4. Jessica

    The BEST movie ever! I loved little Olive, just precious!
    Have a great time at the ocean.

  5. Savannah

    I /love/ Brian Andreas! And the picture of you with the dolphin is so alive and vibrant!

  6. Chookooloonks

    Is that what they mean when they talk about “the glow of pregnancy”?
    You’re positively radiant. Have a great weekend.

  7. Christine

    I loved that movie!

  8. susan

    This post… the quote, the awesome photograph… your glowing, radiant happy face with the dolphin… SPOKE to me. Hooray! It’s so wonderful to see someone so happy.

  9. SmallGlimpses

    We have really gorgeous clouds where I live, but I have not seen a display like this. Very beautiful. I am amazed at how different the clouds are depending on where you live.

  10. Heather

    I agree, I loved Little Miss Sunshine, especially the end pagent routine, havn’t laughed that hard in awhile.

  11. Molly Merrick

    That Andreas quote is my favoritest.

  12. Sabine

    Litle Miss Sunshine=Awesome. Completely and utterly awesome.
    I loved Dwayne. And I loved Frank. And Olive and everyone else… The scene where Dwayn and Frank are talking on the pier about life, and how it’s just one big fucking beauty contest after another- it’s really true.
    I love the quote. I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

  13. doc-t

    That is just way too kewl. I’ve been close to dolphins in a bay and in the ocean, but never close enough to touch them, and I didn’t get to play with them… sigh…
    And the thing about dolphins and pregnant women… Taht’s amazing.

  14. Leonie

    the photo of you with the dolphin is just DIVINE… it makes me smile big!

  15. Julia

    The photo of you and the dolphin just makes me happy looking at it. 🙂 Also, I love the quote from Brian Andreas. His words and Storypeople always seem to hit the mark with their beautiful simplicity. Thanks for sharing.

  16. jenB

    beautiful photo!

  17. stef

    Little Miss Sunshine is my all time favorite…so loved it!!

  18. maureen

    this photo is absolutely gorgeous. you (and the dolphin!) look incredibly happy.

  19. Rae

    I agree. It was one of those movies where you leave the theater feeling like something good has happened to you, rather than feeling like two hours was just sucked away from your life.

  20. dsatabase

    hello nice blog

  21. Alex

    I agree with what you said earlier.

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