dew like jewels

spider web with dew drops, Canon Digital Rebel XTi

“If we knew that tonight we were going to go blind,
we would take a longing, last real look at every blade of grass,
every cloud formation, every speck of dust, every rainbow, raindrop-everything.”
– Pema Chodron

One of the more beautiful things I have heard in a long time.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Savannah

    That /is/ very beautiful. And very, very sad.
    Hey, I got published for the first time yesterday.
    The worst thing about being blind would be not being able to read anymore, don’t you think? Actually, that’s not true. One might think the worst thing is not being able to see the people you love.
    But, on the other hand, blind people get to know other people based on their personalities, not how they look. Silver lining and all that.

  2. erika

    this is a gorgeous shot andrea!

  3. rara avis

    breathtaking pix. love it.

  4. Donavan

    Congrats on your new camera, I’ve got the Rebel XT and I adore it. You deserve a tool that allows you to express your decisive optical brilliance.
    Did I just say, “Decisive Optical Brilliance”?
    I did.
    And I meant it!
    God bless Pema Chodron.
    Don’t ya just love her?

  5. m

    It took ME (chronic fatigue) and getting a lomo to get me to really look at the world.

  6. Christine

    wow! that is a beautiful shot…

  7. Lucia


  8. Julia

    What a magical photo! LOVE IT!!
    Thanks too, for the wonderful, wise quote from Pema Chodron. Super Post! 🙂

  9. Nina

    I love this. It reminds of dangly rhinestone earrings, so glamorous.
    And oh my goodness, you’re almost there — just a few more weeks…

  10. jen b

    An absolutely beautiful shot

  11. Kim

    Simply beautiful.

  12. Kim

    Simply beautiful.

  13. colorsonmymind

    The drops really do look like jewels. This is a beautiful shot.

  14. jenn

    lovely photo. so pretty.
    I loved this story, sad but beautiful I thought.

  15. celisa

    so appropiate that i wake up and read this post this morning. one of my sweet sweet cats passed away last night, and since then i have been wishing i could have hugged him a little more, payed attention a few more minutes, hear his loud drawn out meow a few more times. it’s sad that it sometimes takes loss for us to understand how lucky we were to have certain things/people in our lives. now i ache for his presence in my life. thank you for posting this and reminding me to truly cherish what i have while i have it…for it can so quickly be taken away.

  16. celisa

    i hate when i don’t check my spelling before i send.

  17. tracey


  18. tracey

    dang! same thing celisa said.
    um, i mean, exquisite. ahem.

  19. Anali

    Beautiful picture and quote. My mom has been slowly losing her vision. Yet at the same time her painting has become more poignant. We were just talking about how much more she appears to be seeing on some other level.

  20. Boho girly

    mmmm…this picture is so beautiful.
    and this quote is something i needed to hear today.

  21. victoria winters

    I love Story Corps. Sometimes I listen at work when I’m bored.

  22. Leah

    Your photos kick so much ass!

  23. Rochelle

    Things to be greatful for……. a beautiful baby boy. 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  24. Marilyn

    Just swinging by to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and Matt (and baby). Thought of you yesterday when I saw Will Smith and Chris Gardner on Oprah…about “The Pursuit of Happyness”…and about Glide, of course.

  25. jonny784


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