
Me with my trusty camera, Jen Lemen, nyc, photo by Kelly Rae Roberts, Canon Rebel Xti

I am honored to have been interviewed by Jamie Ridler for her series on The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. It is a book blogging group that any of you can join, or just you can give a listen to the interviews here… My interview is up now and you can look forward to hearing Jen Lemen’s and other inspiring peeps in the coming weeks (and past weeks)

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Trish

    Sweet A,
    Great Interview, I listened yesterday and affirms why you’re are a ‘superhero’ to me. Thank you for awakening my creative juices and inspiring me to proceed forward.
    Your fan and friend,
    Love, Trish

  2. stef

    love the photo 🙂 hey, i’m searching for new lenses…which one do you have here?

  3. celisa

    i love you girls 🙂

  4. Leslie

    loved the interview and so nice to hear your real live voice :>).

  5. Laura

    awesome! I’m trying my hardest to transition into a creative career– so glad that I can listen to how you guys (well, women) manage it…

  6. D

    Great interview Andrea. You were so articulate and interesting to listen to. I loved the part about following your rhythms. You are an inspiration.

  7. Andrea

    Great interview!
    What fun to put a voice the the face! You have such a sweet, girly voice.
    I had to laugh because it wasn’t the slightly goofy, rather loud voice I heard in my head when I read your writing.
    Oh yeah…that was *my* voice! LOL!

  8. Steve

    Blogs are wonderful, your words and photo’s inspire me in my life. But when you add a voice to it, another dimension opens up… The first time I heard your voice was in the video, Ben has a little song for you, and in those last few seconds your words of gratitude to Ben, your words of encouragement that came so easily from your body, so soothing, so real… it was then I fully realized who you were and the gift you are to Ben and all of us… thank you!!

  9. amy k

    that was a nice interview to listen to just now!
    thank you for your sharing. it was good for me to be reminded that small spaces of time to create in on a daily basis are powerful and that i am not the only one with gremlins! xo

  10. Meg

    The book proposal!! Maybe we should be book proposal buddies, becuase now I want to do one too, and because dang it, I’ve wanted your book on my shelf for, um, four years now? Five maybe? So I want to kick those little gremlins in the knee caps (how non-soothing of me, I know.)

  11. muck

    think you could sum up what you said since i’m deaf and would love to know what you said!
    new york must have been refreshing for you. can’t wait for my fix next month. 🙂

  12. ali

    I can’t wait to listen to the interview. The photo you posted reminded me, however, that I’ve always wanted to know what lenses you use – you are a great photographer!!!! If you are willing to spill – I would LOVE to know!

  13. Mariella

    A lovely interview!! You’re such an inspiration, Andrea. Thank you!! xoxo, ~ M.

  14. heather

    Andrea! That was such a fabulous interview! It touched on so many things that I needed to hear that very moment. I cant wait to see what unfolds with your book!

  15. Jacey Cosner

    Greetings Andrea, I found your blog through Anna Kuperberg’s blog post about Shutter Sisters.
    I would love to listen to your interview, can’t seem to locate it though. Is is still up???
    If not I am at least happy to learn about y’all and I will be tuning in.
    Sending Happyness,

  16. Bgfevvwm

    xRtzCH comment1 ,

  17. Bgfevvwm

    xRtzCH comment1 ,

  18. Niel

    Sorry. This world is given as the prize for the men in earnest; and that which is true of this world, is truer still of the world to come. Help me! It has to find sites on the: Difference between tanning beds. I found only this – tanning beds skin cancer. You; ll be plagued with fewer wrinkles that way, too. Awakening the academy a time for new leadership. With respect :rolleyes:, Niel from San.

  19. Gadget

    I cannot and will not prepare my honour to becoming this year’s fashions, round though I long ago came to the conclusion that I was not a civil personally and could arrange no congenial place in any political group.

  20. dkny watch

    I like double-talk, it wakes up the brain cells. Chimera is a urgent ingredient in living, it’s a technique of looking at elasticity with the aid the infernal ruin of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at subsistence’s realities.

  21. technomarine

    Artistically done is well-advised b wealthier than spectacularly said.

  22. sector watch

    Artistically done is well-advised b wealthier than comfortably said.

  23. hadley roma

    Lovingly done is richer reconsider than spectacularly said.

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