Be Present Retreat*

Kelly Rae and me in Seattle, Canon Rebel Xti

Just wanted to send out a little announcement that I will be teaching again this fall! It will be a cozy Be Present Retreat on the Oregon coast with my dear one Kelly Rae and the talented Liz Elayne. More details to come, but I wanted to give you a heads up since there are only 22 spots available for this retreat. It will be held October 14th-17th and registration will open up mid-April.


We will be painting, taking photos, sharing meals and just generally having a soulful time together. The above photo is of the painting I did with Kelly Rae. If she can teach me to do something so pretty, she can teach you too!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Linnea

    Andrea, I’m so excited!! I hope I can come! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.

  2. Julian

    Hi Andrea,
    Will you please give a head’s up when one can register too? The invitation is soooo tantalizing.
    Thanks! And so glad Ben is back to his ole hilarious self!
    A fond reader, Julian

  3. Julian

    Ah hi, I just read the last line. Mid April. Thanks!

  4. rani Shah

    Looking forward to the heads up too! This would be my first ever Artist retreat!! After reading Kelly Rae’s book and reading both your blogs, I am truly inspired to be part of something like this!!!

  5. rani Shah

    Looking forward to the heads up too! This would be my first ever Artist retreat!! After reading Kelly Rae’s book and reading both your blogs, I am truly inspired to be part of something like this!!!

  6. vivienne

    I’m sooo excited about this and so hope I can make it happen to be there!

  7. mamie

    first, oh andrea, i was a little behind in reading and just read the post on ben and his seizure. my heart was pounding just at the thought of you having to witness him. so very glad all the world conspired to have you at the doors of the ER at that moment. glad he is better and hoping all questions in that dept get answered. your conversation after made me feel like crying, just at the honesty that there is between the two of you.
    now, onto this one. i think i need to do everything in my power to make this retreat happen for myself. i am writing it here right now so i can commit to finding ways to make it happen. it seems like the worst possible time to dream this, husband out of work, bank accounts dwindling, but something tells me this is the totally right dream to have.
    you know, i learned of kelly rae’s art because of you and while i was pregnant i ordered one of her prints, this beautiful roundly pregnant woman. i stared at it everyday i was on bedrest…willing myself to be that healthy roundly pregnant woman for just a bit longer. oddly enough, i was cleaning my bedside table and i came across it today…what a rush of emotion that brought on.
    i think these are all signs that i am going to listen to…so see you in oregon in october, okay?

  8. pixiemama

    I have that same yellow overcoat… and I love it. It looks especially stunning with my Superhero jewelry…

  9. mccabe

    this sounds amazing!!!!

  10. Mariella

    Fabuloso!! Looking forward to hearing more about it. 🙂 xoxo, ~ M.

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