Guest Blogger: Jen Gray


You are in for a treat. The fabulous, talented and creative Jen Gray made the most incredible video just for you… Thank you friend!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. dawn

    The beginning is my favorite and I love how the end ties it all together. Bravo!

  2. Jennifer/The Word Cellar

    uh-oh. instead of a video i’m seeing code. thought you’d want to know. 🙂

  3. dana

    thank you for the inspirational video Jen! makes me want to get out there and live my dreams – so maybe i will…

  4. feva

    uuppps, yes, I can see just the code of the video. But I have already seen it on the facebook and it is unbelievable :)) Thanks girls 🙂

  5. feva

    uuppps, yes, I can see just the code of the video. But I have already seen it on the facebook and it is unbelievable :)) Thanks girls 🙂

  6. amy

    so gorgeous. thank you for sharing your thoughtful sparkle.

  7. wilsonian

    🙂 This is so fab. Thank you.

  8. Jan

    Beautiful! Who sings, and what is the name of the song in the video?

  9. jen gray

    ***sarah mclachlan singing Blackbird and the beautiful Nick Drake singing “One of these things first”….

  10. Cristi

    Absolutely fabulous!!! This is SO what I needed to see today. Thank you!

  11. beth

    gosh how I love that girl and feel so blessed to have met her at squam….what an amazing soul she is !

  12. beth

    gosh how I love that girl and feel so blessed to have met her at squam….what an amazing soul she is !

  13. Jill

    I needed that, thank you!! What a wonderful message.
    The picture of Jen is very beautiful, it matches her soul.

  14. Jill

    I needed that, thank you!! What a wonderful message.
    The picture of Jen is very beautiful, it matches her soul.

  15. Jill

    I needed that, thank you!! What a wonderful message.
    The picture of Jen is very beautiful, it matches her soul.

  16. vivienne

    i truly love this video! it completely has me wanting to go out and create (and give it all a whirl)!

  17. Deb Taylor

    WOW! Insanely fun and fresh, happy go lucky, and outrageously creative!

  18. lorna

    Loved this! Such an inspirational start to my sunny day. I think I’ll wear my cowboy boots today:)

  19. lorna

    Loved this! Such an inspirational start to my sunny day. I think I’ll wear my cowboy boots today:)

  20. valerie

    magic, just pure magic!

  21. Mariella

    This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for touching my heart so beautifully this morning!! xoxo, ~ M.

  22. Honey

    I have been transfused. Infused. An inspiration to all. Goodness and light I tell ya and sassy as the day is long.

  23. darrah

    That’s exactly what I needed today! I’m in the midst of starting something new and that gave me a little boost of confidence and brought a smile to my face. And I’m also having a bit of shoe envy now!

  24. Allison

    Adorable, inspiring, and fabulous!

  25. krisann

    Thank you! I am inspired.

  26. monica

    Thank you, Andrea, for the guest bloggers. They have been inspiring. And thank you, Jen Gray, for such a lovely video. I love those skirts and dresses and the whirling, dancing, skittering legs. Fabulous.

  27. cjh

    I’ve been enjoying the guest bloggers as well. Andrea, I hope you’re enjoying your time away. Jen, how does one person own such an amazing collection of shoes?

  28. amy sperry faldet

    Joyous, blueberry tears blop off my chin! A Mom, an Artist, a Writer, a friend, well, Where to begin? I will follow the twirl, I walk my path and be an artsy girl.
    Thanks for the moment…

  29. amy sperry faldet

    Joyous, blueberry tears blop off my chin! A Mom, an Artist, a Writer, a Friend, well, Where to begin? I will follow the twirl, I walk my path and be an artsy girl.
    Thanks for the moment…

  30. amy sperry faldet

    Joyous, blueberry tears blop off my chin! A Mom, an Artist, a Writer, a Friend, well, Where to begin? I will follow the twirl, I will walk my path and be an artsy girl.
    Thanks for the moment…

  31. heather

    thank you jen gray! i feel inspired to whirl around!

  32. stef

    beautiful Jen ~ Beautiful you!!

  33. Brenda

    That was so sweeet! It’s made me smile!

  34. amanda jayne

    So lovely, a delight to watch and share.
    Thank you muchly!

  35. claire

    thank you a million times over.
    to be taken out of the moment and inspired.
    you rock.

  36. Caryn Lynn

    Joyfully heartwarming! What a fun a creative way to share your inspiring thoughts. Thank you for making my day shine brighter.

  37. Denise

    you have no idea how much that touched me – especially the beginning.

  38. Karyn

    blissful, beautiful, a balm on my heart and warm sunshine on my back. thank you.

  39. Elicia

    why do i feel like this is so retro??? i love it.

  40. KellyA

    Brilliant and beautiful. Just what I needed on this day.

  41. Andrea

    Jen, I LOVE what you said in your “book” about learning to distinguish between *your* dreams and those the rest of the world has for you.
    Sometimes it’s so easy to get swept up into all of that, especially when the world thinks you need to be big time, and maybe you just want to take it slow.
    “Wouldn’t it be great if you [fill in the blank with whatever great idea]?”
    Um, yeah, if that’s what I wanted to do…
    Thanks for reminding us to follow that little voice!

  42. k

    oh boy…did i ever need that!! what perfect timing…LOVE, LOVE, LOVED this! THANK YOU JEN! Thank you for reminding all of us that our dreams are truly ours and it is up to us whether we give them a whirl or not!

  43. SistaKt


  44. linda

    This is wonderful.

  45. GailNHB

    You are a beautiful, wise, creative, funny woman, Jen. I loved this video. Many thoughts about it will go into my journal today.
    I agree with the earlier commenter: You have quite the collection of shoes and boots and skirts. Nice! I need to be more adventurous in my skirt purchases, I guess. Better yet, I need to find a pattern and shape that work for me and make my own skirts. That’s a dream that is truly mine!!! I need to set out to make it come true, I suppose…
    You are super, sister.

  46. Stacy

    That is an amazing collection of shoes!!! I lust after them all. The vid is wonderfully insightful & truly fun to watch. GREAT JOB!!!!

  47. jen gray

    thank you all so much 🙂 geez…if im ever having an overly blue day, im coming back and reading all your gracious comments!
    love to you
    jen gray

  48. Sonia

    Greetings from Paris!
    Brilliant! Your video put a smile on my face; exactly what the doctor ordered! Thanks Jen 🙂
    ps: where could I find the first song that’s playing?

  49. catherine

    This is such pure bliss, such wonderful authenticity, such graceful joy. You are a generous soul for sharing this video with the rest of us. Plus, the shoes are pretty damn awesome (I’ve got the big black sandals and the go go boots!).
    Thank you…
    Be well!

  50. sandy M

    This was a wonderful video. I could see the personality of each pair of shoes. Thanks for the messages in the book at the beginning. Also, I loved the music added. I will show this to friends. Thank you for your creativity and energy.

  51. jen gray

    thank you all so much, such goodness….
    *the song blackbird is sung by sarah mclachlan….

  52. Gooseberried

    Oh my! Jen looks so beautiful in that photo! Love the video. 🙂

  53. pamela

    I just loved this. a) what a fabulous, happy, lovely pair of legs, b) such shoes, and I loved their individual significance, c) I loved the way you turned the pages, and how careful you were, with your fun, chunky rings, making sure we could see the words clearly.
    Thank you for this gift, it brought some light to my day. I feel lighter for the entire experience!

  54. dlara

    loved it so much:)
    u were my insipiration and still are, and I belive will be too.
    god bless you girl:)

  55. littlepurplecow

    Love, love, love it. Thank you, Jen. You are a gift.

  56. Julie McCullough

    just brilliant, beautiful, soul searching — there are too many words to describe the beauty of this photo. Thank you! J-

  57. arizaphale

    That was extraordinary. Beautiful soundtrack too.

  58. kat

    how truly refreshing, jen. thanks for giving and sharing and caring and loving and LIVING. ~ k.

  59. danikeith

    made me cry and made my heart feel so full of possibility, thank you for your beautiful spirit

  60. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  61. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  62. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  63. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  64. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  65. Sandrine

    Just thank you ! thank you for sharing this ! I’m new to your blog and will definitively be back soon ! you’re in my fav’ links 😉 Smooches form Belgium 😉

  66. jess

    i loved that so much. it was just what i needed. thank you.

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