Guest Blogger – Matthew Passmore (aka “the Husband”)

Greetings Readers of the Superhero blog!


For the remaining weeks of May, Andrea will be taking a much-deserved break from blogging, and will be opening this space to a series of dear friends and fellow bloggers (and a husband who just happens to know her Movabletype password).

I, of course, am going to use my moment in the spotlight for some shameless self-promotion. But bear with me – there could be something in it for you…

As you may know, I am a conceptual artist and urbanist, a founding member of the Rebar art collective and the creator of a project called “PARK(ing) Day.”

PARK(ing) Day is an annual event where citizens transform metered parking spaces into temporary parks and other types of social places – from parking spaces to people places! PARK(ing) Day began in 2005 when Rebar converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park in an area of San Francisco that is underserved by public open space.

parkingday.jpgThe original “PARK(ing).”

What began as an experiment in reclaiming and remixing public space has grown into a global phenomenon: PARK(ing) Day 2008 included more than 500 park installations in over 100 cities on four continents. Citizens in urban centers around the globe recognize the need for new approaches to making the urban landscape, and realize that converting small segments of the automobile infrastructure – even temporarily – can alter the character of the city, and create rich new territories for generosity, artistic and political expression, experimentation and play.

PARK(ing) Day around the globe.

PARK(ing) Day 2009 is Friday, September 18th. And, I have two exciting announcements for you: First, Rebar has built the PARK(ing) Day Network, an online social network that will serves as the information clearinghouse and the living archive of the project. If you intend to participate in PARK(ing) Day 2009, are a member of the press, or would just like more information about the project, please visit:


Second, I am pleased to announce the OFFICIAL PARK(ING) DAY T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST!
You could win US$1,000 and have your design seen and worn worldwide! The competition is open to anyone and ends June 29, 2009. For more information and the complete guidelines and official rules, tap that image:

And please help us spread the word~!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Caroline

    Go Matt! 🙂

  2. Monica

    Very cool Matthew. What a great way to get people thinking. Reading your post and seeing the photos certainly got me thinking.
    As for the logo assignment …. I have a small addiction to logotournament ( I don’t participate in the design … I’m just a spectator. If you haven’t heard of it, it might be worth checking out.

  3. m

    Matt we need an intervention in Edinburgh Scotland !

  4. m

    Matt we need an intervention in Edinburgh Scotland !

  5. marilee pittman

    So nice to meet you online. I love the idea of Park(ing) Day! Good luck. I will send the web site to some of my artist friends…..

  6. patricia

    the universe must have sent me here this morning — day before yesterday i started calling myself a conceptual artist and writer who has yet to be discovered…now i’ll have to come back to read the rest of the post…

  7. Mariella

    So very cool!! Love it! ~ M.

  8. Zoe

    Holy heck! You are the person behind park(ing) day? That is one of my favorite things about San Francisco. On the first day I saw it, a couple years ago, I was delighted. There was some sod, a few lawn chairs, a puppy and sweet people in a parking space on Mission. I was on my way to work, and I was like, “Yep, it’s gonna be a good day.”

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