
Karen Walrond, Irene Nam, Millenium Park, Chicago Canon Digital Rebel XSi

Things I am celebrating these days:

1. Remember that house that love built? The one in Rwanda that we all pitched in our fives and tens to help make? It’s done folks. Can you believe it? I am so moved by what power we have when we are together. See the full story on Kelly Rae’s blog. (Also, have you seen her beautiful new web site?)


2. I was honored to be featured in the Autumn issue of Artful Blogging! Have you seen this magazine people? It is full color, totally beautiful, and chock full of art and interesting people to discover. I joyfully read it cover to cover on my flight to Chicago. (And was excited to see I was in the same issue as the Shutter Sisters interview!)

3. Speaking of Shutter Sisters, I have been celebrating being a part of that incredible group of soulful and talented women. The Shutter suite was such a sweet refuge during the Blogher conference. You could just sit there all day and night and talk to nice people in your pajamas. The photo at the top of this post is of two gorgeous Shutter Sisters Karen Walrond and Irene Nam. (I posted a Superhero Photo challenge over there today.)

4. Our tomato plants are looking bedraggled and dry as a bone, but the tomatoes they are producing are off the hook delicious. Seriously, the best tomatoes I have ever eaten. Given that this is the first thing that Matt and I have ever grown in our lives, we are like proud parents, beaming as we come in each day with a new little gem in our hand. Tending them all these weeks has been a total pleasure. Next crop, lettuce!


5. Still celebrating the launch of Mondo Beyondo. I have been on a happy high all week, anticipating the magic of these classes. A warm thank you to everyone who has signed up!


6. Went out to see the neighborhood barn owls last night with a bunch of neighbors. There is a group of them in a big palm tree near my house and each night there is a wild show where the parents bring rats to the baby owls. So cool!

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Chookooloonks

    Sitting talking with you and Irene was the highlight of my trip.

  2. Irene

    that afternoon with you and Karen in Millennium Park was pure magic. xo
    ps: I’m totally loving these photos! and yay for growing your own tomatoes!

  3. Irene

    that afternoon with you and Karen in Millennium Park was pure magic. xo
    ps: I’m totally loving these photos! and yay for growing your own tomatoes!

  4. sperlygirl

    what a wonderful list – and many congratulations on the article! wish we could find that mag over here would love to give it a look. oh, and an owl siting, my absolute favorite. i felt so lucky last summer while visiting prague i was able to handle an owl – it was magical. have a lovely weekend!

  5. Andi

    Oooh, life is so fabulous when you have an abundance to celebrate! Congrats on everything!!!

  6. Michelle

    I love it! I also love Matt’s (?)heart shaped hands…precious. Hmm…My ‘mater plants are the size of trees and the tomatoes are just okay. Here’s to the bedraggled! 🙂 Loved the message today!

  7. Stacy (mama-om)

    Oooh, the owls.
    I’m off to visit Mondo Beyondo….

  8. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams

    My tomato plant is bone-dry too…but the fruit is delicious. Hurrah for gardening surprises!
    And I’m signed up for the 2nd Mondo Beyondo session since I’ll be traveling when the first one starts…SO excited. 🙂

  9. Abby

    I’m excited about your tomoato plants! I have huge garden this summer. My first one, and I can relate to your feelings about feeling so connected to the Earth.
    Signed up for the 2nd session of Mondo Beyondo! Can’t wait.
    Thanks for sharing your celebrations.

  10. Vanessa

    Oh so many hot tears of happiness to read about the house that love built. Wow!

  11. linda


  12. Stacy (mama-om)

    Ooooh, the owls.
    I am off to check out Mondo Beyondo…

  13. Tinniegirl

    I got the first issue of my subscription to Artful Blogging this week and decided to sign up for Mondo Beyondo. I thought it was all very serendipitous. I’m very excited about the class, and about my big dreams that are coming together.

  14. Monita

    Good evening. I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s. Help me! It has to find sites on the: Hidden camera tanning beds. I found only this – home tanning beds canada. Features an indoor tanning faq, information for first timers and a bulb change schedule. Afrika speaksaliu seeks support for knustges model nursery school shinesdye for premix fuel to combat smugglingpioneering mississippi native dies at def jam launching new business strategy integrating brands into liner notescrop yield increases with new coupon system for farmers kidnapper nabbedghana probe sitsatta gunned downbni grounds british airways. Thank 😮 Monita from Papua.

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