by inches*

Lake Anza this morning, photo turned upside down, Berkeley, CA Taken with iphone

Another poem by my favorite, Maya Stein

By Inches

You want it here and now, a remedy for everything
gone wrong. A magic wand, perhaps, alighted
on your shoulders. An angel whispering
sweet nothings while you sleep so you wake benighted
with certainty that you are whole once again. You realize
your patience is diminishing, and yet what’s required is the reverse.
This will not be some biblical miracle before your eyes,
a transformation of movie star proportions. No, healing is a slow nurse,
pausing bedside with drips of water, a hot cloth, a murmur of a touch.
By inches, a change sneaks into you, even if it doesn’t look like much.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Marya

    I [heart] this photo. It’s really lovely. I can’t believe that you can capture that with an iPhone!

  2. amy

    gorgeous photo. those words were just what i needed to read this week. accepting that the miracle isn’t going to happen but that change is still taking place is a very good thing. thank you.

  3. Laura

    Beautiful- image and text. The right medicine for my impatience. It was great to read this at the start of the day.

  4. Tinniegirl

    What a beautiful poem. So true. Gorgeous photo too.

  5. Catherine

    um…I NEEDED that.
    thank you

  6. Trish

    Love it!

  7. michelle

    beautiful photo
    amazing words

  8. barb jensen

    Thanks for introducing me to a new favorite poet. I love that the photo is upside down; very clever.

  9. michelle andre

    got it, andrea…:) and i love the photo. i think i recall that you paint inverted… just beautiful.

  10. ffocuss

    Simply wonderful.

  11. creativevoyage

    what a beautiful poem – and so true we desperatly want change NOW the fix NOW and instead it does gently creep up on us

  12. eric

    oh my, I really needed to hear this … thank you

  13. Jennifer

    your photo is stunning!

  14. Stacy (Mama-Om)

    oh, wow! this poem spoke to me… I love it, and i am amazed at your photo.
    thanks for bringing wonder and gratitude alive in my day!

  15. Jennwynn

    Thank you! I needed this so badly today! (Link posted to Facebook so others may find you.)

  16. -L

    Just realized this image is upside down! I kept thinking how amazing it was that it looked like a painting and now I see that the reflection on the top gives the image such a painterly feel. Very cool! Love the poem too, just what I needed:) Thanks for posting.

  17. heidi

    This is motherhood.

  18. qmama

    love this. thank you for sharing it. xo

  19. Braidwood

    I LOVE that photo- it looks like a mixture of a painting and photography. Thanks for sharing it.

  20. rachael maddox

    this poem & this photo have my smile small & large. if that makes any sense? thanks for sharing!

  21. rachael

    Love the photo and the words.

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