Take Me With You Giveaway*

Photo of Jen with camera by yours truly, Andrea Scher, Canon Digital Rebel XSi

We have a great giveaway this week! Jen just sent me a copy of her new journal, Take Me With You and I just love it. She describes it even better than I can here:

Sometimes you need to examine what’s holding you back. You need to practice moving your pen across the page until words all your own come fast and furious. If you are on a journey of waking up to your life or if you want to be, these pages will be your sage companion. Take me with you, and together we’ll unearth the power and prose that’s been waiting there along. If not now, when? Take Me With You: A Journal for the Journey is a fill-in journal and writing guide.

One lucky winner will get a copy. For the rest of you, I encourage you to grab your own copy on her website. (update: They are no longer sold out!)

Giveaway Guidelines:
– You have until 8PM PST on Sunday, November 22nd to enter this giveaway.
– Just make a comment ON THIS POST to enter.
– This is a random drawing
– One entry per person, please. (Just push “post” ONCE and wait a few seconds. The comment should appear)

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. karen

    thank you for this opportunity.

  2. Kai

    This sounds wonderful! I would love a copy 🙂

  3. Dare

    I love this! Would squee with delight if I was to win!

  4. Jolie

    Thanks, Andrea! And Jen, too!

  5. Nicole

    ooooh I need this!

  6. Bea

    I need some journaling, please!

  7. shari

    such a great idea for a journal. lovely.

  8. ambrella

    journey me!

  9. Megan

    What an awesome idea!

  10. jag

    Another wonderful giveaway! Thanks to you both… Love & Blessings to you. xox

  11. Marianne

    Oh, I would give this to my sister. Sometimes I wish she could take me with her, but I thinkthis journal would be a welcome addition especially when I’m not around 🙂

  12. Marcie

    What a great idea for a journal..an exciting give-away!!!

  13. kolleen

    delicious…i want it!!!!! : )

  14. gem

    i would love to take this with me*
    thank you for this offering.

  15. Juliana Gerber-Miller

    “If not now, when?” sounds about right…
    🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. Tawnya

    Oh, how I need.

  17. Elle

    I’m in love with the idea and will definitely be getting a copy, one way or another!

  18. Kylie

    Ohh, I would love a copy!

  19. Valerie

    IT sounds wonderful…I would love a copy. I have been wanting to begin journaling again, but keep getting stuck…will check out the website

  20. Sharon

    I keep starting journals and throwing them away. I need this.

  21. Leia

    Would be very grateful to win this!!

  22. Laura

    This sounds awesome! Thanks!

  23. Rosa

    this would be perfect for my new journey living in chicago

  24. Elle

    I love this whole concept and will be definitely be getting a copy one way or another!

  25. Elle

    What a lovely idea! I will definitely be getting a copy, one way or another!

  26. Sophie

    I’d just love to win this.

  27. Yasmin Doran

    Me please!!!hee…

  28. Robyn

    I’d love to win a copy! Thanks for having this giveaway!

  29. Avital

    What a wonderful giveaway. I love Jen Lee. Thanks!

  30. angel

    pick me!! pick me!!

  31. conniemelancon

    I would love this. Thanks for a chance to win.

  32. rachael

    i would love to win, thank you!

  33. lela


  34. pixiemama

    I could certainly use a wonderful journal for the journey ahead.

  35. Lori

    I would love…no I need to get back to writing, I would take it with me everywhere.

  36. Tracy

    Thank you!!

  37. Tracy

    Thank you!!

  38. Andrea MacDonald

    What a great idea. I love it.

  39. Nancy

    What a great concept, I would love a copy!

  40. Glad

    I love journals. Love.
    Pick me, pick me!

  41. jennifer

    this looks great.

  42. Jess

    WOW. I would love a copy!

  43. Jess

    WOW. I would love a copy!

  44. Abbie

    Looks awesome! =)

  45. jenn

    sounds like just want i need… thanks…

  46. Tehmina

    wonderful idea! I need that journal! pick me!

  47. emma

    I’m at a cross roads but need a shove in the right direction. I need to listen to myself, and ‘take me with you’ would help so much!

  48. Dina

    Oh, my! Awesome!

  49. emma

    I’m at a cross roads but need a shove in the right direction. I need to listen to myself, and ‘take me with you’ would help so much!

  50. Holly

    I will go with you! What a beautiful guide!

  51. kellya

    I need this now more than ever. I have gotten away from the art I truly want to make and am not sure why.

  52. Lis

    the perfect thing to carry one through this busy season and into a new year …
    i will be adding this to my wishlist 🙂 thank you!

  53. Sarah

    awesome as always.

  54. Catherine

    that would be such a treat!

  55. Pamela

    This journal would be perfect….in the last 8 weeks…both parents were in the hospital, my Mom died, had to move my Dad to a secure facility, I quite my job, my husband and I moved from our beloved British Columbia to Edmonton…Alberta…which is like moving from beach front property in Malibu to the middle of Utah..we have to clear out my parents house of 45 years (and they were hoarders…like the show on A&E hoarders..), we have to sell the house…so yep figuring out what next would be on my to do list..

  56. Brigindo

    Very cool and already sold out!

  57. Beth

    anything jen related would be perfect in my hands….pick me pick me 🙂

  58. Beth

    anything jen related would be perfect in my hands….pick me pick me 🙂

  59. Michelle

    Looks gorgeous!

  60. Michelle

    Thanks for the offer! :). Looks exciting!

  61. Michi D

    Have paper and pen, just waiting for some inspiriation!

  62. trish

    got my fingers crossed!

  63. Amanda Coolidge

    sign me up 🙂 thank you!!

  64. Amanda Coolidge

    sign me up 🙂 thank you!!

  65. crystine

    yes. a guide sounds so damn relaxing!

  66. heidi

    Sounds lovely :).

  67. Brittany

    Writing can be so freeing. But, strangely enough, sometimes you need a guide to reach that freedom.
    Looking forward to reading this journal!

  68. Krista Lynch

    Oh, how wonderful..I am right in the middle of a wake-up journey with only a piece of chalk in a thunderstorm.

  69. jen

    wonderful! sounds like just what i need to read right now!

  70. malia

    This sounds like it might be just the thing to pull me out of my creative rut!

  71. gloria

    I am really excited about this book..It sounds like good soul food…Thanks Gloria

  72. jenniferG

    I am stuck in the muck. And I am being held hostage by my gremlins, cousins to the inner critics. Wake up wake up. Move . write . cartwheel out of this place. puhlease. pretty please.

  73. Mel

    I have been hovering over the buy button to get the journal. And I’ve been hovering too long and now it says sold out. A good example that hesitation rarely pays off.
    When I saw the title of the journal, I thought: “I’d like something to be part of my journey.” And hightymalighty what a year (and what a journey) it’s been and ohmygoodnessareyoureadyfortheride what a year next year is going to be with all my plans, dreams, wonders and potentials. Yes, I’d like something that I could take with me.

  74. Adam

    wow, it looks like she’s already sold out! this looks like it would be a great book for anyone to have and explore their soul with 🙂

  75. Clara

    Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve been listening to Jen’s podcasts while I read my spate of favorite blogs in the morning (including hers and this one). It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

  76. Kel

    sold out so soon!?!
    maybe my luck will change and I’ll be a winner here 🙂

  77. Sheryl

    I need something to get my pen and camera moving again. Jen Lee just might be the tonic.

  78. feva

    what a great giveaway 🙂

  79. Sarah

    just lovely.

  80. Sheryl

    I could use something to help me get my pen moving! Jen Lee just might have the the tonic.

  81. mccabe

    what a lovely giveaway!
    mccabe xo

  82. mel

    Take me with you! Please……..

  83. mac

    wow! sounds like something i could really use right about now. thanks for the chance!

  84. Michelle M

    I could do with a sage companion! Please count me in.

  85. Tinniegirl

    What a fabulous giveaway. Yes please.

  86. kimberly

    what an inspiring little thing.
    thank you, both of you.

  87. Aqua

    Who could resist such an opportunity????? MY fingers are crossed…

  88. Deb

    Sounds fabulous and really interesting…

  89. Julie

    I love inner journeys. Although, I haven’t always. I am on one now and it is amazing! Thanks to the Universe for the opportunity to be gifted with this wonderful book!

  90. creativevoyage

    I don’t want the journal I already have it – but just wanted to say that its a great resource for the beginning writer who wants to get more confidence.

  91. creativevoyage

    I don’t want the journal I already have it – but just wanted to say that its a great resource for the beginning writer who wants to get more confidence.

  92. Sue

    I would love to have this journal!

  93. hannah

    hmm. pick me? 🙂 definitely need to be journaling more, with or without this I need to get the brain “junk” out onto paper to sort it so I can move through the junk into the beauty! thanks again for the blog and thoughts and general thankfulness 🙂

  94. megan kelly

    I love the title! I’d also, love a copy, ha ha!

  95. qmama

    thank you for this generous offering. such soulful storytelling. xo

  96. Susan S.

    What a treat! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity…

  97. indivisuell

    Oh, take me with you on the journey. I would love it!

  98. val

    i like how one of the topics is “saving it for later.” this is really really lovely.

  99. Life in Eden

    I want to be on a journey, but can’t seem to find the road.

  100. Susan F.

    What a wonderful and inspiring giveaway. Thanks for sharing!

  101. krista

    this is fantastic! thank you for the chance to win!

  102. Michelle B.

    Awesome giveaway – thanks for sharing!

  103. stephanie alaine Tabb

    a sage companion journal to call out the sage self within? yes, please!

  104. muck

    i’ve been uncertain about one thing for months, but i’d give up my vote to pamela whose parents died.

  105. Charissa

    Oh, this sounds like exactly the push I need…I would love a copy of this journal!

  106. Sandy

    Sounds like just what my heart needs at this moment. *fingers crossed*

  107. Ramona

    yes. I would love to win this journal.

  108. Patty

    Yes! I’m in! Looks like a lot of competition!!

  109. Angela Capio

    Any impetus to start writing would be a blessing.Winning would be fantastic, amazing, fun!

  110. Sandra

    Like what she says about practice.. and love the thought of the real thoughts just coming out furiously because you do.. I would love to win.

  111. Dawn

    pick me!! pick me!!!!

  112. felicia

    me….me, pick me!

  113. Kristin

    Yay Jen!!

  114. Lisa (msla)

    Oh, yes please! I’d love to be part of the draw.

  115. Jenni

    I think I need this journal…

  116. sarai

    Wow, that sounds like something I could really use right now.

  117. Mary

    Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!

  118. Thillysings

    Fabulous. I am at a season in my life where I think something like this would fit right in.

  119. jenn

    this journal sounds like a lot of fun!

  120. Sarah

    This is AMAZING!!!!

  121. marilyn

    i so need some sage companionship. thank you for being you,my dear. miss you

  122. Patti

    This sounds like a book I really *need* to read right now.

  123. Danielle

    wow! it sounds like pure joy and light!
    i hope i win!

  124. Jolana

    I would love to win this journal.

  125. jackie

    i need to start waking up to my life more, i think.

  126. amy k

    Oh Jen Lee. It would delight me to write in the journal you created!

  127. DonaB

    On the journey of waking up to my life? Yes, I am. And what a lovely journal to have as a guide.

  128. Page

    I would love a journal by jen – love her good works in the world.

  129. Di


  130. alicia

    i have been thinking about this journal since i saw it was out… i would love love love to own it! 🙂

  131. Katie

    yes, please.

  132. Christi

    What a lovely sounding book!

  133. KAren

    what a wonderful giveaway! Blessings.

  134. KAren

    what a wonderful giveaway! Blessings.

  135. KAren

    what a wonderful giveaway! Blessings.

  136. Karen

    What a wonderful giveaway.. blessings.

  137. Amanda Susan

    This journal is defiantly on my wish list now!

  138. Andi

    What a lovely book!

  139. Kimberley McGill

    Fantastic. Thanks for the chance.

  140. Elizabeth

    This is JUST what I’ve been looking for!

  141. Paula

    just what I need right now!

  142. Laura

    Oh I would love to have that. Seems perfect for me now and the state I’ve been in.

  143. Lana

    What a blessing this would be, thanks for the chance 🙂

  144. Braidwood

    Nice! I love writing and that kind of introspective journey seems perfect for this time of year.

  145. Abbie

    That looks pretty amazing. I could totally use a book like that!

  146. christina

    this would definitely help me on my journey right now.

  147. Jennie

    This sounds wonderful… and much needed 🙂

  148. MelissaR

    I could use some help on my journey right about now. Thanks!

  149. kacey

    Exactly what I need right now… Pick me please!

  150. Angel

    Heh heh… I tried to just purchase a copy, but she is sold out. So I will enter please. 🙂

  151. Jeannine

    Sounds great. I love her poetry

  152. sea

    lovely! thank you so much

  153. Tami B.

    Jen’s journal looks like inspiration for the soul!

  154. Sarah Y

    Just look at that beautiful curly red hair.

  155. jen maiser

    awesome, thanks A!

  156. Angie K

    oh. my. please pick me.

  157. linda

    I love her freckles. I want the book!

  158. tracy Gomez

    I have Fortunes and love it. So hope I win this one as a companion.

  159. monica

    I so need to start journaling again and love all the inspiration that comes from your site. Thank you!

  160. Stacia

    Something that would be well timed. Thanks!

  161. shona

    We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. -E.M. Forster (Thanks for your inspiration Jen and Andrea!)

  162. e

    fingers crossed!

  163. heathre

    fingers and toes crossed!

  164. Beth Marie

    pick me! Pick me! 😉

  165. Jo

    i need some inspiration 🙂

  166. elizabeth

    wow – what a great giveaway – thanks! fingers crossed. 🙂

  167. Samantha D

    Boy do I need this!

  168. another outspoken female

    Here in this hot little corner of the world I’ve been waking at 6am – not an entirely civilized hour in my opinion. I’ve decided to stop fighting with the early hour and make friends with it. I sneak out of bed to not disturb the one still sleeping and slip into the lounge with cat, journal, pen, coffee and the rising sun. Silence bar the scratching of pen across paper and the odd sigh from a contented feline. Journals rock 🙂

  169. Steffi

    I totally love it!

  170. Melissa Muirhead

    I love the giving – it inspires me to think about what I can give too. Thank you to you both.

  171. Katrin

    It looks great and would go so well with the Mondo Beyondo e-course…

  172. AlisonG

    I’m definitely on a journey right now! Current geographic location: Yangshuo, China. Emotional location: building speed and ready to take off.

  173. Kate

    Awesome give away. She’s all sold out on Etsy so here’s hoping I win!

  174. Deby

    I could really use this about now.

  175. Michelle Shopped

    woo — thank goodness — here’s to random luck!

  176. Jeanne

    I love Jen Lee’s work. She feels like a friend that has known me a long time, she knows what I need to hear and when I need to hear it!

  177. Sage

    sounds perfect!

  178. s.m.s.

    sounds like a great gift for the holiday

  179. Erica

    What a lovely idea. Thank you for this (:

  180. cathy

    lovely lovely journal! thanks for the giveaway

  181. cathy

    lovely lovely journal! thanks for the giveaway

  182. Jennifer

    I’ve just realized what a large journey I need to make ~ this would be an excellent companion.

  183. marilee pittman

    count me in for the prize. you are never too old for a new journey!

  184. Laurie

    I love giveaways~

  185. Shaun

    I’ve never journaled before, but I’d like to try!

  186. Sara

    It looks like the perfect journal for a new chapter in my life. Thanks for the chance!

  187. Sjmayers

    You are both so inspirational in my life right now!

  188. Susan

    Would love to have a fresh, new journal!

  189. Kate Fitzgerald

    what a fantastic creation! i would love to have one to start a journal journey!

  190. michelle

    wow. I’ve been really thinking about this lately… How I keep holding myself back from what I should be doing. This sounds like exactly what I need. thanks!

  191. Esther

    This is so beautiful! I was a little disappointed that it’s already sold out on etsy.

  192. francie pants

    I love the style of it….

  193. Teresa

    This is exactly what I need right now…looks like the perfect place to start.

  194. Kristina

    Me, me, me! Pick me! Wondering why I write this when I know it’s random, he he.

  195. regina

    looks incredibly inspiring. I would love to have one!

  196. Emily Perry

    what a wonderful giveaway… i love Jen’s work~!

  197. Serena Berry

    I need some encouragement to write more. This book sounds wonderful. Thanks

  198. Jeannine B.

    Very interesting!

  199. Bree

    Thanks, this book lokks fabbie

  200. Bree

    Thanks, this book looks fabbie

  201. heather

    I would love this… and I want to know what kind of cute little cam she’s holding on the cover.

  202. Susan

    Lovely! I’d be delighted to be the recipient of this gem.

  203. DeeDee

    Jen’s work is always fabulous, this would be more of the same I am sure. I’m sorry I found them only after they sold out. Thanks to you both for putting on the giveaway.

  204. Brandi

    This would be a great thing to win!

  205. Annie Lewis

    I’d love to be taken on this journey!

  206. Jessica

    A journal like that seems thought-provoking and valuable for the journey…

  207. Olive

    need.it.now. Really!

  208. Deb

    I could use the inspiration and the prompting!!!!

  209. Chrisia

    Ooooh, just the thing I need right now!

  210. rachael

    How fantastic!

  211. Tory

    Oh – I just made it in time to enter! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway – it would be a wonderful way to start the new year!

  212. Sarah Beth

    this would be good for me to do….

  213. Jamie

    I am so honored to be an attendee at Jen’s retreat in February. I just can’t wait!!

  214. Andrea

    Synchronicity, once again. I was just wandering the aisles of Whole Foods thinking that I’ve got to get back to writing…

  215. Megan

    “If not now, when?” True that sista!

  216. Jennifer BB

    Oh this book is right on time. One way or the other I’ll have to dive into these beautiful pages.

  217. Jennifer BB

    Oh this book seems right on time. One way or the other I’ll be looking forward to diving into its pages.

  218. Jen Lee 2

    I hope I win!

  219. Jenna

    What a lovely idea! Thanks girls for the giveaway opportunity!

  220. Chasinash

    I think I need this! Thank you.

  221. rowena

    awesome. what a great project!

  222. rowena

    awesome. what a great project!

  223. rowena

    awesome. what a great project!

  224. rowena

    I tried to post already but I don’t think it went through, so forgive if I double post.
    But I think this is a wonderful project. 🙂

  225. Kelsie

    How lovely!

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