Have you picked your word of the year? Seems like the interwebs are abuzz with this idea and I love that it has taken a firm foothold over New Year’s Resolutions. I’m actually amazed that resolutions have stuck around so long. For most people they don’t work! and you know why? because they are all about deprivation. They remind us what’s wrong with us, what there is to fix. They tell us that if we were only more (fill in the blank) we would be happy/successful/a good person.
That’s the old way, right? Soooo 2009.
This is the year of the list. The Mondo Beyondo List, the word of the year, the year that we create intentions, follow our dreams, and let our passions and our joys guide us instead.
Let’s do this together. Here is a great tool to get you started:
Leonie’s Goddess Workbook: A beautifully illustrated, and more complete workbook that will be your companion in closing out the year (with great completion exercises) and a tool for visioning for the year to come.
I will be at a cafe this morning with my journal and favorite pen in hand. Hope you will join me! In the meantime, what’s your word for the year?
JOY! After a challenging 2009, 2010 will be about finding the joy in everyday life!
In 2010 I will “dig deep” — go deeper inside to find my true self, perservere in letting her come out, and make the deeper efforts that I want to make with family, friends, and my own creativity. Go beyond the first and second looks to dig deep and get to the heart of things!
My word this year is Inspiration! I’ve been choosing a word for the year for almost 20 years now…it’s enlightening to look back and remind myself just what word I chose and remember how it played out in my life. One year I chose Health…that was the year I had an eptopic pregnancy in January and kidney stones in December…the universe likes you to be specific about your word…should have picked GOOD Health!
Success. It scares the bejeepers out of me to try for that, but I want to start making steps towards it. Real steps.
Deliberate is my word.
More deliberate actions and words.
Appreciate. I intend to fully appreciate everything and everyone I have!
Possibility. I am going to dwell on the possibilities before me and work to make them come true. I also used C. Kane’s tool!
I don’t have my word yet – I am working on it though. Thanks for the resource. It might help me find the word that rings true.
Struggling to find it. I have a feeling, but can’t find the perfect word.
Delight:) Rob Brezsny’s recent horoscope for Scorpios has stuck with me and that word seemed to sum this up: “Please proceed on the assumption that you should share your life energy primarily with people and situations that make your soul sing and tingle and swing.”
My word this year is BELIEF.
I can do this (and I’m good at it too)!
Happy New Year, All!
beautiful…I am on a mission creating beauty in my life w my children and looking for beautiful things in people. In situations and in the what is going on today in my world…its going to be a beautiful year..
beautiful…I am on a mission creating beauty in my life w my children and looking for beautiful things in people. In situations and in the what is going on today in my world…its going to be a beautiful year..
beautiful…I am on a mission creating beauty in my life w my children and looking for beautiful things in people. In situations and in the what is going on today in my world…its going to be a beautiful year..
beautiful…I am on a mission creating beauty in my life w my children and looking for beautiful things in people. In situations and in the what is going on today in my world…its going to be a beautiful year..
My word this year is CONSOLIDATE – consolidate everything – health and fitness, finances, etc. after being pregnant and having twins in 2009
My word is CHANGE and you can read about it here 🙂 http://www.amberandstephen.com/amber/
my word this year is INVITE. i am inviting as many new and exciting things into my world this year as possible.
Mine is a phrase: to be present with my children (and you can read about it here) http://6512andgrowing.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/my-one-new-years-resolution/
Your blog is beautiful.
(I recently flew out of Oakland and saw that same image a few posts back)
My word is a phrase and it’s: be present with my children.
You can read about it here:
Beautiful blog!
Kindness is my word. 🙂
My word is Trust. Very fitting since 2009 brought many trust issues to the surface in my life, both with myself and with other people.
I pulled “Depth” and my husband “Birth” <3
you actually e-mailed me and used the word “TRUST” and that’s when I knew what my word for the year was!
Flourish! This year I hold the intention to flourish in every area of my life!
my word of the year is grace, i think it would be quite a lovely thing to embody and share with those around me
I have been trying to come up with my word, but for some reason I am struggling. Thanks for the tools you referenced. Hopefully they help.
Happy new year. Sending you a great big hug!
My word is COURAGE.
I have spent so much of my life not doing things because I was afraid or felt judged or uncomfortable in my skin. This year I’d like to move past that and have the courage to do everything I’ve always wanted.
I actually found this word pretty easily (4th on my brainstorm list), but it jumped out at me right away and I know it’s the right one.
Thanks for the push!
My word for 2010 is Clarity, I am hoping for more of it in all areas of my life.
Happy New Year!
My word is Stretch. Sticking my neck out, being brave, letting go of a few things to reach farther.
I think it’s going to be a great year. Happy 2010, Andrea!
My word for 2010 is Explore…..my hope is to explore my dreams, explore who i want to be when i grow up:), explore new ways of being creative….
The word of 2010 is going to be BEYOND.
I am going to push myself beyond my comfort zone and beyond my limits. I am going to go beyond what I think my strengths are. I am going to look beyond my weaknesses. I am going to take chances and accept change. I am opening myself up to no resolutions and plenty of possibility.
dear andrea…i have you to thank for my word of the year. no surprise it is CUL*TI*VATE…(don’t forget it’s a verb!) i really feel like this word came to me at the end of 2009 and i am super excited for 2010 so i can make this word my mantra! thank you for helping me to realize the importance of “my word” last october in manzanita.
i love you and think you are one of the most amazing and genuine women i have ever had the blessing to meet.
happy new year friend.
much love
Thank you so much for this post. I’ve wanted to find a word for the last two years but haven’t felt strong enough to stick to one or choose one. I’m working through Kane’s worksheet right now… Somewhere between “gentle”, “teach”, and “breathe”. And, as I explore them I am seeing how much they are interrelated for me in my life, right now. I will choose one but know that there are other companions to that word to keep me centered. Thank you so much!
As always, you have your finger right on the pulse, Andrea! Having a word set the tone for the year is such a brilliant idea.
My word is LOVE. In particular, self-love.
I’m trying to be more mindful of my self-sabotaging behaviours (hasty decisions, binge eating, impulse spending etc). Rather than wallow in the shame that they tend to invite, I’d like to view them as insights into aspects of my self that need more love.
I’m also emerging from a cocoon of my own making when it comes to living a creative life, a life where I do things that I love every day. I’m working on the courage to love my self enough that I can say “YES! I deserve to live my dreams. I am a writer and an artist!”. (I’ve taken a micro-step by starting my own blog!)
I’m so excited about Mondo Beyondo, as I feel that this will give me tools and kindred spirits for the journey.
i’ve chosen the word “flourish” to be my overarching intention for 2010.
and i’m on board for the mondo beyondo session to get my flourish going! hooray!
B R E A T H E . . .
The word of the year really works for me – resolutions never did. I did Self Care the first year and then Love last year. Both words had a profound effect. I’m going for Audacious for this year !
2010’s word for me: enough. I have so much abundance: family, friends, work, possessions, security and safety. Also, what I have inside myself: creativity, passion, vision, work ethic, love. My question is not so much what I need but how do I use all that I have to move forward with my dreams?
My word is ANSWER. It originates from the quote “there are years that ask questions and years that answer.” (Zora Neal Hurston)
I plan to find answers and give answers to the gifts and challenges that I encounter on my journey.
See you on Mondo Beyondo next week!
My word is Endure. It means to suffer patiently, to last.
NURTURE. nurture my heart, my soul, my babies, my marriage, my creativity, my friends….. so excited to start mondo beyondo next week!!! xxoo
I was just quizzing friends over lunch about their WORD of the Year!
Mine is FREEDOM. And also INSPIRE.
So thrilled to see some Mondo Beyondo peeps on here!
this worksheet totally helped me excavate my word! thanks for sharing!
i’m going with FLOURISH for this year’s word.
and i’m starting my flourishing with mondo beyondo!
so excited*
Thank you so much for this post and for the link to the worksheets; I plan on working through them tonight or tomorrow for sure and see what word comes up for me for 2010…
I also loved the Completion Ritual for 2009! I wrote out all the questions and wrote out my answers on Christmas Day; it was a lovely way to spend time with myself on that day and it was very helpful to see the good points of the past year. I will definitely be signing up for a Mondo Beyondo session sometime this year – your work is amazing!!
Love love love the Word of the Year Discovery Tool. Thank you!
Word for 2010 = CONNECTION
Am stoked, can envision, have no idea how and am appropriately confronted. 😉
Great resources!
R in CH
My word is Honesty.
I have a set of Angel Cards and that was the first one I picked this year. Seems befitting.
I’m with Kolleen on this one – my word is NURTURE!
I’m going to focus on making the best choices to both keep myself safe and let myself grow.
Here’s to a great year, everyone!
My word is BREATHE. Thanks so much for the tools they were so helpful.
Ooooh is it bad to have 2 words for 2010? They go together, so I’m officially counting it as one!
Fearless Creativity!
Yep that’s my word(s) and I’m sticking to it!
Ooooh is it bad to have 2 words for 2010? They go together, so I’m officially counting it as one!
Fearless Creativity!
Yep that’s my word(s) and I’m sticking to it!
I think my word of 2010 is ME. This may sound eogistic /egocentric but after the personally horrible year of 2009 ( my dad died ), and after running around and doing all the time things for others than me in 2009, i feel that now i need and want to concentrate on myself (or my self), my projects, my dreams.
My word this year is Spirit. I blogged about it in my 1 Thing for 2010 post on Monday: http://www.carmentorbus.com/blog/2010/1/4/one-thing-spirit.html
So looking forward to Mondo Beyondo! This year is going to rock my socks off!
I am not sure about my exact word just yet –
but i do know
i like how you put these words together:
‘flesh out ideas’
‘a tool for visioning’
creates great imagery for me : )
I am not sure about my exact word just yet –
but i do know
i like how you put these words together:
‘flesh out ideas’
‘a tool for visioning’
creates great imagery for me : )
I love how randomly I found your blog! Like I was supposed to be here. I was clearing out a dozen pages of old emails and found one from LeBlahg from JULY that linked to Mondo Beyondo. I was curious, so I followed it here, and was so delightfully surprised to find the link to Christine Kane’s Word of the Year worksheet, which I had just downloaded two days before New Year’s! Serendipity is so cool.
My first-ever word of the year is self-love. I believe that by embracing and nurturing all of who I am, unique and imperfect and beautiful, I can discover and fulfill my own greatest potential.
My word for 2010 is… Spotlight. As in… this is the year when I will welcome attention instead of shying away from it, when I’ll be open to new opportunities (and say ‘yes’ to them) that pull me out of my small comfort zone, when I will learn to embrace being noticed and known. 🙂
Thanks Andrea!
Been thinking about this question for a bit … today I think it came to me… authenticity.
I think I might be able to finally finish the mondo beyondo now!
my word of the year is hands down,
i not only intend to dream big,
i intend to believe in those dreams.
i am looking forward to living more in love
and believing in it
i am excited to see hope grow in my heart and in the hearts of others
thank you so much for this encouraging/exciting/nourishing post!
i want to go paint and dance and take pictures now. 🙂
DARING is my word of the year 🙂
…daring enough to step into this huge soulful self that’s waiting…
good luck uncovering yours!
My word is surrender.
I am going to try to have a baby with no medical interventions (no drugs) and not fight my body: surrender to the experience.
And I am going to stop fighting the insanity at work, just surrender to the fact that there is nothing I can do about it except move on after my maternity leave.
(Last year’s words were balance, listen and do)
I picked 3 words, I didn’t want just one. But the most important first one I picked was LOVE. Then came YOGA and lastly BUDGET.
So 2010 is the year of LOVE.
yay : )
My word for 2010 is CULTIVATE. I’m cultivating new dreams, goals, plans, and creativity. I’m working to find the tiny seeds in my heart so that I can nurture them into “happy little trees” with roots deep inside my soul. 🙂
My word for the year is ‘EXPANSION”….to expand my dreams and find out what they really are, as I am open to having them reveal themselves to me. To expand my vision of the future and all it’s possibilities, to expand my love to all with boundaries that are healthy for my growth, to expand my abilities through furthering my education.
My word is actually three words: Courage to Change
I hope to begin working in a different field this year–one that involves my art.
my word is SOAR and i blogged it about it here… http://kimklassen.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-little-word.html
i have so enjoyed reading everyone’s “one word”… this is awesome.
It will seem like a flippant word, but here it is:
For me it represents action, not just thought. Strength and independence. Making do with what you have. Working outside the norm and creativity in motion. Warrior, not victim. Not public, but private. Kick butt and fantasy embodied. Sexy and functional. Embracing what is and not resenting what isn’t. Code and discipline. Physical and mental.
Plus it is a fun word to say that makes me really happy.
Watch out Pirates.
Big. I should write BIG.
Story. To give myself in every word.
My 2010 word is Paradigm. It’s the type of community leader I want to exemplify. It’s the writing I want to express. It weaves everything I want to accomplish: to be so clear and focused in expressing, educating, implementing, writing, being, and defining the Niagara River greenway through the ecological proposal I have submitted.
My word for the year is minimize. I have so much excess in my life. Too much stuff to find places to store and not knock things over getting to it. Too many activities in my day that I can hardly focus on any one of them. Too many “keepsakes” for both me and my daughter. Too many people that have become almost friends (but not quite…) that I have a hard time focusing on the important connections. Too much food, too much drink, too much sweet.
I think I need to reduce, reuse, recycle, remove. In a lot of areas. But I don’t think of any of that as deprivation. I see it as freeing. Too many things binding me, and I need to focus on the things which free me or give me space.
Happy New Year!
FOCUS is my word of 2010. I’ve got lots of goals to reach this year and the only way to get there is to focus.
Hey! I have 2. “Creative Sacred”. My style statement via Danielle LaPorte from White Hot Truth. Aiming to embody the essence of these 2 words in everything I do in 2010. Can’t wait to rock this course.
Unleashed. Blogged here: http://lunarmusings.typepad.com/lunarmusings/2010/01/bring-it.html
My word is Listen. Towards the end of 2009, I realized what my word for that year was … Forgiveness. I had to forgive myself. This year it’s Listen. I will listen for Life’s guidance. I will listen for that still, small voice. And I will practice the art of Listening — of being present and really hearing others and the world around me.
My word of 2010 is “mindful”- I want to be more aware of my life.
This year, my intention is Balance – balance in each of the four areas of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Last year, my intention was for Space and Spaciousness to enter my life; this turned out to be a great predecessor to Balance!
This year, my intention is Balance – balance in each of the four areas of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Last year, my intention was for Space and Spaciousness to enter my life; this turned out to be a great predecessor to Balance!
This year, my intention is Balance – balance in each of the four areas of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Last year, my intention was for Space and Spaciousness to enter my life; this turned out to be a great predecessor to Balance!
My word is courage, and I chose it on my birthday, November 23, instead of for the New Year.
My word is courage, and I chose it on my birthday, November 23, instead of for the New Year.
DARE is what mine seems to be. Dare to be different, to do the things that terrify me
My word is ’embrace’ – embrace new ideas, embrace the people that matter to me, embrace my faults and weaknesses, embrace myself.
Thanks an eye to sharing information. I’ve written and shared my thoughts give this on my blog.
Pursuit: I am fully focused in pursuing my dreams this year. I plan to begin accomplishing the items on my life list without any regard of other people’s opinion. I know what things I want to do and like a ninja, I will stealthily track it and hopefully, in the process, my ultimate dream will become readily apparent as we have become one. PURSUIT – no looking back, fully-focused.
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