Phone booth, Guerilla Cafe, Berkeley, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
As I was writing this piece, inspired by Brene Brown’s new DVD The Hustle for Worthiness, I couldn’t help but notice the Michael Jackson silhouette on the phone booth outside the cafe. And it got me thinking: What about the electric slide for worthiness? or the moonwalk for worthiness? These images make me giggle because it’s so true how we literally exhaust ourselves in the struggle to feel worthy (of love, of respect) or simply to feel like enough.
One friend of mine calls her first dates the “dancing bear routine” where she watches herself do that first date performance of how fabulous and witty and interesting she is. It usually works, but she comes home feeling tired out by it all and wondering why she doesn’t want to go through it again.
I think I’ve dropped a lot of my hustle over the years, feeling slightly less inclined to need other’s approval, but I still see how what I do (or don’t do) is tied up in my self-worth. Case in point, I have been staring at this blog for weeks feeling like a total blog failure, wondering what I should write about, what would be interesting, worth sharing, fabulous enough… And just the striving alone to be brilliant or fabulous will block you up every time. Pretty soon there are tumbleweeds drifting by your blog.
The irony is that all anyone really wants to read is what’s true. The truth is so much more compelling than any dance we can do and our authenticity is the greatest gift we can bring.
Brene says it beautifully here:
“Our lives are a collection of stories – truths about who we are, what we believe, what we come from, how we struggle, and how we are strong. When we can let go of what people think, and own our story, we gain access to our worthiness – the feeling that we are enough just as we are, and that we are worthy of love and belonging.
If we spend a lifetime trying to distance ourselves from the parts of our lives that don’t fit with who we think we’re supposed to be, we stand outside of our story and have to hustle for our worthiness by constantly performing, perfecting, pleasing, and proving. Our sense of worthiness lives inside of our story. It’s time to walk into our experiences and to start living and loving with our whole hearts.”
In celebration of Brene’s incredible new DVD, I am giving away a copy this week to one lucky winner!
Just proclaim in the comments, “I am enough!” (or some variation on that theme) and you’ll have a chance to win.
Giveaway Guidelines:
– You have until 8PM PST on Sunday, March 14th to enter this giveaway.
– Just make a comment ON THIS POST to enter.
– This is a random drawing
– One entry per person, please. (Just push “post” ONCE and wait a few seconds. The comment should appear)
I have entered about six giveaways for this DVD (shy 🙂
I think I must want it!
I am enough, and you all are, too.
i can relate to several paragraphs here on your post! i struggle with claiming it but i keep trying…i am worthy of it all in life. 🙂
I can’t begin to hope for this, but I would LOVE it.
We can love, and we are more than enough.
Wow, I think this would help so much right now. Thanks for the chance. I *want* to be enough!
When I saw your photograph, my first impulse was
“Man, I want to live somewhere with phone booths like that!”.
Which quickly led to “No, I want to be the kind of person who paints a phone booth like that!”.
Which in rapid succession led to “I want to paint a phone booth”.
And I think if it weren’t (in part) for Brene’s earlier book about shame, it’s unlikely I would have made it out of that first thought.
When I saw your photograph, my first impulse was
“Man, I want to live somewhere with phone booths like that!”.
Which quickly led to “No, I want to be the kind of person who paints a phone booth like that!”.
Which in rapid succession led to “I want to paint a phone booth”.
And I think if it weren’t (in part) for Brene’s earlier book about shame, it’s unlikely I would have made it out of that first thought.
Welcome back! You were missed!
This phonebooth is awsome !
I am enough, we all are enough.
I had to laugh today. I signed on to gmail and saw a friend’s status to be: “I need to change so that I can get a girlfriend.” I found this to be quite sad, and so in response I changed my status to: “you are enough just as you are.” I’m not sure if he noticed.
Later that day, one of my best girlfriends signed on, and shortly changed her status to: “sometimes I think I am too much as I am.” She is a force of nature, this one, and has been trying to find a boyfriend for a year now. I could see where she was coming from, and it made me laugh because in the shadow of everyone’s “not enough-ness” our own, real self power looks like “too much.” What a twisted world.
Anyway…we are enough! All of us! And you seem to be a fabulous mother to a fabulous boy and a wonderful wife, friend, artist, etc. You are doing just fine. We love it when you post, but understand that you have a life and a family when you don’t. We’ll be here when you get back.
I am enough and this post totally inspired me!!
i wish the believing…
* i am enough *
was as easy as the typing of it.
i’d love to work with brene on that.xo
I am enough. Thanks for the reminder!
“I am enough…” with a side of special sauce!!
I am enough….really? Yes. Yes! I am enough. Even if the laundry isn’t done, there’s dishes in the sink and my children are fussy? Yep. Still enough! Whew.
i’m good enough, i’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me 🙂
EXACTLY who you are is the answer! I am everything I was meant to be on the day that I was born.
i am enough, i do enough, i have enough…play well…LOL…have fun!
Love the painted phone booth!
You have much truth to share, blog away!
I am enough.
what an appropriate post for where I’m at today.
and to be honest I don’t feel like I’m enough so I don’t think I can say it today, maybe tomorrow will be different
I am Enough!
I am MORE than enough…and so are you!!
I AM Enough!
I AM ENOUGH…..Maybe the louder I say it the sooner I will believe it.
I am enough! (*I’m still learning this but I’m working on it!!)
I am just right just as I am!
I am enough. I really really am (“keep saying it, self! it will feel true soon!!!”)
Here goes: I will look in the mirror right after I post this and say ‘I am more than enough’, I love me 🙂 Here’s to tap dancing to improved self worth 🙂
Me, the Mother , wants this so much for her, the daughter. Her needs right now, are all my desires.
I am enough . . . and I’m ok with that.
I am complete as I am and enough.
I am enough. I. Am. Enough. Brene’s DVD sounds like it offers so much. I wish her great success with it.
I am E-nofffffff ffff ffff!
Sometimes it’s just one foot in front of the other…on the way to knowing where you are stepping…but–I am enough!
And I admit I have entered a few giveaways for this DVD too…:)
I am definitely enough, as are we all. We are enough, we are enough, WE ARE ENOUGH!
I am enough!
I. Am. Enough.
I am enough!
I am enough,
I am centred,
I am home.
I am enough! I also choose to keep on keeping on….
I am enough.
I AM joyous, courageous and I have ENOUGH goodness in my life to share my heart’s abundance to the universe.
From head to toe, from inside and out, I AM ENOUGH! xo
I am enough.
I am enough and then some.
I know that what I bring to each moment is enough, and I hope that I will grow into FEELING that is TRUE.
i am enough!
I am enough!
I am enough. . . Right now! Just the way I am!
i am enough!!!
i am enough!
I am learning that I am enough.
I am learning, I am enough.
I am learning.
I am enough.
Each and every one of us is more than enough. That’s why we need to share ourselves with those who don’t yet believe it!
I am enough!!!
I am MORE than enough 😀
I am the one one I have been waiting for. I am enough.
Just sent the poem you posted on 2/1/09 to a friend who needed some reminding how wonderfully lovable she is … thanks for always inspiring me and reminding me that I am enough!
I am MORE than enough : )
Hooray for being enough! We are all enough.
thank you for this, a blessing today …
I am enough! 🙂
WOW did i ever need to read this today.
man I needed this. I’ve been struggling to get to the point where I truly believe that I am enough as I am. It’s not easy, but so reassuring to realize that I’m not alone!
This is not usually an issue for me, but just yesterday something touched me deeply and I said outloud, “will I ever be enough?”
thanks for your wise words, Andrea.
I joyously proclaim: “I am enough!”
I am enough.
Andrea, your blog posts always ALWAYS seem to relate to how I’m feeling at a particular point in time. ?
I am enough!
I am enough! (And I too have entered multiple give-aways…I am thinking I am just going to have to go ahead and order it if I don’t win one soon!)
I’m not all that sure that I am enough. Don’t seem to be. Still having problems with this–so I will go over and buy Brene’s dvd!
Enough? Yep, I am.
Thank you for your blog! I have been reading it for months and I return again and again because of how human and relatable you are to us! Don’t worry about the occasional tumbleweed!
I am enough. Great message, Andrea. I can relate to wonderings about the blog and being authentic with what you say.
I am enough! Inspired by you again!!
I am enough! Because if I don’t claim it now, when will I? No one is going to bring this to me on a shiny platter, and there will never be a ‘good’ time for me to figure it out. I think I need to go out and declare it. I am enough!
I am enough!!
I am here.
I am now.
I am enough.
I am.
I am enough and enough and enough and more
I am enough!
I am enough
i am enough!
nice to see you writing again. 🙂
I am E..N..O..U..G..H! Yahoo!!!
Thanks for being *true* in your blog!
I am enough!
I am enough without makeup or jewelry, without my pushup bra or heels, or the too-tight jeans which make my butt look small(er).
I am enough just breathing and drinking my orange juice in my pajamas, while I look at the sky.
I am enough.
it is one of my ongoing mantras too.
and if I don’t win one of these, i’m going to buy one. Because I can use all the help i can get.
My blog is full of tumbleweeds, because i’m paralyzed in choosing a photo to post that is “good enough.” Screw good enough. Time to just post what moves me, what I like, who cares what anyone else likes (well clearly I have been caring or I would have posted, right?)
I am fabulous just as I am. No need to be more, just being me is enough!
I have been struggling with this exact problem for many years now!!! It is so great to see people writing and talking about it.
once again woman – you speak to my soul!!
I love and will quote:
“all anyone wants to read is what’s true”
you are some kind of wonderful. thanks for telling what is true. that is exactly what has brought me to your blog again and again for 7 (!) years : )
(*) under the aurora streaked sky last week, i sent out a tiny prayer of celebration of health and happy surrounding you and yours! Sending you big love from cold country!
me = enough. no hustle needed.
Thanks for the giveaway! I’m hoping to the universe…
I am enough, even if I never become a mother .
I am enough, even if I become a mother.
I’m the motherflippin’!!
This is something I’ve been thinking too lately. Beautiful words.
i am enough.
I am enough
Thank you for this post and you are always and above more than enough.
Love and hugs and many blessings
I hope your son is happy and enjoying the sunshine of Spring and a fababulou Mother like you
Love Jeanne?
i am enough, really am.
I am enough NOW!
I am enough!
I hope and pray that the person who needs this to touch their life most might be the winner. Good luck to everyone!
I am enough!
Hi Andrea,
Look at this fantistic blogs.
and the BEST blog of all times…
Sussanah is just amazingly witty, funny and just beautiful.
I hope you enjoy!
I love that picture!
I am enough! … and now I must stop trying to be fabulous and go write a blog post.
I am enough.
i am enough?
i AM enough.
Am I enough?
I am.
I am enough! Today, Tomorrow, and Always.
I am enough.
i am enough.
{instead of “the” dance, perhaps we could just dance, and in that movement free our selves, psyches, souls. be. enough.}
I just read Kelly Rae’s post about the DVD – and then clicked through and added all of Brene’s books to my wishlist. This is what I need in my life right now.
I am enough!!
Thank you for your words.
I have Brene’s book, “I thought it was just me…” sitting on my bedside stand waiting to be read. I think I shall start it this weekend.
I’m enough and amen to that!
Just be.
“…striving alone to be brilliant or fabulous will block you up every time.” this is SO true, and i am so guilty of it. i keep having to remind myself keep my focus on play, rather than perfection. i think i’m getting there, ever-so-slowly!
I have always been enough. (Even when my doubts told me otherwise, I have always been enough….)
Reading all these blog posts across the blogosphere about worthiness is such an inspiration to me. It’s giving me the gentle push I need to believe in me enough. Believe in me enough to go ahead and put myself out there a little more. Let the world see a little more of who I am inside and let go of a little bit of the fear of not being good enough.
I am enough damn it. Just as I am. And so is everyone else.
Thank you once again Andrea for being so freaking real, and awesome.
xo & belief in you,
I am enough!
Brilliant. I am enough!
I am enough 🙂 You and brene are two of my favorite bloggers and inspire me more than you will ever know. Thank you for writing and sharing wholehearteldy.
I am enough!
Enough is Enough- I am Enough!!!!!
It was always God’s intentions that I be exist in just this way…
I am enough, right now, just me
You are enough and so am I. Thanks for the reminder.
I make things better. I am worth it.
The Truth is enough and I am too – thank you!
It has taken a while but yes, I am enough.
I’ve been enough since the day I was born. I just wish someone had told me that sooner!
I’m good enough, smart enough, and by golly, people like me! 🙂
i deserve this because i am good.
i am enough!
I am enough!
Oh how I wish I had this DVD in High School, in elementary school, actually, I think I could use it now. I’m always struggling with the fight to feel worthy. I AM ENOUGH. I AM ENOUGH.. I AM ENOUGH……
I am so totally enough!!!
I am me, I will always be me, and THAT is enough.
As I am, I am TOTALLY and completely enough.
thanks for this opportunity!
I am enough.
I am worthy NOW.
I will always have and be enough!!
we’re all enough. 😉
I am enough, really!
I AM enough! I am enough! I am enough! I am enough! I am enough! I am enough! 🙂
Me too… I am enough.
I love reading what both of you have to say, especially when you say it about each other. Yippeeee for the DVD!
Enough! I am!!!
I AM ENOUGH! Thanks, Mary
I am enough!
And I will follow you even you post once a year.
I am enough!
I am enough!
I am enough (I am the one I’ve been waiting for),
chanted over and over again….
I AM enough.
I am enough!
I am enough — and I have nothing to prove.
I love the quiet from Brene Brown and its quiet truth feeling. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
Like Sandra above me, I’ve entered several giveaways for this DVD. If I don’t win one, however, I’ll be buying it. Watching it. Showing it to my kids. And holding a screening for my best girlfriends! We all need to see it and absorb the message!
I am learning to love my stories. Especially the ones that don’t “fit” with my idea of who I am or who I should be.
I am so, enough 🙂
I am enough! Thanks for this.
Andrea I don’t always comment, but I just have to say thank you for posting this and sharing Brene’s words as well…wow this is deep! I will be thinking on this for quite awhile, thank you!
I am enough! And so are you!
here’s a thought that came barreling out of my subconscious, just a few weeks ago:
i love myself.
what a surprise it was. how novel and cliche and genuine all at once.
i am enough, just this.
LOVE Brene!!
: I am absolutely, positively filled with MUCHNESS and ENOUGHNESS. Thank you Andrea …
This has me in tears. Feeling especially tender today.
I am enough. Thank you.
I AM ENOUGH!!! I am all I can be. I am perfect just the way I am today, this moment.
Thank you for the reminder….your words always speak to me.
As a mom, it’s so hard to remember… I AM enough!!!
I am enough today and tomorrow and all the days to come…
Thank you for sharing your truths – I love your blog and your honesty.
I’m enough. I’m lovable. I’m ok just the way I am.
I am enough.
I am enough! Thank you for this post:)
I am enough
I am ENOUGH, damn it!!!
Thank you for speaking truths and for your mondo beyondo greatness.
I am enough!
I am so gloriously enough!!
I am always enough, sometimes a bit too much. You are more worthy than ever. Go on and love yourself. Nobody can rock it like you do. Thanks for all you do…
I am more than enough! 🙂
I am enough. You are enough. We all are enough!
i, too, AM enough!
I am that I am, and all I am is enough!
I am enough! I am enough! I am enough! Indeed, We are all enough!
tumbleweeds drifting by your blog… great visual!
I have always been enough, even if I am still learning this! I am enough, as we all are.
tumbleweeds drifting by your blog… great visual!
I have always been enough, even if I am still learning this! I am enough, as we all are.
I am enough…
now, then and always!
It’s such a wonderful feeling to know that I Am Enough.
I am enough, I am worthy, I matter!
I am enough….
I want you to understand that my whole life was tossed in the air-like confetti-and it’s taken some concentration and hard work and patience with myself to gather up the shrapnel and rebuild. Sometimes you need silence to notice all the pieces. And so I have had my silence and I have heard those tiny parts of me that were always there, but never nourished enough to speak up and get their needs met. I’m like the bionic-woman, only less cool. “We have the technology, we CAN rebuild her.” I have more than enough to do it better this time, never striving for perfect, only for authentic. I am enough!
I am enough! And the best bit? There’s enough for us all!
I really, really am enough . . . no matter how many times I might forget, it doesn’t make it any less true. I am enough.
Oh how I hope to fully believe that…soon.
I am enough…I am finally realizing it after 30 something years. It’s liberating knowledge, it’s sorta like finding my wings.
I am enough, i am enough, i am enough…
I love this post! I am enough!!!!!
I love this post! I am enough!!!!!
Yep, it’s true. In fact, I am the very enoughness that is Spirit, spilling out and over all of my world. There is nothing else needed.
A perfect reminder as I wake from a dream of high anxiety about work and not being perfect.
Enough!! I am enough and it took me nearly 5 decades to accept that…I am enough.
Enough!! I am enough and it took me nearly 5 decades to accept that…I am enough.
I need this right now more than you can imagine.
I am enough.
I AM enough.
I do this when I am faced with something big (like taking the driver’s test the third time, taking GRE for the first time, etc.).
Life is a pretty big thing, isn’t it?
we are ALL enough!!!!!!!
I am enough!
I need not be more than I already am.
I am enough!!!
I am tired of the hustle and am ready to proclaim that I really am enough.
This feeling of unworthiness used to be a constant companion, though I’m somewhat happy to say that a recent reappearance has made me realize that it went away for a good while. I’m only somewhat happy, because though I value the healing that got me away from it for a while, it is still hard to sit with it now and trust it will pass again. Of course, I know it is here because I’m making some big and brave changes in my life. And that’s the part that allows me to trust -the desire to hustle is hanging around, but I’m stil changing, and I’m learning to waltz into a big life that I couldn’t even have imagined before. One I am completely worthy of living.
It is so nice to see you back around here!
Great post Andrea!
By the way whoever put the link for the Petunia Face…what a superb blog too. She is a great gal.
So funny and wickedly hilarious.Thank You
No more hustling! I (capitalized of course) am enough…
What a wonderful and inspring project!!!i
I am me. And I am the perfect me.
I am (doing) enough.
I am enough! (and so are you!)
oh girl, i am enough.
I have many things I need like God and air and water and healthy food and creative outlets but as for my inner self: I am enough!
“I have always been worthy”
I have Brene’s book and cd on parenting, I would LOVE THIS !
i’m enough. right now.
I am a superhero!!
I am more than enough!
I am enough.
I am enough.
i AM enough.
i am ENOUGH.
If I win, I’ll gift my win to the first poster…. entering 6 giveaways surely means she needs this in her life!
I AM ENOUGH!!!!!! Today and forever…
I am enough. Yep, I am.
I am MORE than ENOUGH!!!!
I loved this post and the way you are giving yourself some space just to be at the moment.
Me, you, all of us – WE ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH. So much more.
today, i am enough! xo
I’m trying really hard to be enough….altho this has been a hard week to believe it.
I am enough. 🙂
It’s been fun to read all the posts about Brene’s video on all the Lovebomber blogs. 🙂
Thanks for sharing a free copy!
And PS: I love what you said about blogging and people wanting to read what is true. Thanks for that.
I am enough!
I am SO enough.
i AM enough. or in the imortal words of Mary Poppins, “enough is as good as a feast”
I AM enough!
I am enough!!!
I AM ENOUGH! (Wow – that felt good)
I AM ENOUGH! (Wow – that felt good)
I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.
I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.
I am enough…
I am enough! How beautiful to be able to say that along with so many other people too! I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.
I am enough <3
I have to say how true your posts always are, and how you say just what I’m needing to hear. Thank you for your authenticity. <3
I am enough! This sounds like an interesting DVD!
Who ever posted the link to “Petunia Face Blog”,
It was great discovering this girl, she is so smart & funny.
he*& yes…i AM enough!!!
whoot!!! whoot!!! : )
I am enough.
I ended up copying it and pasting from a post above. I was waffling about typing it. Isn’t that ridiculous?
I am enough.
I copied it from a comment above and pasted it because I was having trouble typing it. Isn’t that ridiculous?
I am enough