Oh boy people. Feeling exhausted these days and at capacity in so many ways! Before I lay down with my new favorite book called Hope Will Find You (I am savoring every page) I just wanted to share this photo of me and Nico. He is six months old, almost crawling (which by the way I am NOT encouraging. Please stay right where you are little dude!) and full of joy.
I could learn a lot from this kid.
When I was pregnant, I had one dream about Nico. I couldn’t see his face, I didn’t know his name, but the dream told me that he was a receiver of life. He took all of life in, didn’t resist one bit of it, and knew deeply about pleasure, joy and what a gift it is to receive life fully. I see it in the way he relaxes in my arms, the way he lets me hug and kiss him (no arching and resisting involved) and the way his default mode is to grin and giggle about pretty much everything.
If I was a little angel sitting on my shoulder these days there are a few things I would whisper:
Everything’s going to be okay.
You can let go.
You are doing great.
I love you.
It’s okay to just enjoy.
You don’t have to wait anymore.
What would your whispers say?
my whispers would say …
you are doing great!
savor these months, even as your belly grows – he’ll be here before you know it!
take the leap … it will be worth it!
give your dreams room …
my whispers would say:
slow down enough to celebrate
everything is secretly perfect
trust the rough patches will lead to good
trust there is love ahead
holy macaroni is he CUTE!!!! ( and so are YOU by the way! )
My whispers?
I’m stealing YOURS!
They almost made me cry so i know that is exactly what I needed to hear.
Thank you !
He is adorable and YOU…you are absolutely beautiful. I see so much grace in your face and expressions!
my whisper…a RESOUNDING….
love myself so i can fully love others.
My whispers would be:
you can trust everything is going to be okay
you can let go of pain and just enjoy
you are loved
Had my first mothers day yesterday with our babygirl due tomorrow. It is so surreal to be welcoming this person whom we do not yet know into our lives, but I am so looking forward to meet her:)
Thank you SO much for your always inspiring words and thoughts. They make me trust that life is meant to be good!
You don’t need to wait anymore.
Love it!!
Mine would say: Life is now. Savour. Be happy.
how absolutely adorable he is!!
What a great photo! Hold on to those moments….
My whispers would say:
Go easy. I see you working so hard….and
you’re doing a great job. You’re beautiful
just as you are.
Just love that baby face!
such a cutie….
my wispers would say…
breathe, be happy…
you deserve to be happy…
it will all be ok…
live more in your life and less in your head (worrying)…
gorgeous…you and nico. thank you for this kind invitation. my whispers…
you can rest.
allow grace to carry you.
my whispers would say:
my love, there’s no need to take life so seriously.
it’s ok to laugh and have fun with it all.
nothing needs fixing.
I love you.
now go play. 🙂
Nico is beautiful! My 9 y.o. daughter peering over my shoulder: “They had another one, that fast? How did they do that?”
The angel on my other shoulder whispers:
Let go. I’ll catch you.
If you wear your heart on your sleeve … you might get what you need.
my angel whispers would say …
*Don’t worry so much.
*Some day you get your dream job – just be a little patient.
*If you want to do it, do it now.
*You have got lovely friends – just ask them when you need help.
*Don’t worry so much (to be repeated as much as needed)
Lovely picture of the two of you!
You are blessed!
My angel would whisper:
You are enough, you do enough and are always being provided for abundantly.
You will have a baby soon.
It will all be alright and your live just gets better and better.
The Universe and Angels are always by your side.
That is one beautiful boy!!!!
Can you please imagine and tell me what my angel would tell me? Please close your eyes and send me a message on behalf of the angel….you’re an angel to me in this lifetime.
In the days of singleness, a Jamaican woman/angel used to visit me whenever I drove on the highway. I rarely turned on the radio and always went over and over the details of my life as it was and how I hoped it could be one day. Inevitably I would start crying, feeling like I would never reach my vision of a truly valuable life. That is when she would visit. My whole being would fill with her presence and in her enchanting accent, she would say the funniest, most encouraging words, all the while wrapping me up in love. She told me I am beautiful. She still visits periodically, but now we reflect on life and wonder, like two souls who have been through a lot together.
Gosh, you always always show such fluid honesty and deep love. Your family is a blessed one, Andrea.
My angel might say…
Go find your sunshine.
Again you write what i need to hear..thank you…
my whispers?
You’re not alone in the struggling.
Breathe. Let Go.
My whispers…
–hope will come
–be courageous
–it’s okay to smile
Also, a little startled and happy to see your book reference and discover the author after clicking through. I stumbled upon “To Begin Again” years ago during my first adult tragedy. I always felt like the book found me. I’ve purchased her other books since then — her tone and style are so approachable.
Some genuinely interesting details you have written.Helped me a lot, just what I was looking for : D.