Beginning and Endings: Celebrating them both today

yellow heart of a flower, Canon compact macro lens, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
Things I am celebrating:
1. The end of the inaugural session of Superhero Photo! I am SO proud of that class… of everything we learned, the fun we had, the joy we found together! It transformed my summer. Total dream come true. I want to thank each and every one of you who participated from the bottom of my heart.
For those of you who missed it, I will be running the class again beginning September 19th. You can sign up now! It’s going to be great fun once again.
2. Going to see The Weepies tonight at the Fillmore with my man!
Who me? Nico, 9 months, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
3. Weaning Nico from breastfeeding. Hello brain! So good to have you back! But seriously, I feel like I have a whole new lease on life. I’m part of the small population of people that felt extreme anxiety while breastfeeding and I’ve noticed that since I’ve weaned Nico my spirits have been brighter. We had a good run, baby!
Ben at his graduation, Canon Digital Rebel XSi
4. Ben had his graduation ceremony from his preschool class today. He has one more year of preschool and then off to kindergarten! It was so sweet… They each made an astronaut helmet so they could launch to their new destination! Ben, not one for following the crowd, insisted that his was a jet pack and wore it on his back. 😉
Beginnings and endings are bittersweet… It’s good to acknowledge the sweetness and also grieve the loss. You can’t have one without the other. Learning to hold them both, one in each hand, is the trick. As I launch lots of new things in my life right now I am also saying goodbye to the old. It doesn’t sting so much anymore, I don’t feel so afraid, it just feels a little tender and achy. This is how I know my heart is still soft and open.
Wishing you a heart wide open with whatever beginnings and endings are happening in your life right now.

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. elizabeth

    Well said….why is it that we fight some endings so hard? One would think by now we would have figured out that there is something wonderful about to happen on the other side.

  2. jennifer w mccullough

    acknowledge the sweetness & grieve the loss – so important to do both. thanks for that reminder… it’s good to appreciate the way we encounter & experience one thing in order to fully know another. it’s hard sometimes, but i am in awe of the beauty this process holds too.

  3. sb Lyngo

    Gratitude. I can sooooo relate to beginnings and endings right now! Injoy the show!!!

  4. Cheryl M.

    It is so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day and forget to enjoy each moment for what it truly is.

  5. Tamera

    This could not have come to me at a better time. The private school I worked at for 11 years closed at this past June. We had been in business for 35 years. Next week would have been the day all of the teachers would have gone in to start preparing our rooms for the new school year.
    I will miss my little darlings, but look forward to the possibilities ahead. Bittersweet, indeed.

  6. Erika

    I don’t know you but your words are exactly what I needed to hear today. A huge ending came my way this week but was accompanied by a new beginning… I need to remember that it’ll all work out and be okay. Thanks for your kind words that reminded me to open my heart. Thank you for giving me this new mantra.

  7. Tina

    Your words are beautiful. They touched me and I am thankful for your blog. I have turned again and again to your blog over the last few months for inspiration. I want to make a career change to follow a path that is more true to my self and your blog is giving me the courage…little by little. Thank you.

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