Superhero Life Workshop
I will be offering a Superhero Life workshop at Teahouse Studio in Berkeley, CA on Saturday, May 12th. In this daylong workshop, we will connect, have photo adventures and do some life coaching exercises that will get us in touch with (and celebrate) our unique superpowers.
There is more info on this page. But think fun, play, connecting with other creative superheroes and an awesome day of photography.
There are only 20 spots available, so get your ticket today if you know you are in!
Delicious event with me and Kelly Rae Roberts
Sunday, May 13th (the very next day) join me and Kelly Rae Roberts for an afternoon of connection, beautiful food and inspiring conversation! We will come together at the Teahouse in Berkeley for a magical afternoon, a round table of sorts (except the tables will be rectangular) of delicious souls and gorgeous food.
More details are on this page. Only 20 spots available for this special event as well, so swoop em up people!
Note: This event happens to fall on Mother’s Day weekend. If you are a mama in need of a break (what mama isn’t?) this is a great way for your family to celebrate you! Send them this link with a “hint-hint” message. 😉
P.S. Register for either (or both) of these events through Teahouse. Click here for the Superhero Life workshop & here for the Kelly Rae/Andrea Scher event.
Oh how I wish I lived in CA. Two absolutely awesome events. I would love to be there for both. You are such an inspiration Andrea. I love watching your big brave steps and seeing you shine.
When I was reading this – it brought me back to our coffee date when you were sharing this exact ( or similar ) idea/dream with me. I was squealing with delight seeing that it’s come true for you! ( ok I was squealing inside my own head because it’s 11:53pm and Max and Jerry are both sleeping ) SO so happy this is happening. I so wish I could hop on a plane and come out. hmmmmmmm…..maybe it’s a road trip….hmmmmmmm. thinking / dreaming / trusting ….. xoxoxox
Love these events! They sound inspirational. Like you 🙂
Wish you would come to the NJ/ NYC area…someday I hope you will. You have an invitation to my home anytime.
Have a SuperPower time all…. xo
awesome! love the colorful, vibrant picture. wish it worked in my schedule, i’m sure it will be an amazing program!
I cannot get this off my heart!? How? How? How? How Universe? Oh right, wait, you will take care of the “how”… Hmmmmmmm
Something is telling me I need to do this….. How? I have some asking to do.. Dear Universe…
I’m such a wuss (and procrastinator!). On the waiting list for 5/13! I had a random dream last night that you and I were sitting on a sofa in some public place like a coffee house or something and the song, “Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones starting playing…we started smiling, got up and began dancing around. I woke up and thought, I think I need to sign up for the Teahouse gathering! 🙂
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