A New Year’s Ritual*

New Year’s Ritual Part One from andrea scher on Vimeo.

This is my very FIRST video blog! After 10 years of blogging the old-fashioned way, I am feeling extra brave and delighted to share this little video series with you. Grab a pen and paper and join me for a closing of the year ritual.

Part 2: What can you celebrate? from andrea scher on Vimeo.

Part 3: What can you acknowledge and let go of? from andrea scher on Vimeo.

Part 4: Choose Your Word for 2013 from andrea scher on Vimeo.


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Rachel

    BRAVO. In awe of your beauty, wisdom, voice, and courage. xoxo, R

  2. Jenna

    Love the videos! I’m excited to take the cultivating courage class in jan and my word for this year is action. I don’t want to look back on 2013 like I did with 2012 and see that I still haven’t taken the needed steps toward my dreams. It’s time.
    Thanks for being brave, sharing your wisdom and encouraging this thoughtful process into the new year xoxo

  3. Jane Bell Lassiter

    Love, love, love the vlog!!! So personal… Thank you!
    My word for 2013 is FOCUS. It is time for me to FOCUS on my “next chapter”. I feel like the first 50 years were my dress rehearsal and my time to shine is before me. No more researching, studying, taking classes… I need to FOCUS.

    Here’s to a great 2013!!!

  4. Nathan lovell

    Great substance for me on your videos,I am looking forward to your next video 🙂

  5. Sara

    So happy to HEAR you!!!! After 10 years of reading your lovely and inspiring words it is so AWESOME to hear and see you! Thank you for this wonderful holiday gift Andrea!

  6. kathleen Warner

    I am excited….and I must say…you are simply adorable and exactly the way I thought you’d be in kinda real “cyber” life. oxo

  7. Tricia

    What a great video series – thank you! This is my favorite time of year. I love the winding down in December, and then the excitement of gearing up for a new year.

    I’m still thinking about it, but I think my word for 2013 is going to be TENACITY. There are a few things I’ve wanted to make happen in my life year after year, and I’d like to make 2013 the year I have the determination to follow through.

  8. tawnya

    I loved this! What a great series. I’m still pondering my word, but it will be somewhere around gentle or calm.

  9. Kelly Sinclair

    Thank you Andrea, getting my journal out soon. I need some ritual and self acknowledgement and self love. My word for 2013 is courage (I’m scared just thinking about it!).

  10. Andrea

    YAY for vlogs!

  11. Sandra

    BEAUTY. That’s my word. Last year was ACTION and it worked. Curious what beauty might bring.

  12. Debra

    Thank you for the videos and for sharing more of yourself with us. You did a wonderful job. I won’t be certain of my word until January but right now, the word RELEASE is hovering around me. I need to let go of a lot of things in order to move forward.. fear, bad relationships, others’ opinions of me. I’ve been letting too much get in my way and what I know I need to do.

    P.S. Loved your top, too. That’s a great color on you.

  13. mj

    I already chose my word, have it engraved on a new necklace charm. And, I’m signed up for one of your e-courses: See you in 2013!

  14. C. E. Bahnsen

    Yay! Congratulations on taking this step. (Nice glasses, by the way.) My word is Mindfulness.

    I was just thinking about how we don’t really celebrate our successes personally or as a community. My gratitude practice usually consists of making lists, but celebrating victories really is a part of gratitude too. Then that gets me to thinking about how we go about celebrating them. Mmmm.

  15. Connie

    Wow! You’re a natural. Loved the videos.

  16. Nancy

    Hi! First I’d like to say great job Andrea!! I’ve been following you over the last few years (I can’t remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I can remember it was just before you announced the arrival of Ben!). Something about your writing has moved me throughout the years. You are in a certain way responsible for one of the things I want to celebrate this year…launching my website! Since I started reading you I’ve wanted to write a blog of my own. When I decided to participate in a charity race running from Montreal, Canada to New York City I thought now this is what I am going to write about!! So now with my website finally live I celebrate my bold move into the blogging community!!! Can’t wait for 2013!!!

  17. Kathleen

    Ditto to the above posters – love the videos and that we get a chance to hear your voice.

    I also loved the last video about choosing your word for the year. I always struggled with it – not quite sure how to pick just one. But, just as you mentioned, it popped into my head: forward. There have been lots of ideas mulling around in my head, and now I need to move the plans and ideas forward. No matter how small the steps, as long as I take a few steps forward, I will count that as progress.

    Thanks for sharing your first vlogs! Looking forward to more!

  18. Barbara Schwartz

    So nice to see you again! Congratulations on your newly designed site and these amazingly brave videos. In tough times, remember me saying how soft, sweet, smart, and direct you are and how proud of you I am for pushing through your fears and presenting courses of such great value to others.

  19. Belinda Fireman

    Cool! Great vlog.
    I was struck by your reminder that I still haven’t celebrated my successes of this year. I am never really sure what to do, other than eat a cupcake, which is good and all, but not really big enough, you know?
    I think part of this is the gremlin voice coming back and whispering that the successes are not worthy of such large things as parties; that they simply aren’t that big a deal. Hm.
    My word (still): TRUST.

  20. Mairi

    I love love love these videos! Your voice (what it says and how it sounds) is so wonderful… Thank you for sharing your truth. My word:roots

  21. Dean

    Volume is so low it’s very difficult to hear. Tried and tried. : (

  22. Tina

    I too have followed your blog for awhile now. Maybe began when I discovered your Superhero Necklaces (have yet to purchase one)! Don’t comment on blogs often but wanted to commend you on inspiring others. You have a gift. Still contemplating my word for the year but am feeling somewhat relieved to pack up 2012 and put it on a shelf. While it was a good year and feel blessed in so many areas, I had a handful of personal disappointments. Your words were so helpful in just learning to recognize the struggles and then to simply let go and move on. Thank you.

  23. melissa

    thank you for your courage. I trust you so deeply because you are so honest. grateful for that inspiration and invitation. felt like we were in intimate conversation…love you on video. my 2012 word was ease. for 2013 it is faith (really hoping to deepen/expand my faith in myself and the mystery). love to you.

  24. GailNHB

    OMG!!!! You TOTALLY rocked those videos. I felt like I was sitting across from you at your table, taking notes, listening, wanting to kiss your gorgeous cheeks and hold those beautiful and expressive hands. I loved it, loved it, loved it. I hope you do more videos, Andrea.

    My word for next year will be “strength.” I’ve got some tough stuff to deal with and I know that strength will see me through every bit of it. Inner strength, physical strength, spiritual strength, the power of will, love, friendship, faith, every kind of strength and power will be necessary in the battles I’m fighting on this end.

    Again, thanks so much for stepping out of your comfort zone and presenting this wonderful video series.

    I love you, girl. So very much.

    PS. I wore one of the Superhero necklaces to my second healing therapy session yesterday and four nurses commented on it, saying how beautiful it was. Yay!!!!!

  25. Renee

    Oh Andrea – you’re just so lovely, lovely, lovely! Well done on your video blogs 🙂 Once again, right on time as I wind down 2012 and get ready to do my Mondo Beyondo list for 2013. I will deffo get cracking on these prompts in my journal. But the word that just popped right into my head, just like that, was: JOY.
    I’ve done your Mondo Beyondo and photography courses (LOVED them) – time to sign up for your courage ecourse, eh? Bright blessings to you, Andrea 🙂

  26. Tracy

    LOVED seeing you in this new format…

    Your beauty, light and sincerity were so near the surface, i honestly felt a deeper connection to the excercises. And to you. As a follower of your story for years… It was a sweet gift;)

    Your courage to take this step…inspires me to stretch MYself. You rock at vlogging Andrea xo

  27. Jill Scripps

    Thank you for these videos. 2012 was so intense for me and I needed to process these questions. My word for 2013 is going to be restore. I just posted a picture and quote on my blog today about restoring yourself…and I know this is something I need to do for myself. Here is a link to the picture and quote if you want to see it. Thanks for being you. http://jillscripps.typepad.com/fireflies_art/2012/12/my-entry.html

  28. Kate

    I love your vulnerability! I bet Brene is proud! 🙂
    My word is Peace. I feel all peaceful just thinking about it.

  29. kristina

    Great videos! Nice to hear you! My word is going to be Calm. My father’s ilness is progressing and I feel frantic on the inside. I’m trying to find ways to calm myself down and do the best I can to be there for him. Thanks Andrea

  30. moyra

    Ha! how funny, you really remind me of one of my best friends! hmm. I like the idea of celebration. It has been a big year for me. I started the year pregnant. I lost that baby. But I have overcome a huge hurdle. I have learnt how to present or teach. I have achieved my aim of leading workshops and teaching yoga. I teach productivity professionally for a goodly amount of money, I have taught my first art workshop, and I am a yoga teacher (I covered my teacher’s class – something I thought I would never be able to do. SO its been a big stretch and the fear I had around being the person at the front of the room, with everyone looking at me, and me being in charge was very real, and proper lump in my throat, can’t speak, am going to fail stuff. I feel like a different person. I ought to celebrate that. I want to make a celebration happen!! with champagne and everything. Oh and my word for this year. Focus.

  31. Heidi


    It was the first word that popped in my head… then I felt scared/embarrassed by it, questioned it, tried to scale it back — freedom? openness? — but no, that’s it: liberation!

  32. Ariane

    Loved this. 🙂 Thank you for it. Did the exercise in my journal, and got a lot out of it.

    Happy holidays to you! xo

  33. Sandy

    I so loved these videos! The gentleness in your writing is so evident in the way you speak and move — thank you for sharing!

    As I wrote Christmas cards this week, I was struck at the unusual lack of adventure and fun in my year and hardly knew what to say about 2012. But, I did find a way to voice what this year was about — and it was about courage on so many fronts, and there was one particularly large act of social courage that was tangled up in a large disappointment as well. Such a mix of feelings, but I hope the courage stays with me more than the sad feelings because that courage was something to celebrate!

  34. Miranda

    I love New Year too! I’ve been doing Mondo Beyondo for a few years now…

    Last year my word was love, and it has worked out magically. This year my word is change – some of it good (moving in with my love), some of it really scary (a new job, well, two new jobs)

    I’m proud of my relationship, and grieving the loss of my grandmother, a grief I didn’t quite expect in scale or emotion.

    Ease sounds like a perfect word for 2013 xox

  35. catherine

    You are just so lovely. So SO lovely. Thank you for this.

  36. Heidi

    Two words came to mind immediately. Courage & Contentment.

  37. Mariella

    Loved the videos! Love you! You’re such an inspiration! love the idea of a gratitude buddy to email daily. I’m so going to do that. :). My word for 2012 was surrender. 2013 not sure….something along the lines of, change/evolution…..

  38. Heidi

    You have a gift, Andrea.
    Even the most authentic of videos often seem a shade contrived or show a hint of discomfort.
    That you achieved this level of authenticity in your first attempt at a new medium is no small feat.
    Such a gentle rock star!

  39. Brian

    I really love these. Thank you, Andrea. Happy New Year!

  40. Kristen

    Love the videos. Such a nice surprise. I saw them at the perfect time…right before the Christmas stress was about to envelop me but instead I can move forward in the season feeling more reflective as I think about these questions instead of all the holiday madness. Thank you as usual. I’m surprised with the word that popped into my head and have to let it settle before I take it on in full.

  41. Anu

    Thank you so much for these videos. They helped me to examine some things that happened this year that I was reluctant to think about. You’ve helped me so much. The Dalai lama said that his religion is kindness. My word for 2013 is KINDNESS <3

  42. isavoyage

    It’s so nic to see you and hear your voice, even though you are thousands of miles away and we’ll probably never ever meet. What a treat. I watched the 1st video, i’m keeping the rest for the coming days, when i have some time and space to listen and respond.
    Thanks for your great blog and wonderful personnality.

  43. Michelle

    LOVE these videos and what a great tool in showing me all the accomplishments of this year and some of things I need to learn to let go of . So looking forward to 2013!

  44. Belinda

    My word is CLARITY.

    Love the vlogs. Just one thing (maybe it’s just me) but I had to have my volume up really loud to be able to listen to them (which meant if anything else happened in the background it would be like a bomb warning siren going off).

  45. Aylin

    Am up in the middle of the night with jetlag and these videos were a wonderful way to jumpstart some thoughtful end-of-year soul searching on my part so thank you. After years of reading your blog, loved being able to hear your voice and watch you speak. Keep em coming! Sending love (and ease!) from Cairo, Egypt. xo

  46. Paige

    You have the most awesome, soothing, inspiring invoice! I don’t know why you haven’t done videos earlier but I’m glad you started them now!!


  47. Erin

    Thank you so much! A lot of this year has been about opening up, being kinder and gentler to myself and creating nourishing practices and this type of New Year’s ritual fits right in. Although I had some disappointments, the year was mostly filled with growth. My word for 2013: stability.

  48. Leigh Wilson

    Thank you so much for these videos. You are an inspiration and radiate authenticity. My words are STRENGTH and PATIENCE. Happy New Year!

  49. Kirsty

    Andrea, I loved the videos, I really appreciate how authentic you are, thank you for sharing not just the exercises but your own reflections as well. You really have a gift for the work of inspiring others to be brave, courageous and creative, thank you!
    My word: adventure!

  50. Eileen

    Thanks for sharing this ritual with us, Andrea!! I have combined your work with Susannah Conway’s and came to the word Embrace. I tie it to a feeling state I crave and feel at times. It sounds like, “My cup runneth over.” (Gena Rowlands character in Hope Floats movies says this and it resonates still. ) Happy New Year!! xo

  51. Denise

    Andrea, Thank you for taking the time to make these videos. They are awesome! I needed this ritual so very much, more than I realized. You have given me the wonderful gift of looking back at 2012 and forward to 2013 with compassion, happiness and pride. My word for 2013 is NOURISH. I lost 90 pounds in 2012, and have 30 left to go in 2013. Nourish encompasses those pounds, the food I eat, and the many ways I care for myself every day. I am so delighted to usher in 2013 feeling so full of joy and aware of what I need! In gratitude and love, Denise

  52. Anna

    still working on my word for 2013 … but I wrote directly in the blog as I listened to the videos … I am still working through last year’s word: FEARLESS.

    I am hoping that the new word will appear in my brain as you suggested it might … but it hasn’t yet.

    I am imagining it will be a verb …

  53. Kjersten

    Loved the videos, Andrea! And all the questions. THANK YOU!

  54. Kate

    Awesome vlog series! I’m still pondering and journaling all of your questions, but my 2013 word immediately popped into my head and its HAPPINESS. I need to do something that makes my spirit happy this year and I’m hopping the Mondo Beyondo course can help me pin point what exactly that is.

  55. TJ

    Great job on the videos Andrea! It is SO fun to watch you experience creativity in a new format. Just today I pulled out last year’s journal and reviewed my “Complete Your Year Worksheet” from 2011. Then I made a little ceremony and repeated it all in my current journal for 2012.
    I’m so grateful for you and your exercises that help clear out the crap and make room for new! (Another type of clearing) May your year be full of EASE,

  56. Jessica

    ~pleasure~ is my 2013 word. Just try to get in my way 😉

    Your presence onscreen was exactly what I expected: sweet, genuine, quirky…. Like a really good text conversation with my BFF. Good job.

  57. Annie Gregson

    Such great questions, you brave girl. As someone who is going to jump into video soon (will you hold my hand???), your authenticity, willingness to be vulnerable and joy! You’re on my gratitude list tonight! Thank you.

  58. Annie Gregson

    Thank you for putting yourself out there, brave girl! First time video is on my agenda and you are a real inspiration! (Will you come hold my hand?!?) Great questions, too. Thank you for sharing your joyful self with all of us.

  59. Allie

    I love your videos! You did a beautiful job and I enjoyed every second of them — kudos kudos kudos!

    And instantly I thought of the word ‘bliss’ — make me tingle when I thought it!

  60. Sharon

    Hi Andrea – love your new vlogs! As you mentioned in your celebrate video – I tend to move on to the next thing without celebrating the hard work I just completed. Ditto for acknowledging painful work that disappointed. I’m going to work on answers to your questions in my new journal. My word(s) for 2013 is unplug and uplift, meaning less screen time, more creative time. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas, now in video form!

  61. laura

    Love these! You always have such a thoughtful, nurturing energy.
    I am glad you are encouraging everyone to choose a word! Every year I create silver bracelets with my client’s WORD of the year. (silver freckles 🙂 — which started after my first Mondo experience!
    ~ Off to ponder my word for 2013!

  62. denise

    I loved…LOVED the videos, Andrea. I was describing your website to someone recently and began with, “My friend, Andrea, writes this blog….” Ha! We’ve never met…but after hearing your voice and seeing your genuineness…you do feel like a friend. I’ve followed you from my first Superhero bracelet and am so thankful to have you in my life. My word is “seeds.” It is what popped into my head first. I’m going to try to acknowledge this year all the little seeds I plant in my life (both good and bad) and take notice of them.

  63. P


  64. Missy

    I love watching you on these videos. You have a very calming presence about you.

    My word is the first word that popped into my mind and keeps coming up recently – PATIENCE. I need to practice this so much. It’s strange, I have patience in many ways that people struggle with it, but my IMpatience thrives in many unexpected ways. I’m working on that this year. Thanks for this! Oh, and I’ve already found my own gratitude buddy and have started that back-and-forth. Great start to the year!

  65. Carrie A.

    LOVED your vblogs. I would say the first word for this year that popped into my head was ‘Exhale’.

  66. rebecca

    Love these videos 🙂 It’s so nice to be able to spend time with you! My word is PRESENT. I’ve been struggling through a long fertility journey and focusing on that moment out there in front of me, in the future, that I’m letting each day pass by without appreciating the goodness in my life right here and now. So this year, no matter what the outcome is with my fertility, I will be present. Each and every day.

  67. Betsy

    Thanks for the videos, and by the way, I love your glasses!! My word for 2013 is Light- I was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2012, and most of the year seemed dark and heavy as I went through treatment. However, I’m now in remission, and feel a sense of lightness, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Want to clear my life of things and practices I don’t need and open up to things that will make me happy.

  68. Rya

    Andrea – thanks for making these short and sweet. I’ve received a few videos for New Year’s “cleansing, intention-setting, soul-searching” and your was the freshest, clearest, and most effective! Yay! I’m looking forward to your photo course and getting creative. My word is KINDNESS. The world can use more of that in 2013!

  69. michelle

    wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. i can’t wait for more of you. my word: worthy.

  70. Keri Kettle

    Oh my, gorgeous! Your videos let us see your full beauty and sparkle – so brave. My word is “ignite” because I want to help women going through a divorce or difficult time in their marriage to shine their light again. I have been trying to get the gumption to do a video – I love the sweet simplicity of yours. Thank you for continuing to be my Superhero!

  71. treese

    absolutely love the vlog! nice to hear your voice. and love the info and kindness. thanks for sharing 🙂

  72. Jamie Greenwood

    Loved the series and your sweet personality and humor shined through. Fantastic! My word, words actually, are tenderness and abundance. Both feel so good and needed. Many thanks Andrea and can’t wait for more videos.

  73. Allyn

    I really enjoyed your video series. I have been getting your emails for a while (another blog I read did one of your e-courses, loved it, and I have signed up for your emails and gotten them every since) but this resonated with me more than many other things. I have been having a pretty serious existential crisis lately (connected to my upcoming 30th birthday and the recent birth of my first child, perhaps?) and I think my first act of 2013 will be to take your Mondo Beyondo course. Not sure if it will answer my question “what should I do with my life” as I finish up grad school, but it will certainly get me in that direction!

  74. Teresa

    This is AWESOME-NESS! Have been wanting to dabble in video myself and oddly it does take oodles of courage(at least for me)! Which leads me to my word(s). Two came to mind for me. Bravery and Action. To “boldly go where Teresa hasn’t gone before”!! 😉 Best of luck in the new year! Cyber-see you soon!

  75. andrea

    my word is NOURISH. my body, my soul. and not only myself, but i hope to nourish my husband and 2 kiddos as well. and i hope to do it with a fair amount of grace, while i’m at it 😉

  76. Lynne

    Oh Andrea, I loved your Videos, good job!!! Great questions to ponder. More videos please, you have such a gentle compassion that really shines thru. You are so lovely.

  77. Andrea

    Awesome videos!

    Even though it’s the new year already, these videos & questions were do helpful to focus my thoughts & feelings about 2012 and to acknowledge the good and the difficult, and to say goodbye to the year past.

    My word for 2013 is COURAGE.

    I want to make so many changes in my life, travel in a different direction, and I often find myself feeling scared and not knowing how to proceed.

    So I will move forward with COURAGE!

    Thanks Andrea!

  78. emma

    Loved the vlog… so great to see and hear you live after reading your words for years.

    My word for the year is BEAUTY. I have an inkling this year will be about feeling beautiful in a challenging and often masculine work environment, finding beauty despite the many challenges I face in my work, and cultivating a beautiful new home and circle in my new home.

    Thank you!

  79. kathleen Warner

    Hi Andrea…Loved the vblog sessions! So fun to put your face and voice to your name. I am excited to be part of your second Cultivating Courage course and got so much out of being part of your very first CC course…does this make me a “sophomore?” lol

    My word for 2013 is ENGAGE…I want to engage with others, brings others together to engage, and mostly I want to stay totally engaged in the present moment of my life….I don’t want to miss a moment of the delicious messiness of this glorious life I have been given.

  80. Karina

    Awesome! You are a natural at this! Can’t wait to see more :)) And THANK YOU for guiding all of us on this very thoughtful approach to the new year xxxxoooo

  81. Brightbiologist

    I think my word is FINISH. Here we go 2013. Here we go…

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  1. Something Good « A Thousand Shades of Gray - [...] A New Year’s Ritual. Andrea Scher always has the best New Year’s prompts, and this year she shares them…
  2. This week’s love fest : 12.21.12 | Roots of She - [...] These vlogs from Andrea – all circling around rituals for the new year. [...]
  3. One Little Word 2013: Solid | She Smiled Sweetly - [...] read Andrea Scher’s post a week or so ago about her New Years ritual and have been waiting for…
  4. Happy New Year! (2013) - [...] My all-time favorite reflection/intention exercise comes from Andrea Scher – this year, she put it into a really sweet…
  5. something new | This Mama Writes - [...] with an ocean view, to work on our completing the year ritual, based on Andrea’s worksheet, here in video form.…
  6. Many True Things and One Wish « A Thousand Shades of Gray - [...] Scher did a really great post with a series of three videos this year, A New Year’s Ritual, a…
  7. Fresh Start – Take 2! | lillehjem - [...] watching Andrea Scher’s New Year’s Ritual, I came up with my word for 2013 — HOME. It’s time to…
  8. Crazybananas » Blog Archive » Happy Weekend! - [...] New Years Ritual to get everyone started off right. Love [...]
  9. On having dreams | The You Can Hub - [...] you like to be walked and talked through the steps, try this New Year’s Ritual from Andrea Scher of…
  10. Green Girl » “No Capes. Just Courage” - [...] the fantastic tag line of the Superhero Journal blog, by Andrea Sher. She has a wonderful vlog on Celebrating…
  11. Happy New Year! | Found and Rewound - […] reading Andrea Scher’s blog, “Superhero Journal”  and love the idea of choosing a word for your year. It’s a…

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