The magic wishbone + how we really get our wishes.

Michelle Allen, Leigh Standley and Flora Bowley, Manzanita, OR

Michelle Allen, Leigh Standley and Flora Bowley, Manzanita, OR

Recently, I attended a miraculous weekend retreat with a group of friends. We spent five days sharing stories, making collaborative paintings, taking gorgeous beach walks and coaching each other around our businesses + creative work.

We called it the “Radiate Sessions.”

Each person had a turn bringing something to the group they needed support with or guidance around. We created a loving circle around them and radiated pure possibility (plus all of our best collective wisdom) straight from our hearts to theirs. Whether it was your turn or not, you were transformed. Whatever medicine was being offered was somehow just what the rest of us needed too.


Kelly Rae Roberts and Mati Rose McDonough

We ate a lot of cheese, shot with Canon 6D

We ate a lot of cheese, Kelly Rae, Flora, Mati, Hannah, Jess, Michelle


Photos at the magic hour are a requirement for any retreat, Manzanita, OR


Photography lesson by Vivienne McMaster

This retreat was incredibly heart-opening for me. The kind where you feel cracked open in the best way… crying lots of cathartic tears and expressing the most tender parts of your soul. While I feared that Zoloft would numb me out, it has done quite the opposite – it has calmed me down enough to feel the deeper layers of my heart –the unprocessed grief of the last 6 years, the profound love I have for my family and new hope for what’s possible in the future. My radiate session was about where my work is headed, but what these women really helped me do was open my heart.

The Wishbone

As we left the house on the final morning, we all scrambled to get the sheets in the dryer, the dishes in the washer, and all of our bags packed and out the door. When I did a last scan of the house, I noticed that we had left one thing behind- a wishbone sitting on the kitchen counter.

“Who wants to do the wishbone with me?” I asked.

I haven’t wished on a wishbone since I was a kid, but as Leigh and I put our hands on each side of it I remembered the rules – that when it breaks, whoever gets the bigger piece will get their wish.

“Wait!” I said urgently, concerned that only one of us would get their wish, “Let’s make wishes for each other!”

So Leigh closed her eyes, and I closed mine, and I thought of the most wonderful secret wish for her. As we leaned backwards my worry returned, Oh no! What if she doesn’t get her wish?

At that moment, the wishbone broke. And something miraculous happened.


The center of the wishbone flew into the air, leaving two perfectly even pieces in each of our hands.

We all gasped.

For all the magic of the weekend, the wishbone moment is the one I keep coming back to. And I think it’s because the message was so beautiful and so clear:

That when we want the best for each other, when we don’t want to win if it means someone else will lose, when we know that my joy is yours and your success is mine, we all get our wishes.

And that my friends, is something to celebrate.

P.S. If a retreat like this is calling to you, stay tuned. I was so inspired by this weekend that I am planning my own intimate gathering for the end of September. If you want to be the first to know, email me here:


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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Fel

    that is incredible! + lovely. + true. 🙂 xx

  2. Kimberley McGill

    The Universe speaks wishbone language! I knew it!


  3. lacy

    every last word bringing undeniable tears rushing right back.

  4. jessica swift

    Goosebumps. I’ll never forget that moment or all of our gasping. This is so beautiful, Andrea, thank you for articulating it so perfectly! xoxo

  5. vivienne

    Like Lacy, i’m teary over here too…such a powerful moment and to have it shared through your incredible way of storytelling Andrea…so beautiful. this learning (that we all get our wishes when we want what is best for one another) is one now totally embedded in my heart.

  6. indigo

    best message EVER! wow! how magically powerful. LOVE it so much!!!

  7. Anna

    as ever, lovely, raw, honest and magical…

  8. Renee

    So beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Simply wonderful!

  9. Jennifer

    love this andrea! you have such a beautiful way of telling a story and my goodness — what an incredible story to tell.

  10. Jennifer

    wow. I too have been thinking of going on a retreat. Maybe for my 40th bday, or sooner. One of the spots in my hearts that needs help with a big wound is friendship. Specifically friendship with other women. It is something that both scares me..but something I also realize I really need in my life. Thank you for sharing about your retreat weekend. It sounds like it was a wonderful time surrounded by a great group of ladies! 🙂

  11. Jacqueline

    That message just keeps ringing true for me over and over. There is enough for everyone. Wishbone Moment!

  12. michelle allen

    reading this gave me chills. i wish i was standing there when all this took place. but honestly, the way your wrote it might have been even better than actually being there!

  13. CLH

    i love how vivid and immediate you made that story for us! that moment already feels archetypal and eternal . . .

  14. Teresa

    Beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Lucy

    not kidding, tingly as I read the wishbone portion ….

  16. Kjersten

    What a beautiful story to start my day with. Right after helping my husband make a big wish of his come true yesterday too. Thank you!

  17. Linda

    What the what. That is so incredible.

  18. Kathleen

    Love your beautiful story! Wishing for all of us to get those retreats with our girlfriends! Both old friends and new ones! Namaste!

  19. GoldenBlue

    Wow. This sounds soooooo amazing! Just a real feel good experience…

  20. Eliza at Happy Simple Living

    This resonated so deeply with me, and I just sent your beautiful essay to my dear friend because we are pulling for each other’s endeavors. Thank you!

  21. cloud9_design_studio

    Wow. What a lovely story Andrea. And a magical ending. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Karoline


  23. Jennifer Magel

    This story will permeate my day- okay perhaps my soul! Thank you so much for sharing these exquisite moments when the universe winks at you!

  24. Kathryn - Collage Diva

    I love the wishbone story. What a wonderful sign and message. Sounds like a wonderful time with some amazing friends.

  25. Shannon

    I literally got chills reading this. What a wonderful post about possibility, friendship, love and support.

  26. Vanessa Sabarese

    Beautiful story Andrea. Jaqueline, I can’t wait to find more Wishbone Moments!

  27. Sage Grayson

    Wow, just wow! Sounds like a truly amazing trip. I would love to do something like this.

  28. Regina

    Sounds like the most magical weekend. I watched you guys on instagram and am now planning a weekend with my own friends! I can’t wait!!

  29. Nancy Guillery

    It’s wonderful the magic, or synergy, that can happen when you’re part of a team. I am living it right now with the team challenge I’ve embarked on inthe last few months (we will be running from Montreal, Canada to New York City)

  30. Stacia

    Brightest blessings, Andrea! I hope to find a supportive tribe like that soon! 🙂

  31. Deborah

    thank you, Andrea! I get it!

  32. Alana

    The weekend sounds completely magical, and that wishbone…wow. Thank you for sharing it all so beautifully with us.

  33. oprol evorter

    Very interesting information!Perfect just what I was looking for! “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” by Groucho Marx.



  1. Something Good | A Thousand Shades of Gray - [...] 11. A few more posts on The Radiate Sessions, one from Kelly Rae Roberts and one from Andrea Scher. [...]
  2. Let’s geek out on podcasts together. – Superhero Life With Andrea Scher - […] years ago, at a retreat for creative women on the Oregon coast, it was my turn to have my…

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