What do you project into the silence?


Today I am reading from a blog post from the archive. Something I needed to remind myself about this week.
XO Andrea

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Hi, I’m Andrea

On this blog you’ll be learning with me how to use our voices, share our creative superpowers and live life in full color.

As an artist, photographer, life coach + mentor, I’m redefining what it means to be a SUPERHERO — ‘cause in my world, it’s got nothing to do with capes, spandex or sidekicks and everything to do with tenderness, intuition & baby steps of bravery.



  1. Darcie

    I have such a difficult time “sitting with” the things that I think I should be able to fix!

  2. randi k

    Thank you so much. I felt like you’d been reading my mind. I woke up this morning doing the very same thing. Most of the time my stories turn out the way yours did. And yet still I wonder…but I’ve been reading Pema Chodron and Tara Brach and practicing. That’s all I can do really, but still I needed your gentle reminder, I need to be reminded over and over again. But that’s ok too.

  3. Julia

    I just loved this! A wise woman recently shared with me that other people get to be mad or angry. (in my case I had done something) they are allowed to have their feelings. My selfishness & self centeredness always makes it about me- or into something disastrous. When most of the time it is not. Good for you for calling someone 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing Andrea.
    And I just love hearing your voice 🙂

  4. Celenia

    “Dont’ believe everything you think.” These wise words have been on my bumper sticker for several years, and I try, every day, to live them. Do I get triggered into that froth of my imagination that thinks the worst of me? Absolutely. But I’m better at catching myself at it than I used to be. Consciousness. Awareness. Self-love and forgiveness are all a part of that dance.

  5. Natasha

    Step away from my head! Put my thoughts down! Oh wait… You’re not in there? I could have sworn you were just reading a transcript from my brain! Hahahaha thank you for this. I was just talking about a friend I worry about who doesn’t reach out realized I struggle with that too. I will work myself up and cry and try to hide feeling like that moment is far to vulnerable to share. But perhaps I need to try again. I’m learning that not all of my thoughts are truth. Have you ever been sitting there thinking and all of a sudden it went from sitting happily having quiet time to you are annoyed or upset? It’s in those moments I remind myself that nothing happened. I’m still just sitting here and all that happened is I thought about something or imagined something. My thoughts were at play but nothing actually happened. Along with that practice I will now try reaching out a bit more when those situations arise. My work in progress journey continues… Thanks for adding another tool to carry along.

  6. whitney

    love, love, love.
    I’ve had this message in my inbox until today and it turns out I needed to hear this now, not then.
    Thank you again for your kind words and gentle voice.

  7. Deborah

    Thank you! This is so true and I often’stew’ like this. You have expressed it so well, that hidden thought that goes around in my brain, have I offended someone or done something wrong …
    Thanks for getting this out of the archives!

  8. Leslie

    Filling the empty spaces with stories, and not very accurate ones usually. Always thinking it’s me … to be fair sometimes it does seem to be about me. But usually, it isn’t. Thank you for this very timely and beautiful audio post.


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