Dear Superheroes,
I just returned from a weekend with Oprah (+ Elizabeth Gilbert, Deepak Chopra, Rob Bell) It was a heart-opening, mind expanding kind of experience. Soul-stirring kind of joy!
Let me begin by saying that I didn’t know what a JumboTron was until this weekend. I looked around confused + pointed to the screen. “Are those people in this room?” I asked my friend Kelly Rae. (I clearly don’t get out enough)
But the most wonderful thing about this event was how intimate it felt once each speaker was doing their thing. The lights went down and everyone disappeared. Oprah spoke for more than two hours the first evening, sharing her life story with us. She spoke of the thread that runs through our lives, how every experience has a purpose, how nothing we’ve ever done is wasted. All of it takes us where we are supposed to go.
“The thread is your spirit seeking expression. Your thread is that which connects the dots and experiences of your life and allows you to become who you were meant to be. Everybody has their own thread. What is your thread? What’s your purpose? Why are you here? What is that which connects the dots of your life? Your job is to pay attention to whatever that is.”
Elizabeth Gilbert said it best on Facebook today. “I consider myself very lucky to have lived in the time of Oprah Winfrey, and I consider myself insanely lucky to have witnessed her goodness in person. (As I was able to tell her last night: I’ve never seen a moment where she lets her greatness interfere with her goodness…which is a beautiful lesson in and of itself.) And the only gift I could think to give her for all that she has offered to me is my sincere promise that I will not waste her teachings. Gonna carry it forward. Gonna let in all the light I can reach for.” Amen!

In other news, pre-order a Superhero Necklace!
I will be making a limited edition batch of Superhero necklaces this holiday season! You can go ahead and pre-order them now in my Etsy store. There was a big response on my Facebook page when I mentioned this, so I have a feeling these puppies will sell out. I will make as many as I can, but go ahead and order ASAP if you are interested.
Big love to each + every one of you,
I love that you went to see Oprah – and am doing affirmations to drop the jealousy. 🙂
The idea of “thread” is something I come back to often – especially when life feels like a jumbled bunch of puzzle pieces. Thanks!
This really answered my downside, thanks!