“Sexy grounded power fairy! That’s it!” I practically shouted this on the phone during my coaching session with Rachael Maddox.
We had been exploring 2016 -what I’m calling in and what my spirit is moving towards. She helped me explore this through the lens of archetypes which was new to me and super powerful. Turns out this year is a lot about transitioning from one archetype to another – growing into a new version of myself, becoming the grown up expression of me, my essence in full bloom.
We started by identifying my current archetype (one I’ve identified with for a long time) which is some kind of magical fairy – innocent, playful, spontaneous, magic. She loves color and beauty and moves toward joy. She brings light… “
But as much as I love her (and her gifts have taken me so far!) I feel the rumblings of something new. My new life is calling for a grown up version, a heartier version, one who can handle being a single mother, one who can manifest big things… She isn’t afraid people won’t like her if she shines too bright.
What should we call her? Rachael asked.
“I don’t know… “ I began, “but the words coming to me are sexy, grounded and powerful… maybe we just call her sexy-grounded-power-fairy for now?”
“SEXY GROUNDED POWER FAIRY! THAT’S IT!” Maybe Rachael shouted this. I don’t remember.
I just remember I got chills.
And the name stuck.
I’ve been trying this out. What would sexy grounded power fairy do? She would take a look at her numbers right now. She would open these bills. She would ask for what she needs. She would say no and not give an excuse. She would just keep writing…
She’s still got the magic, but less of the magical thinking.
She’s got all the innocent beauty, but doesn’t disown her power, her pleasure or her joy.
She speaks her truth in a grounded, compassionate, heart-centered way.
She’s not afraid to ruffle a few feathers.
How about you?
What are you moving towards this year? Who are you becoming? What would you call her?
p.s. And if you need Rachael to take you there, you can find her here.
“She’s still got the magic, but less of the magical thinking.” Roar!
This is you: Sexy, grounded, powerful and a fairy god mother to us all…..love you….
I keep reading this post. It has struck a chord. As always, your writing and thinking is inspiring. I will come up with mine after much thought. Thanks for sharing.
I love this! Sexy Grounded Power Fairy combines 2 opposing but V.Important traits: fanciful flight + grounded awareness. That is SO clever and so you, Andrea 🙂
Your writing always inspires me to connect with me heart. I haven’t thought of the answers to your questions yet but I’m going to do that tonight. Many happy new year wishes and hugs to you!
Love it! As always, you’re amazing Andrea. Thank you for helping me name something–I’m moving into a more grounded version of my fairy self too. I discovered this when I got a crazy new haircut. It’s amazing to see what inner space emerges with a few outer moves. Rock on in 2016!! Sexy and grounded, yes ma’am.
I SO love this! Own it! You continue to light the way Andrea. Massive Gratitude for that. Personally, I’ve had the words ‘Practical Magic’ running through my head a lot the last few months. We’ll see where that leads.
Shine On!
Love it!!
Sexy. Grounded. Power. Fairy.
What a cocktail!!
Reminds me of a convo I had (in my head) a couple of days ago… I was thinking about sthg exciting that I wanted to put out in the world. Then I heard an inner voice say : “That’s not how you’re supposed to act as a woman…”
And a much louder inner voice responded : “I am NOT a woman. I am a Volcano!!”
So, I think I have my theme for 2016. 😉
Bright blessings and bring it on!!
inspired! I want to be a sexy grounded power fairy too!! (tho am going to go with Kick Ass Super Creative Inspirational POwer LAdy….