Low Tech, High Vibe
Yep, you read that right. Low on the technical mumbo jumbo, high on the magic. This is the photography class I always wanted to take! My eyes have always glazed over during lessons about F-stops and shutter speeds… (you too?) It seemed like something I was supposed to master, but honestly, I just didn’t want to put my attention there. So after decades of being a professional photographer, I finally figured out what I’ve been doing all these years – intuitive photography.
Intuitive photography gives us permission to let go of taking a technically perfect photo in favor of moving toward the things that matter even more to us – moving with aliveness, curiosity and joy. Connecting with delight and what feels resonant in us when we are shooting. Seeing the world through creative eyes. It’s presence, it’s embodiment, intuition and connection.
This means that we will (mostly!) let go of shutter speeds and F-stops in favor of putting our attention on other things – making photography a practice that honors our intuition + results in vibrant photos.

Some of the “rules” of Intuitive Photography:
This is a come as you are party. You get to come with all that you know + don’t know about photography. you get to come with your crappy camera or your awesome phone. Guess what? Whatever camera you carry with you is the very best camera!
There are no mistakes here. We trade our fear for curiosity. We try new things. We wonder aloud, what if I did it this way?
We follow our delight. This is how we find our voice friends. We follow the aliveness. The resonance. I will show you how.
We cultivate our intuition. What draws you in? Is it a particular juxtaposition of color? Is it the inside of a flower? Is it old toys at the antique shop? What makes your heart leap a little? What makes your breath catch?

The very best camera is the one that’s with you! (So yes, you can use your phone!)
Here’s what you’ll discover, inside:
- Fresh themes, every week.
Portraits, selfies, hidden treasures, composition, color, and more. - No-sweat technical lessons.
Intuitive Photography is focused on play & self-expression, but you’ll learn the fundamentals of composition, lighting, post-processing + more. - Creative photo prompts.
Each day there will be creative photo prompts to inspire you to stretch beyond the ordinary. - Community cheerleading.
A warm & encouraging community space to share & admire our work.

What is intuitive photography?
It’s an approach to photography that’s not about taking a technically perfect photo, but capturing something vibrant and alive, something that lights you up.
It’s about presence. Landing in the moment more fully and noticing what’s around us.
It’s embodiment. It’s noticing what makes your body light up in aliveness.
It’s about curiosity. It’s about trading your fear for curiosity. It’s about seeing the world through curious + creative eyes.
It’s about play. You can’t do this wrong. It’s all a big experiment and the stakes are low. There’s not even film to buy! Let this be the place you are willing to make mistakes, do it badly, have it not turn out how you want. Practice being messy and curious and alive in a creative process.
Class starts May 13th, 2019 | You can get the early-bird discount now!

P.S. EARLY BIRD COUPON code for being on this list! Enter the code: WONDERSEEKER to get the course discounted from $179 to $149!

P.S.S. Let the mama in your life know she’s a superhero! I’ve ordered a new batch of superhero pendants for the superheroes in your life – which of course is YOU TOTALLY ARE. Free shipping for Mother’s day.

P.S.S.S. I’m ROCKING this #100 day project! Which mostly means that I have been loving it and keeping it up. I’m also planning to turn it into a deck! Follow me on Instagram to check it out + help me come up with a title for the deck. All ideas welcome. 🙂