More than 15 years ago, I started blogging about the concept of Mondo Beyondo + invited my blog readers to join in and put their lists in the comments. The invitation was this – set a timer for 15 minutes and make a list of all of the most outrageously wonderful things you can imagine happening this year. It was born out of a realization that my own dreaming was limited to what I thought was realistic– what I thought I could get, what I thought I could achieve, what I believed I deserved. (Which, it turned out, was not much!)
Discovering Mondo Beyondo was a revelation.
The playful nature of it appealed to me and I loved stretching my imagination into the (seemingly) impossible – What if someone gifted me a trip to Hawaii this year? What if I fell in love? What if I found work that fed my soul and supported my family? What if I experienced ease and deep connection as I moved through the world? What if my favorite author asked if we could collaborate? What if I wrote a bestselling book + became someone else’s favorite author? And on and on…
The process felt so delicious and not scary at all. And somehow doing it in community amplified the effects of my lists! As other people shared their desires and dreams, it made mine feel even more possible. It enlarged the playing field.
Mondo Beyondo functions this way – we expand our sense of what’s possible, we allow deeper intuitions to arise and we put powerful intentions out into the world. We build our courage, we say yes, we trust ourselves and the Universe. It’s a little bit of work, a little bit of magic and a lot about mindset.

Mondo Beyondo is designed to:
- Help you identify your dreams
- Identify your core values so that your dreams are in line with your true spirit and passions.
- Give you tools and practices for approaching your dreams in a powerful way.
- Show you how deepening 5 capacities in your life (courage, vulnerability, trust, intuition + flexibility) can help you create the ideal conditions for dreams to come true.
- Give you some signs to look for to know when to quit or keep going.
- Give you practices you can do regularly to honor your dreams and make space for them.
Class begins this Monday, February 17th, 2020

Here’s what some of the thousands of Mondo Beyondo grads are saying:
Mondo Beyondo is permission I didn’t know I needed. It is encouragement I didn’t know I lacked. Mondo Beyondo is courage. It is grace. It is YES. Mondo Beyondo is starter fluid for a fire that is still burning. – Erin
“This session was my third Mondo Beyondo session and the best! I will miss your beautiful photos, art, and thoughtful words in my inbox every week. I feel that your words of wisdom about dreaming finally sunk in and so many of my dreams already came true during the class.” -Sara Jane
“I registered my husband for Mondo Beyondo as a gift when he and I were just dating. He was in a creative rut and I heard rave reviews from a good friend. I don’t know how the workshop did it, but it’s like Mondo Beyondo brought all the amazing, exciting parts of him back to life! It was just what he needed.” – Mallory
“Thank you once again Andrea for facilitating our abilities to allow the things we most dream of to happen in our lives! I’m in again!”-Beth
“Back in 2009, I made the leap to sign up for the Mondo Beyondo course and I’m here today to say it was worth every penny. That seemingly simple act of valuing my path changed me forever. After my time spent in your course, I started a blog that has turned out to be very successful and in none of the ways I anticipated. Without specifically setting out to take on this career, I’ve managed to stumble into the very place I wanted to be – daily inspiring writers and readers to create books that will touch the lives of children everywhere. It’s phenomenal. And even better, it’s not over; it keeps going. Every day.” – Danielle

The real magic of Mondo Beyondo
In this course, we teach folks to imagine what we call their Mondo Beyondo dreams – the most outrageously wonderful things they can imagine happening in their lives. For many of our students, dreams they never thought possible actually come true.
But here’s the thing: In the end, it’s not just about our dreams coming true. It’s about who we are becoming in the pursuit of our dreams. Are we becoming the most alive version of ourselves? The bravest, most authentic expressions of who we are?
That’s how our dreams serve us. They tell us who we are and who we are becoming. They pull us toward a version of ourselves that inspires.