Dear creative friends!
How are you holding up out there? I am feeling all sorts of anxious these days… despite being in relatively good spirits. Is anyone else feeling anxious? I’m noticing I’m startling more easily, more agitated by sounds, super overstimulated by the general ruckus in the house with the kids home. Edgier than I want to be. More prone to tears. Painting helps me get grounded again. ✨🌈✨ How about you? What helps?
Another thing helping is the conversations I’ve been having on the podcast. We’re getting real! More real than usual. Which feels like a gift. The most recent episode is with author and artist Danny Gregory – a big inspiration in my life.
Also, if you love the podcast, would you subscribe? and even review it? That would be AMAZING + I will be super grateful. Thank you thank you thank you.
Also, I’ve got you covered for Mother’s Day! (It’s coming up soon + they are not allowed to cancel it 😉
Sterling silver Bullseye pendants (with the word superhero engraved on the back) are in the Etsy store. And guess what? They are on sale for 20% off right now!
Pick one up for a superhero in your life. I know you have many!
And guess what? You are one too.