bird, Canon Digital Rebel
If you’re still in the mood for love, my friend Sasha Wizansky and Joshua Poertner are doing a wonderful project called How Shall I Hold You. It is a collaborative study of the love letter, specifically concerned with love letters from a specific type of relationship: lovers who do not share the same native tongue.
You can find more info here on how to submit. Send them your love letters!
I like that…
I like that merry much 😀
particularly the ~
“Joshua Poertner
(Never been in love, doesn’t buy it one bit)
Sasha Wizansky
(Constantly smitten, plucks daisy petals, doodles arrow-pierced hearts on her notebooks)”
daisy petals it is!
*tee hee hee hee*
I just noticed the bird suspended mid~flight in front of the building! That is far too cool for school! 😀
I officially have a crush on a man who doesn’t know I exist. I seem to have escaped this conundrum in high school, and now I have no idea what to do or how to approach him, as he appears way out of my league.
He’s a cute psychology major. Who can SING. Plus he’s smart and funny, but that’s about all I know.
I don’t know his name, but I always lose my nerve to even say “hi” when I walk by him, which results in a weak smile he doesn’t see because he’s reading a rather large book most of the time. I probably seem like quite the whiner, but since you came up with that brilliant ‘operation bagel,’ I was hoping you might have a creative idea on how to approach him.
I’m pretty much a wuss when it comes to these things :).
You’ve got to figure out a way!
Do you know where he hangs out?
I suggest you put your superhero cape on,
and the next time you see him, say, “Hey, I’ve seen
you around a lot. My name is Caroline.” and give him
your big beautiful smile.
this will be a good start!!! and not too scary.
My boyfriend surprised me last night with one of your “superhero” necklaces, and it is just so beautiful. I love it. Been reading your blog for awhile (he knows this) so it is wonderful to have something so pretty to remind me of your inspiring words…thanks!
I just have to tell you that I stumbled across your blog some time ago and I read it all the time and I love it!!!! I am an artist (writer/singersongwriter) turned Mom in the trenches and you are so helping me keep my creative spirit alive. Thank you sooo much! And I love the HowshallIholdyou . . . girl, you are making a difference. Keep up the good work! Loev love,
Heidi Howes, Bayfield WI