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Month: April 2008


paint chips, Ace Hardware, Berkeley, CA, Canon Rebel Xti I realize that I've been waiting to post, for that exact right moment when I'm not feeling fragmented and distracted. That moment when I'm not simultaneously checking my email,...

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Way to go Ben!

Ben, Berkeley, CA, Canon Rebel Xti Ben, Berkeley, CA, Canon Rebel Xti At the post office counter, my cell phone rings. A little sheepishly, I answer because I see that it's Matt. Matt: Hi! (clearly very happy about something) Me:...

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Photo Friday: Electricity

Roan, Berkeley, CA, Canon Rebel Xti Photo Friday's theme this week is electricity. I thought this photo was perfect; Roan and his electric guitar.... he gave us quite a concert during the photo session, complete with head banging and cool...

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The new batch of bulls eye pendants are in! I will be shipping them out this week to all of you who are waiting so patiently. Thank you! And I wanted to share the beautiful photo above of Boho and Carsten wearing their pendants. What a...

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Karen Walrond, Canon Rebel Xti I had the pleasure of seeing the beautiful Karen Walrond when she was in San Francisco this week. Having only met her once before in real life, I was so delighted to spend time with her. I was also really...

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taking my own advice

self, with new superhero bulls eye pendant, Canon Rebel Xti One of the things I was curious about when I did the media cleanse was this: What was the feeling I experienced just before reaching for the tv or the phone or the email? What...

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Finding my joy again.

Finding my joy again.

“Well, there will be no shortage of men on horses coming your way this year!” This is what the tarot reader told me in Mexico, under the bougainvillea in the pretty courtyard at the hotel in San Miguel. There were cards spread out on the...

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