Fate and Fortunes—A To-Do List with a Twist
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by either not knowing what to do or knowing so many things to do that you’re not sure where to begin? Here’s a great exercise that will activate your intuition and free you from the boredom of traditional to-do lists.
1. Sit down and cut paper into strips, fortune-cookie style.
2. Even if you don’t think you know what to do, look at the strip and listen. What do you already know to do? Right it down, even if it is the smallest of actions. Chances are, you have a string of these. Then ask the question in different ways. Imagine yourself, next week. Ask your future version, What would you be happy to have already completed? Right that down. What is an unlikely action that could make the biggest difference of all? What’s another one?
3. When you’ve finished asking the question those three ways, fold the slips of paper and toss them into a bowl. We’re conjuring up your best inner magic here, so pick a lovely bowl or a whimsical cup. Something you picked up on a trip to Cambodia or inherited from your grandmother. Something that you can trust to hold your future.
4. Then place your future inside. All of the folded strips go in. Stir. Grab a candle or a stick of incense and set it in front of the bowl. Fix your imagination and your mind on your intention for the week or for the day, and light it.
5. Then pick out a strip. It is now your assignment, the action you can trust is for you to take, right now. Complete your action and repeat this process as long as your energy allows.
6. When you know it is time to rest, blow out your candle and walk away.
You can have trust for all the things you didn’t do, knowing that your purpose will unfold just as it should. Perhaps you will draw some of those actions from the bowl tomorrow, or perhaps they were not your actions to take.
Celebrate the power of the actions you completed, and repeat this process as often as you like until your intention is complete.
(This post and the above photo courtesy of the incredible writer and storycatcher Jen Lee Photo of Jen Lee is by Jen Lemen )
Great idea! Thanks for sparking… I do need to do this! Have bowl in hand and ready to start. 🙂
Wow, this is exactly what I needed! What wonderful intuition, there is some powerful magic here.
So much love &
Most Sincerely,
Maggie Ann.
jen gray
Ok, I pretty much already made this sort of “to do” list today as I sat at my mom’s graduation!
NOW to go forth boldly and cut the list into strips! This sounds really cool.
Cool new way to look at lists! I’ll have to try this–thanks for the suggestions and the unique way to gather future accomplishments!
i love magic!
LOVE this. Love it love it. *Off to try it out*
Fun twist to a list 🙂
i like how you say “place your future inside” the cup. it’s good to have a tangible holding place for dreams, rather than having them floating around in the head. i think i may have to try this.
Ooh! What a beautiful way to let things unfold…
oh jen, i LOVE this. can’t wait to get cracking on my actions! : ) thank you for sharing such a practical yet magical approach.
With every day becoming increasingly busier and cluttered with ‘have to do’s’ this ritual brings a new light with hope that each day can still be filled with intuition and magic, even with the mundane. I’ll definitely be creating a juicy life bowl and whatever I pull out in that moment is what the universe knows I need ~peace~
You meant “Write it down”, right?
Great ideas!
You meant “Write it down”, right?
Great ideas!
I am so excited to try this!! 🙂 xoxo, ~ M.
I love love this idea. I am going to use it tonight to guide me the next steps towards my creative dreams.
Jen, you’ve captured my attention AGAIN. First, with your ‘don’t write’ journal. Second, with your SOLSTICE stories. and now, with this blog post on SuperHeroDesigns. WOW. girl, you have SO got it going on. thanks. — Davielle
Jen, you’ve captured my attention AGAIN. First, with your ‘don’t write’ journal. Second, with your SOLSTICE stories. and now, with this blog post on SuperHeroDesigns. WOW. girl, you have SO got it going on. thanks. — Davielle
Jen, you’ve captured my attention AGAIN. First, with your ‘don’t write’ journal. Second, with your SOLSTICE stories. and now, with this blog post on SuperHeroDesigns. WOW. girl, you have SO got it going on. thanks. — Davielle