I’ve known Andrea for about three years now, and like many of you, I’ve always held her in surpremely high regard. So when she asked me if I’d be interested in guest posting for her while she took a break, there was no way I was going to say no. “Do you have any idea what you’d like me to contribute?” I asked.
“How about something related to renewal or rebirth?” she responded.
I smiled. If there’s something I know about these days, it’s renewal and rebirth.
Six months ago, I was still practicing law, working 20 hour days, missing my husband and my daughter, and wishing that I could live a life that was more fulfilling, rather than draining. And finally, after tons of budget calculations, talks with my husband to make sure he was on board, and encouraging comments from good friends (including, of course, Andrea), I took the leap, and left my analytical, corporate life, for a creative, entrepreneurial one.
It hasn’t always been easy. I’ve made several missteps: I’ve taken freelance gigs that seemed too good to be true (and were); I’ve fretted about our personal budget, and worried about the tanking economy. But through it all, despite it all, I’m still here — and frankly, happier than ever. And it turns out, six months later, there’s one very important thing that I’ve learned, the one thing which, really, I always knew on a subconscious level, but have come to really consciously appreciate:
Intuition is a powerful, powerful thing.
In the past 6 months, I’ve come to the firm, unshakable belief that in fact, we have all the answers. Each of us do. That within us, if we just stop and listen, there is enough guidance to let us know whether the path we’re about to take is the right one for ourselves. That if we all just take a moment to quiet our minds and listen to our hearts, we’ll know exactly what to do.
That the secret to renewal, to rebirth, to metamorphosing into exactly what we’re meant to be is to just be still and listen. It’s not always easy, but it is possible. It just takes conscious, determined practice. I’m not perfect at it, but I am getting better. And trust me, if I can do it, so can you.
And on that note, here’s to learning to listen to our inner voices. May we all become as great as we were all meant to be.
(This post and these photos courtesy of the beautiful and talented Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks )
jen gray
love this post.
thank you, Karen & Andrea.
in light,
per values australia relates probably news
Oh – this is just what I needed to here after the day I had. Here’s to the birth of tomorrow and all it’s possiblities! 🙂 – Kim
Oh – this is just what I needed to hear after the day I had. Here’s to the birth of tomorrow and all it’s possiblities! 🙂 – Kim
Oh – this is just what I needed to hear after the day I had. Here’s to the birth of tomorrow and all it’s possiblities! 🙂 – Kim
I second that! Well said.
Absolutely gorgeous photography from an obviously stunning gal.
I so relate. But I did not take the big step. Not yet. I could have last year but it was a time when I was not happy with my job. I am a lawyer too, spending way too many hours working either in the office or at home. I am passionate about my love for photography and painting. I am passionate about being an international criminal law lawyer. But I am tired, drained because of my work. I know that one day I will leave my so-called carreer for beautiful images… one day, I will walk in Karen’s steps… one day…
So wise AND so beautiful. You swear like a trooper right? Dance with two left feet? Just reminding myself you are indeed human. Love this post. x
This is a journey I am on right now. I am trying to find my path and make that leap of faith to follow my path. I know I am going to have to go outside of my comfort zone, into an unknown arena, but to continue growing as a human, I need to make this leap. No matter how much it freaks me out.
Thank you for putting into words what I continue to need to hear. That it is possible to make that leap and follow the path you were meant to take.
Hello Lovely Karen~
Thank you for this post. It is beautifully empowering ~ and just what I needed to be reminded of today.
Wishing you many blessings and much courage for your continued intuitive journey. 🙂
Love this post-
Just last Wednesday after much deliberation with my loved ones and thought and crying and agony and hitting points of despair over the last 7 month, I placed my resignation to my 60+ hour per week job. What affirmed my decision was the fact that after I told my supervisors, I felt a silent heavy weight lift from my shoulders…I know I made the right decision.
I too went through the process of figuring out, especially now in this economy, can I do this…and you are sooo right, the answer was in me, showing up as ulcers, and stress, and lack of love for life, lack of care for myself and those I loved. This was not me!!!!
I have been a follower of Andrea’s blog and other creative forces and spirits in the blogging world…and no doubt, each one has helped my on my path to finding my self again. I’m here!!! No regrets for the past two years, because it has helped me come to this point!
thanks for your great post…again another timley affirmation that I too have made the right decision for myself.
Karen, I am so glad you are happy!
Yes to intuition!
I so enjoyed this piece. You are so lucky to have found this wonderful truth at such an early age. It has taken me over 60 years to learn to trust in my intuition and that if we are still, the answers we seek are within.
Very inspiring and beautifully simple. Thank you.
Thanks for this post. I agree with you 100% on this one. I appreciate the confirmation of my thoughts exactly.
Here’s to giant leaps based on our inner voices.
Thanks for this post. I agree with you 100% on this one. I appreciate the confirmation of my thoughts exactly.
Here’s to giant leaps based on our inner voices.
This is just what I needed to read! Thank you for sharing and thanks to Andrea for inviting you to share too! Grace, love and peace, -L
Here I am, a homeless artist/filmmaker in Washington, D.C. and I could just go and get an apartment (ouch: by biorrowing money from my credit card even though I already owe $4100) and GET OFF THE STREET and get to the real stuff and I just sat down this morning in the library and thought, “Just borrow the money and get INSIDE already!” but I kept fretting about owing even MORE on my card (I’m a debt-free queen & all that)and I pondered until I wept (quietly of course.) So reading this today was awesome for me because I was already thinking that my inner voice/intuition was telling me that to move forward with my career I need to stop trying to do it while sleeping my car and that surely, even with owed (credit card) money I would do better from INSIDE an apartment.
So anyway, I hope this makes sense. My real point in writing this is: THANK YOU. I GET IT. This was a hopeful nudge for me today.
Thank you
And may God continue to bless your journey. Your blog was sign that i have asked God for.
Thank you!
Thank you, Karen, for such an inspirational post! Words I need to hear right now. Also….I have the same blossom (the one pictured) bustin’ out in my backyard too! It captured my attention yesterday morning in the sunlight in a poignant sort of way…a subtle message from the universe comforting me, letting me know I am not alone in this process. The first thought that came to my mind when I saw it was, emergence. Here’s to emerging, rebirth, renewal, evolution, trust & hope! Cheers. 🙂 xoxo, ~ M.
Posts like this are exactly why I wish I was a better writer! You spoke to so many people “This is just what I needed!” I see I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Months ago I lost my high paying, high stress career and I’ve been sitting around a little lost in this whole situation. Whoa, what just happened? What will I do with myself now? I did as you suggested and quieted my mind. Amazing, the answers were there all along, I just wasn’t listening. So thank you. Your wise words helped me make a decision I was afraid to make. 🙂
Great post Karen, your words are always so soothing and hit the mark. I left a teaching career because I wanted a different life but I just haven’t found it yet. Each time I have followed my intuition, my new career path hasn’t worked out and I have wasted a lot of money getting ‘set up’ in new ventures. Now I find, I’m second guessing myself and not really trusting my ‘gut feelings’. It doesn’t help that I’m not fabulously talented at something with an obvious path. Blessings to you Karen.
Wow, Karen!
I agree that we know inside what we should do (at least to some degree).
While I’m having a difficult time narrowing down my options & pointing myself in a direction at this stage of my life, one thing I *know* for sure…that I *shouldn’t* get a full-time job.
My soul is shouting that out on every level, and every counterintuitive fiber of my being is saying, “That’s not logical! Look at the budget!”
I don’t know where we’ll all end up. Perhaps it will mean giving up our house. Or maybe if I listen to that daily shouting, it will result in something larger and greater than I could have imagined.
Here’s to hoping!
Indeed Karen. Indeed!