Portrait of yours truly, Andrea Scher. Taken by the incredible Anna Kuperberg
Will you join me in a New Year’s Ritual?
The new year is always an exciting time for me. I love wiping the slate clean, buying a new calendar and beginning again. It is also a ripe time for ritual and from what I have seen, ritual is all the more powerful when we can do it together. Will you join me?
The surest way to start fresh and move forward is to be at peace with what came before. You might have had an incredible year, a dull year, or a truly difficult year. Whatever happened, your aim is to celebrate what there is to celebrate about it and grieve what there is to grieve… and then, as best we can, let it go.
Making room for joy
I have cooked up something special for you. It is a completion worksheet for the year. It’s where we get to acknowledge what was great, what was hard, what we’re proud of and what we’d like to let go of from 2011. It’s an opportunity to say sayonara to 2011 with integrity and a full heart. It is a POWERFUL ritual and will get your spirit primed for creating more joy in 2012. Promise.
Mondo Beyondo begins January 9th–
Get your coupon!
Because the New Year is such an extraordinary time to create change in our lives, I want the January Mondo Beyondo class to be chock full of people like YOU. Why?
- Because we want our lives to be juicy and rich.
- We want to grow our courage and be BRAVE with our dreams
- We want to know what makes us come alive and do more of that
Just a few easy steps
- Download the Mondo Beyondo Completion Worksheet for 2011 here It’s free! So don’t be shy.
- Tweet it, Facebook it, share it with your friends! Just give them this link: http://tinyurl.com/82q3y5r
- Leave a comment below with your word of the year
Everyone who leaves a comment will get a $20 discount on the January Mondo Beyondo session!
Just wait for it in your inbox. (It’s also valid for gift certificates for those last minute gifts)
Excited to hear what your word of the year will be!
I’m still test driving mine, but I’m loving words like alive, juicy, fluorishing… I might have to steal yours. 😉
Andrea! You look radiant.
I do your year-end evaluation every year. Thanks!
I feel like I’ve hit a wall this last week. I began frantically recounting every year of my life and I feel such despair at the results. So much trauma, anxiety, pain. I don’t know happiness as a lifestyle, and yet, I know it’s in me. I know I have a HUGE capacity for cheer, and yet, I never remember to smile. It’s work to remember to lead with a smile. This last three years has been some of the most trying: Post partum psychosis, dad lost suddenly, divorce, and more. and yet, i still feel that rock in me, that bubble of happy that wants to live and grow larger. I’ve also fell back into art, and probably only because of these things, in the last three years, and now i’m gearing up to open an etsy shop, plan a workshop (if only in my head right now) and go back to school for a master’s in art therapy. but i still struggle withe the real need: how do I let go of the past. how do i find/work at real joy without regret or angst for the past. that will be huge, and i could use any pointers on how to do so! thank you for this worksheet, and the generosity. all the best, and if budget permits, i’ll be joining the course!
This is going to be my year of truth. Love this exercise.
I deem 2012 the Year of Abundance. (There’s a lot to be said for Fake It Til You Make It!)
Haven’t really sat down to think about what my word for 2012 will be. This year, it was TRUST.
Words that are sticking out to me at the moment are: Discipline, Courage & Balance. Heck, can I just have 3?! 😀
I did Mondo Beyondo last year with amazing results. It might be time to do it again!
THANK YOU! I came here from Jessica’s Facebook post! I haven’t been to your site in awhile… I really needed that push today…
I’m not 100% on my word, but I’m thinking it might be “participate”. 🙂
Thank you! I have to sit down and think what my word for 2012 will be. This year it was EMBRACE and it showed to be the perfect word.
I have already signed up for the January Mondo Beyondo session. Looking so much forward to getting started.
Andrea – you look AMAZING! I cannot believe you have 2 small babes! happy holidays to you and your boys. x claire and co.
Change- that would be my word this year- there’s been a tremendous amount of it. 🙂
I guess since it was change last year, I’d like to manifest fulfillment for this year- yeah, I think that is what I’d rather intend. Thanks for catching that, Andrea. 😀
Andrea – you are such a source or radiance, shining the light for so many of us! Did Mondo Beyondo once, and will so gladly do it again! 🙂
I am going to make 2012 the year of sweetness – enjoying the goodness in life after a rough and rocky 2011. So looking forward to Mondo Beyondo! It feels like the right time for me to be taking this course.
Hi Andrea, Thank you for this:) I think my 2012 word is going to be a toss up between kindness and connection or maybe connecting w/ loving kindness or kindness and loving connection. Oooh, I love truth, abundance and embrace too. All the words I mentioned speak to me. Hmmm. Clearly I need to do Mondo Beyondo!
Thanks for the coupon- I think I need to take the plunge and join the course 🙂
How wonderfully serendipidous! To arrive here from another blog at just this moment.
I haven’t been able to decide yet on my one word, moving from “simplify” to “soar” and back again. I feel they are linked – If I simplify I’ll soar and vice versa.
My word for 2012 is release.
Andrea: Such a wonderful photo and post! 2011 was the year of Growth – the huge – leaping kind of growth. And that’s how I met you – through your wonderful Photography Classes and amazing Mondo Beyondo (which I hope to sign up for another go around in 2012). 🙂
My word for 2012 is prosperity.
Thank you SuperHero 🙂
many blessings to you Andrea – have a wonderful Holiday Season…xoxo
This is my year of self-care. I accomplished so much in 2011 and I want to continue on that path. My word for 2012 is wellness, more precisely knowledge + action = wellness. Thanks for the coupon. Every little bit of saving helps.
I LOVE the idea of a year-end review. I think your form fits my style better than the one I downloaded at The Art of Nonconformity. I love his idea in theory but got really overwhelmed by it when I sat down to actually go through it. It was just too many items 🙂
Man, this year was a doozy. Not all bad–far from it–but just really intense. I can hardly believe it’s almost over. Thanks for the worksheet, and for all the stuff you post here that keeps us coming back over and over. Have a great end of the year.
My 2012 word will be leap. I’ve done a lot of prep work in the last two years for big changes, and now it’s time to find the courage to let go and move forward.
Thanks in advance for the coupon. Looking forward to Mondo Beyondo in January. Happy holidays.
I’m so grateful to have found the website, and am such a believer in finding a word for the new year!
I’ll take “flourish”, please!
I love this exercise. Can’t decide between ABUNDANCE or ALLOWING for my word of the year for 2012. Or FLOURISH.
I think my word for the new year is hope!
FLOAT! As in, relax, ride the waves as they come, ease up on the paddling like crazy that gets you nowhere anyway, surrender, be at peace. Just float.
My word for 2012 is THRIVE. I’m really falling in love with it too.
I’m so excited for the new year! Still trying to decide on my word, and thinking about Mondo Beyondo!
This is my first time picking a word of the year. I’m going with PRESENCE.
My word is ………….. SASSY
Lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.
While Christmas shopping I spotted a decorative rock with it painted on it, I was completely drawn to it and dug all the way to the bottom of a glass jar to get that rock. Even though I’m sure there were other rocks with the same word , but I had to have THAT one ;0)
This is the first year that I have chosen a word: Intentional. I want to live with intention. I’m in remission from cancer and felt like I was wasting the extra years I’ve been given. No more. Not happening. I wrote in detail about my word intentional on 12/20 on my blog. Happy holidays and very interested in taking the class.
Converge. that is my word.
finally, a convergence.
My word for next year is NURTURE…………….
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Retreat, (the longer explanation of why is here: http://thousandshadesofgray.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/message-from-the-universe/). I wouldn’t be doing any of this if it weren’t for you and Jen and Mondo Beyondo. The class was like an invitation to wake up and live. Thank you.
I don’t have THE word yet AND… I am certain that it is some iteration of self-…. like self-respect, honoring-myself, self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, self-control, self-discipline, self-aware, creative-self, divine-self, higher-self, whole-self, self-fullfiling, self-reflective evitcelfer-fles, courageous-self, wise-self, self-confidence, self-efficacy, Self-actualization, Buddha-self, Pleasure-my-self, self-admiration, self-effacing, self-concept, self-centered, self-control, self-conscious, completely un-self-conscious, self-aggrandizing, self-realization, self-belief, self-betterment, self-pity, self-publishing, self-portrait :)]}), self-paced, self-park, self-repeat, self-repeat, self-pollination, self-perception, self-perpetuating, self-performance, self-incriminating, Self-Parody, self-parenting, self-indulgent, self-participation, self-defining, self-destructive, self-inhibiting, self-empowering, self-directed, self-motivated, self-understanding, self-initiated, self-created, self-discovery, exporation-of-self, self-acceptance, self-piercing, self-nutrition, self-neglect, Self-induced, self-neglect, give-to-my-self, self-expression, self-nomination, self-obsessed, self-organizing, self-objectification, self-validation, self-care, self-harvesting, self-populating, self-cutting, self-cultivation, self-preservation, self-defense, self-cure, self-stimulation, self-stick, self-depricating, self-determination, self-defined, self-made, self-demoralizing, self-demeaning, self-demoralizing, self-demotion, self-doubt, self-assured, self-enhancement, self-employed, self-leveling, self-guided, self-reliance, self-assertive, self-assuming, self-rising, self-righteous, self-absorbed, self-regulation, self-recognition, self-recrimination, self-recovery, self-reconciliation, self-appraisal, self-test, self-exam, self-taught, self-talk, self-diagnosis, self-diluted,
Like I said, I’m not sure yet, AND, it’s something along these lines.
I love you. I miss you. I thank whatever it is for you in my life. I am excited to play the mondo beyondo with you this year… I am excited to share, listen, grow, absorb, lay it all out, go big, and really just… BE.
Talk to you soon.
2012 will be my Year of Freedom — freedom from an unhappy relationship, freedom to freelance instead of working for someone else, financial freedom, freedom to travel, and freedom to choose a new course for my life. Looking forward to the class!
I read about your workshop in Tea & Cookies and it sounds like just what I need. I can’t wait!
Oops, I didn’t list my word in my comment above! I think it’s going to have to be “forward,” for moving forward, taking steps toward my dreams, and being bold and forward to get what I want!
I’ve been mulling this over for the past couple of days. Did the worksheet. My only concern is taking on too much again. I have already made my plans moving into the new year. I’m not 100% I will join, but I do know my word now – Contemplation. It has to be that after 2011, crazy! I need a bit of quiet, moving on with my photography, starting back into glass, and learning/doing mixed media. Sounds like more crazy to me. So I will keep my word by my side.
I also heard about your workshop from Tea & Cookies, and it sounds like the perfect gift.
Action! I came to this after Renewal, Change, Forgiveness, and Growth didn’t quite work.
Found you through Tea and Cookies. I would love to participate.
I’m looking forward to the course! I’m trying to convince my mom and sister to take it with me. 2012 might be a year of clarity.
My word for next year is BRAVE
Thanks to Tea & Cookies for connecting me with your course. Toying with joy … or just simply laugh … for my 2012 word. Dial up the laughter. Dial down the seriousness.
This is a great exercise! My word for this year was grow and for 2012 is focus. Thanks, and happy holidays.
I will steal Linda’s word from above comments! “BRAVE” and also, I will choose a phrase, “Best That I Can Be”.
My word for 2012 is! open. How exciting!
Read about your workshop on Tea&Cookies blog and it sounds wonderful! my word for 2012 is content… discovery,,, change…wonder. i can’t settle for just one!
I have been thinking about this a lot!
2010 was Best Year Ever. And it really was an amazing year but I was so tired by the end.
2011 I labeled the Year of More. And I really did do everything more, including 10 more pounds on my frame! Now I am SCARED. ha ha.
I’ve been thinking about Mondo Beyondo for about half a year and I don’t think I will have the funds to participate this January even with the discount, but I wanted to do the worksheet to help me recap. And boy did I need it. 2011 was full of pain and lessons, but upon reflection I realized I came out okay! Thank you for helping me do that. My word is CLEANSE.
I’m really pumped to give your year end worksheet a try! Hopefully this + mondo beyondo will kickstart me for the new year.
I think my word would be… START – there are so many things that I want to do that I can’t seem to get started…
Oh, I think I’m going to take this on….my word last year was change. I lost motivation by March. I’m going to keep it for this year. I think Mondo Beyondo may help me out.
Can’t wait to start!
I have been watering at the mouth for Mondo Beyondo–it seems it is time!
2012 – Self-Coddle
My word this year is “glow.” Excited to see what 2012 will bring.
It’s hard to pick just one word! I think “thrive” could be the best word to describe my wishes for 2012….. Also, are you offering a Dream Lab session soon? Both Mondo Beyondo and Dream Lab sound amazing, and I’m not sure which would be the better fit for me now. Thanks!
I’m still thinking, but I think I’m going to go with “creativity.” Life has gotten in the way of me pursuing creative endeavors for too long, and this year I’m ready to finally spend time exploring that side of myself.
I think my word is participation. Or active. Still working on it! The course sounds neat- Interested in seeing what it’s all about.
My word is, “now”. My entire life my motto has been, “I can’t wait to reach X, then life will be perfect!” Funny thing is, X changes…frequently. And life is pretty awesome, now 🙂
diligence–something i need to cultivate!
thank you for the worksheet / ritual! i am so looking forward to completing it, and also to a discount on the january class! i want to finally make it happen, after considering it for a while! 🙂
oops, forgot to leave my word! i’d definitely have to say “opening”. in so many ways. 🙂
Oh dear…my word of the year hasn’t emerged just yet.
I’m trying on a few and am waiting for the star to step forward.
In other good news, I have just convinced my husband that he NEEDS Mondo Beyond this year!
I’m beyond pleased that he’s in for this round!
I’ve been pondering and I think my word for the year is BUILD. I want to build my new life, in my new country, in my new marriage- build a career, a creative life, build my connections and relationships with friends and family.
My word is believe!
Practice is my 2012 word!
My word is resurrection.
Loved the worksheet process. I think my 2012 word is Freedom. Thank you!
Two words for 2012: Freedom. Trust.
Andrea, thank you for being here throughout the year. You are like a touch stone where spirituality and reality meet, and you offer us such a safe place for self exploration and realisation.
I’m afraid I can’t pick just one word – I’m cheating with a holy triumvirate; Heal, Freedom and Blossom. (2011 was the kind of year that necessitates 3 words for 2012 to recover from it!)
I’ve decided that I’m in on the January class (yay! – if there’s still space) and am so looking forward to Modo Beyondo-ing my way into 2012…
A very Happy New Year to you all! x
mine is JUBILEE– not only in the modern sense of celebration or festivity, but in the more ancient sense of forgiving + being forgiven and (in the process) starting anew + renewed.
I am not able to pick only one because I think they go hand-in-hand. So, my words for 2012 are Grace and Gratitude……..
My word will be HEALTHY. This isn’t just about eating well, being more consistent with working out, and physical health but also about making healthy choices and finding a healthy work/life balance. Thanks for this activity to help kick 2012 off to a good start, Andrea!
My NYE ritual is screaming “THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVER!” when the clock strikes midnight. It’s a great way to reflect on how each year builds on the next and look forward to the new year with excitement and eager anticipation.
my word this year is LISTEN
I think this is my year to be brave.
Thanks so much for this deal! I’m pretty sure my word for this year is “Now”, in terms of both living in the moment and getting things done *now*.
Ooh, juicy is good. I can see that word, taste it, feel it rolling around in my mouth. Maybe I have two words this year. Maybe…there seems to be a lot going on in my soul, just waiting to burst out.
I think the word will be Rightness. To have the courage to find what is right and true for me and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
My word for last year was “Bloom”; this year it’s “Shine”.
Looking forward to the Mondo Beyondo class!
*Trust* myself, and also that the world is a safe place to be as me as I can be.
Thanks for the inspiration and the coupon!
Movement – as in “forward motion”. Tired of being stuck. I’m ready to move forward and to realize some of those dreams I have had for a long time.
I declare 2012 the Year of Alignment!
Thank you for the beautiful work you do, and for your offerings to the world.
looking forward to a great 2012 — thank you for continuing to provide such lovely images and inspiration on this site!
To Jessica who posted on the 20th of December: Are you ok? In your post it sounded you needed a big blue warm woolen hug. Caitlin (Dec 26th), you too. And probably many others who shared words such as freedom, courage, brave, etc. Be safe.
Word for 2012? Interdependency.
Waiting for good new wonderful things for myself this year. Would love the $20 discount on the January Mondo Beyondo class. Have wanted to take it for take it for the last two years.
Good time for reflection, revision and dreaming BIG!
looking forward to joining mondo beyond